Chapter 8
The Future
The aim of this chapter is to give a brief overview of anticipated developments in the use of existing implant systems.
Having read this chapter, the reader should be aware of the need to keep abreast of developments in implantology.
The future of implant dentistry is clearly exciting. With the further development of systems and techniques implantology may be anticipated to have a major impact in most aspects of dentistry. Some key areas are listed below.
Paediatric Dentistry
The role of dental implants in the management of younger patients is limited, given that implants should not normally be placed until the cessation of growth. While implant dentistry, as we know it today, may not be able to add a great deal to paediatric dentistry, aspects of paediatric dentistry can do a great deal to facilitate implant treatments in patients reaching adulthood, for example:
space maintenance
the retention of traumatised teeth with poor prognosis through to adulthood (Fig 8-1).
The link between implant dentistry and orthodontics is two-fold:
In space creation, the orthodontist must be fully aware of the room required to place an implant.
Implants may be used by the orthodontist as a form of anchorage in selected, advanced cases (Fig 8-2).
Restorative Dentistry
We have considered the value of implan/>