33 Gutta-percha Substitute: Resilon
Resilon was introduced to the market in 2003 (Resilon Research LLC, Pentron, Wallingford, CT, USA). Instead of gutta-percha, Resilon points are made of a thermoplastic polymer—a material that simulates completely the well-known and reliable treatment characteristics of gutta-percha. Of note is that not only is there material deformation on heating, but also actual melting. The sealer consists of methacrylate filled with bioactive glass and calcium hydroxide. A bonding agent is also used to improve the adhesion between the sealer and dentin.
The Resilon points are available in three tapers (.02,.04,.06) and in ISO sizes 15–60, and as accessory points (from extra fine to large) as well as Obtura pellets.
Any of the recognized techniques can be used for obturation (single cone, lateral, or warm vertical compaction).
In the midst of controversial discussions regarding long-term success of treatment with Resilon, Hiraishi et al. (2007) in their study “Shear bond strength of Resilon to a methacrylate-based root canal sealer” demonstrated a favorable outcome with the Resilon product. They also concluded that it was important to use a slow, dual-hardening sealer with decreased polymerization dynamics, which minimizes shrinkage.