chapter 18 Practical Considerations
Baseline Level of Stress
As discussed in Chapter 4, it is recommended that the anxious patient and the medically compromised patient be scheduled for their procedure earlier in the day. At this time, presumably following a period of restful sleep, the medically compromised patient is rested and better able to tolerate any additional stresses imposed by the procedure. The fearful patient ought to be treated early in the day for the simple reason that the patient will want to get “it” over with as soon as possible. The procedural appointment might well be the most unpleasant part of this patient’s day. An appointment scheduled late in the day allows the patient more time to worry and for a level of anxiety to increase. Scheduled later in the day, this patient might require significantly greater levels of N2O to achieve sedation than would have been necessary if he or she had been treated earlier in the morning.