• To understand the difference between primary dentition, secondary dentition, and mixed dentition
• To understand the arrangement of the teeth into dentitions, arches, and quadrants
• To name and code any individual tooth
• To code teeth using the Universal system, the Palmer notation system, and the Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) system
• To identify a tooth when given a code from one of the three systems
Universal System
The Universal system uses the Arabic numerals 1 through 32 for permanent teeth and the letters A through T for the primary teeth. The number 1 is assigned to the most posterior molar on the upper right, the permanent maxillary right third molar. The highest number is given to the permanent mandibular right third molar (Fig. 4-3). Likewise, the letter A is given to the primary maxillary right second molar, and the letter T to the primary mandibular right second molar (Fig. 4-4).