Occurrence of a false aneurysm following sub condylar fracture of the mandible is extremely uncommon despite the close proximity of the maxillary artery to the fracture site. However a delay in diagnosis may lead to fatal consequences. Endovascular therapies are the preferred treatment as recovery is fast and there is minimal morbidity and injury to the facial nerve. A patient presented with gross swelling over the right preauricular area, headache, bleeding from the right ear and malocclusion. She was involved in a road traffic accident one month earlier and sustained left parasymphysis and right condyle fracture. Internal rigid fixation of the parasymphysis fracture was done and the condyle fracture was treated conservatively by the initial team who saw her. Satisfactory occlusion could not be achieved. CT scan showed a badly displaced fracture of the right condyle with haematoma collection at both medial and lateral side of the fracture. Angiogram confirmed the clinical diagnosis and the internal maxillary artery was embolized with glue. The mandibular fractures were reduced with satisfactory results once the risk of haemorrhage was excluded.