Mandibular bone block grafts: diagnosis, instrumentation, harvesting techniques, and surgical procedures
4 Mandibular bone block grafts 4.1 Introduction Tooth loss leads to a remodeling of the alveolar bone, especially at the buccal bone wall. This process is usually the reason for…
Soft tissue management and bone augmentation in implantology
3 Soft tissue management and bone augmentation in implantology Soft tissue management during augmentation, implantation, and second-stage surgery 3.1 Introduction In addition to purely functional rehabilitation, the esthetic quality of…
Diagnosis and planning of the augmentation procedure
2 Diagnosis and planning of the augmentation procedure 2.1 Introduction The aim of implant prosthetic rehabilitation is the integration of fixed or removable dental prostheses. Therefore, it is necessary to…
Biology of bone regeneration in augmentative procedures
1 Biology of bone regeneration in augmentative procedures Reinhard Gruber 1.1 Introduction Regenerative dentistry critically depends on the functional understanding of bone biology – to be precise, bone development, bone…
– Understanding periodontitis
2 Understanding periodontitis Daniela Hoedke, Henrik Dommisch Periodontitis is a complex inflammatory human disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), periodontitis is considered as a chronic noncommunicable disease (NCD),…
– Prevention and prophylaxis in orthodontics: Neglected opportunities for successful prevention
15 Prevention and prophylaxis in orthodontics: Neglected opportunities for successful prevention Karl-Friedrich Krey, Anja Ratzmann, Nadezhda Stancheva Prevention, derived from the Latin word praevenire‚ includes measures, programs, and projects to…
– Fissure sealing: Still to be recommended?
10 Fissure sealing: Still to be recommended? Kim R. Ekstrand, Azam Bakshandeh, Christian H. Splieth Due to their macromorphologic structure, occlusal surfaces on molars are extremely caries prone (Fig 10-1). In…
– Understanding caries
1 Understanding caries Christian H. Splieth, Mhd Said Mourad, Mohammad Alkilzy, Julian Schmoeckel, Ruth M. Santamaría In their new consensus statement on the terminology of dental caries and dental caries…
– Self-assembling peptides: A perfectly engineered preventive and therapeutic tool?
13 Self-assembling peptides: A perfectly engineered preventive and therapeutic tool? Mohammad Alkilzy, Christian H. Splieth Despite the caries decline over the last five decades in many countries,1,2 dental caries is…