Vinod Krishnan heads the Department of Orthodontics at Sri Sankara Dental College in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. He is widely published and has presented his work nationally and internationally. Ze’ev Davidovitch is equally well known as an orthodontic educator and contributor to the literature, and he is currently clinical professor at Case Western Reserve Dental School and professor emeritus of orthodontics at Harvard University.
Integrated Clinical Orthodontics is a comprehensive orthodontic text. It is quite different from many past and current orthodontic textbooks in that it covers all aspects of orthodontics in relation to or integrated with all dental and most medical fields that are related to or might have an impact on orthodontic treatment. This includes discussions of normal and abnormal growth and development, diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment mechanics, and retention and stability. The book includes 25 chapters, each of which is related to a specialty or discipline that could have an effect on orthodontic treatment. The subjects include information technology, 3-dimensional imaging, growth and development, psychosocial factors, integration with other dental and medical specialties, tissue regeneration, and treatment for special-needs children and adults, just to name a few. In each chapter, the various conditions are discussed, along with the process of timing and referral to other specialists for input. The format is case-based and makes for easy reading. The chapter on acute and chronic infections, which can be present before or during orthodontic treatment and their effect on treatment, is especially insightful. The book is well illustrated, and the text is remarkably even throughout, even though there were 49 contributors to its writing. The list of authors is international, and all are recognized experts in their respective fields.