Fig. 6.1 As highlighted in a 2007 review by Hanke et al., the data currently available on the relationship between occlusion and posture are discordant: some studies claim that these…
Fig. 6.1 As highlighted in a 2007 review by Hanke et al., the data currently available on the relationship between occlusion and posture are discordant: some studies claim that these…
Fig. 6.1 As highlighted in a 2007 review by Hanke et al., the data currently available on the relationship between occlusion and posture are discordant: some studies claim that these…
Fig. 6.1 As highlighted in a 2007 review by Hanke et al., the data currently available on the relationship between occlusion and posture are discordant: some studies claim that these…
Fig. 6.1 As highlighted in a 2007 review by Hanke et al., the data currently available on the relationship between occlusion and posture are discordant: some studies claim that these…
CHARACTERISTICS OF IMPLANTS AND PROSTHETIC TECHNIQUES Vincenzo Bucci Sabattini, Francesca Bucci Sabattini INTRODUCTION “Implantology is not a surgical discipline, but a surgically-supported prosthetic discipline” U. Pasqualini (Lezioni di gnatologia, 1977)….
Fig. 2.1 • Example of 3D reconstruction of a CT image of the lower jaw which, compared with traditional transaxial sections (Fig. 2.2), makes it easier to understand the morphology…
Fig. 5.1 • Centrifuge for preparation of PRF. Fig. 5.2 • Pellets of PRF extracted from the tube and separated from the PPP. Fig. 5.3 • Pellets of…
Fig. 4.1 • Distance between implant shoulder and bone at different time points during the follow up. Similarly, the mean probing depths (mean values of measurements taken at four peri-implant…
Fig. 1.1 • Maya mandible discovered by Wilson Popenoe (1938). And nothing more would have been known of it had it not been for Italian, Amedeo Bobbio (born in Genoa…