When not correctly repaired orbital fractures can result in seriously handicapping functional and aesthetic complications, such as visual impairment, diplopia and enophtalmos. Several studies have shown that an increase in bony orbital volume rather than changes in periorbital soft tissues is the main reason for postraumatic enophtalmos. For this reason it is of paramount importance to achieve preoperative volume and shape. Computer-assisted orbital volume measurement techniques have dramatically improved surgical stategies in orbital reconstruction. OsiriX is an imaging processiong application specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images. It also allows for multiplanar reconstruction, surface rendering and volume rendering.
Materials and methods : Thirty patients with orbital fractures treated in Hospital Universitario La Paz in the past three years were selected for the study. Postoperative orbital CT-scan data were analysed and orbital volume was measured using OsiriX application. Postoperative orbital volume was compared with the healthy contralateral orbit. Diferences in orbital volume were correlated with diplopia and enophtalmos.
Conclusions : No statistical significance has been found comparing posoperative and healthy orbital volume. Greater diferences in orbital volume are correlated with enophtalmos.