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The TTM monomer was synthesized to replace the BisGMA in dental composites.
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The TTM-based composite resin has mechanical properties similar than the control.
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The use of TTM monomer allows the preparation of BisGMA-free composite resin.
The use of the BisGMA as base monomer in dental composites has been questioned because of bisphenol A (BPA) is used as raw material in its synthesis, and BPA possess estrogenic potential associated to several health problems. This study describes the synthesis of the trimethacrylate tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)methane triglycidyl methacrylate (TTM) monomer and evaluate its effect when used as base monomer in the formulation of experimental photopolymerizable composite resins.
The TTM monomer was synthesized by a nucleophilic acyl substitution. Its chemical structure was confirmed via 1 H and 13 C NMR spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. Experimental composite resins were formulated by mixing TTM, triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and inorganic fillers. A BisGMA/TEGDMA based composite resin was prepared and used as control to compare several physicochemical properties. Cell viability assay was used for cytotoxicity evaluation.
TTM was successfully synthesized with quantitative yields. The results showed that the TTM-based composite resin had similar values of flexural strength, elastic modulus, degree of conversion and polymerization shrinkage than the control (p > 0.05). Water sorption and solubility were statistically significantly higher than the control (p < 0.05), however they complied the requirements stablished by the ISO 4049. Finally, this study shows there were no statistically significant differences for the biocompatibility outcomes (p = 0.345).
TTM monomer could be potentially useful in the formulation of BisGMA free composite resins, which could mean to minimize the human exposure to BPA.
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