The five restorative and reconstructive options to treat a dentition with anterior gaps may be summarized as follows, as single or combined measures, and with or without a preceding orthodontic treatment phase:
Gap closure and substitution of missing teeth: restorative transformation of substituted teeth into homologous teeth with odontoplasty, direct composite, etched pieces or porcelain veneers.
Gap opening and tooth replacement with all-ceramic adhesive bridges, full-crown bridges including pontic site development, and implants.
Gap distribution and restorative compensation with direct composite restorations, etched pieces or porcelain veneers.
Gap shifting and restorative compensation with all-ceramic adhesive bridges, composite, etched pieces or veneers, or full-crown bridges, or implants.
Gap compensation by reconstructive compensation without orthodontics.
As reconstructive tools to be used for the aforementioned options, the means outlined in the following sub-sections should be considered.
Adhesive form corrections