FIG 6-1
Periodontal ligament
Periodontal ligament (PDL). Cellular cementum (CC) is to the left and alveolar bone (B) to the right. A large blood vessel (BV) is visible near the bone (H and Lee stain; ×160).
FIG 6-2
Periodontal ligament
An interstitial space (IS) containing blood vessels is located near a canal in alveolar bone (arrow) through which vessels enter the ligament (H and Lee stain; ×400).
FIG 6-3
Periodontal ligament
Higher magnification of periodontal ligament. Fibroblasts (F) are the predominent cell type (H and Lee stain; ×400).
FIG 6-4
Periodontal ligament– dentoperiosteal fibers
Periodontal ligament at the alveolar crest of the tooth. Between the alveolar bone (B) forming the alveolar crest and the root dentin (D) is a large blood vessel (BV). Arrow indicates dentoperiosteal fibers (H and Lee stain; ×64).