Introduction: Although the prevention played a significant role model in Brazilian health, oral cancer is still increasing the morbidity and mortality, thus becoming a national public health problem.
Objectives: To examine the oral cavity of individuals in the population, seek lesions, incipient or otherwise, and raise awareness about the risks of oral cancer.
Method: The Campaign for Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer performed by Erasto Gaertner Hospital (HEG) and Paranaense League Against Cancer (LPCC), Curitiba, Parana State, Brazil occurs annually since 1989, with the participation of members of clinical staff of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery dental students. These campaigns provide information about oral cancer, distribute the manual self-examination of the mouth and perform clinical examination for early diagnosis in the individuals concerned.
Results: We studied 1025 individuals, aged between 31 and 70, 50.0% female and 50.0% male, 95.3% Caucasian, family income <2 minimum wages was reported by 36.5%. Were found and sent to hospitals 126 patients with suspicious lesions, or 12.29%. Of these, 21.4% were inflammatory lesions, trauma 21.4% and 54.0% leukoplakia and other 3.2%. Had never been to the dentist 23.0%, 19.7% poor oral hygiene, use of denture 71.8%, alcoholism 17.5%, smoking 24.6%, 17.5% consumption of Ilex paraguariensis .
Conclusion: Although effective, the cancer prevention campaigns carried out by the HEG reach only a small segment of the population.
Conflict of interest: None declared.