Introduction to Orofacial Pain
Introduction to Orofacial Pain Key Points Orofacial pain remains a prevalent and debilitating condition that exerts a significant social and economic impact. Many of the risk factors associated with temporomandibular…
Introduction to Orofacial Pain Key Points Orofacial pain remains a prevalent and debilitating condition that exerts a significant social and economic impact. Many of the risk factors associated with temporomandibular…
Diagnostic Classification of Orofacial Pain Key Points Diagnostic systems are needed to assist with management of orofacial pain. The complexity of the field of pain is reflected in the availability…
General Assessment of the Orofacial Pain Patient Key Points Dentistry has long been recognized as a necessary part of medical science and is no longer restricted to management of dental…
Vascular and Nonvascular Intracranial Causes of Orofacial Pain Key Points Intracranial causes of head, neck, and orofacial pain are numerous and may lead to disability or death if not managed…
Axis II: Biobehavioral Considerations Key Points The biobehavioral model of pain is the foundation for clinical assessment and pain management. Core biobehavioral principles include multifactorial assessment, the role of learning…
Primary Headache Disorders Key Points Clinicians must be aware that patients who present with orofacial pain complaints may have a primary headache disorder that needs to be addressed. Clinicians must…
Sleep and Orofacial Pain Key Points The impact of chronic pain on sleep can be described as a vicious cycle, with mutual deleterious influences causing an increase in pain and…
Cervicogenic Mechanisms of Orofacial Pain and Headaches Key Points Structures of the cervical spine can give rise to orofacial pain and headaches. A screening examination of the cervical spine is…
Extracranial Causes of Orofacial Pain and Headaches Key Points The clinician treating orofacial pain patients should inquire about symptoms in other areas of the body to exclude systemic disease as…