Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how patients with maxillofacial defects after treatment for malignancy evaluate their quality of life after prosthodontic therapy with obturator prostheses.
Materials and methods: A total of 43 patients were included in the study (25 female, 18 male). Patients first filled in a standardized questionnaire of 143 items and then answered additional questions in a standardized interview.
Results: Global quality of life after prosthodontic therapy with an obturator prosthesis was found to be 64.4% (±22.9) on average not significantly differing from the reference data of the German population. Significant impact on the quality of life had functioning of the obturator prosthesis, impairment of ingestion, speech and appearance, the extent of therapy and the existence of pain.
Conclusion: Orofacial rehabilitation of cancer patients with obturator prostheses is an appropriate treatment modality for maxillofacial defects. To improve the situation of patients prior to and after maxillectomy sufficient information about the treatment, adequate psychological care and speech therapy should be provided.
Conflict of interest: None declared.