Cone-beam computed tomography imaging and 3-dimensional (3D) computer software allows for greatly enhanced visualization of bone, critical anatomy, and restorative plans. These systems allow clinicians to digitally process 3D images and restorative templates, facilitating dental implant planning. This article highlights the use of contemporary methods of digital assessment combined with traditional restorative philosophies to allow the clinician to plan implant positions based on “crown-down” clinical requirements. This approach permits clinicians to have more control over the implant treatment plan by creating ideal, virtual restorations and managing implant positions based on the virtual plan with simplified, cost-effective techniques.
Key points
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Cone beam computed tomography imaging and 3-dimensional (3D) computer software allow for greatly enhanced visualization of bone, critical anatomy, and restorative plans. These systems allow clinicians to alter and process patients’ 3D images and restorative templates, facilitating dental implant planning.
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Effective assessment of proposed implant sites requires that clinicians interpret implant sites for many factors related to successful implant restorations, including adequate bone volumes, distance away from teeth/implants, sufficient prosthetic space for restoration, and precise implant placement.
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The combination of soft-tissue and occlusal separation, digital registration of patient scans with prosthesis, and soft-tissue scans greatly enhances the ability to visualize planned restorative outcomes and accommodating implants within these outcomes.
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Crown-down digital implant treatment planning permits clinicians to have more control over the implant treatment plan by creating ideal, virtual restorations and managing implant positions based on the virtual plan.
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3D treatment flow significantly improves on the traditional workflow by supplementing more complicated and expensive diagnostic information with simpler and equally effective treatment protocols.