Background : Piezosurgery represents a promising, meticulous and soft tissue-sparing system for bone cutting, based on ultrasonic microvibrations. There are several advantages deriving from the adoption of these devices. Above all soft tissue protection represents of the main characteristic that are particularly useful in maxillofacial surgery. In addition there is optimal visibility in the surgical field and blood loss is limited. Dealing with maxillofacial peculiar issues it has to be underlined how noble structures such as nerves and artery are more easily preserved with the adoption of this device. Its original indications were oral and maxillofacial surgery, otorhinolaryngology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, traumatology and orthopaedics. The main indications in oral surgery are sinus lift, bone graft harvesting, osteogenic distraction, ridge expansion, endodontic surgery, periodontal surgery, inferior alveolar nerve decompression, cyst removal, dental extraction and impacted tooth removal.
Methods : However, in our department, we performed craniofacial pediatric malformations, orthognatic surgery, TMJ surgery and oncology.
Results : What we observed is the shortening of the post-operative swelling. There is more comfort for the patients.
Conclusions : Piezosurgery is a promising technical modality for different aspects of bone surgery with a rapidly increasing number of indications throughout the whole field of surgery. We report our experience with the use of piezosurgery.