Introduction: Bilateral cleft lip represents the most severe cleft lip and palate deformities. Diversity of treatment protocols are used. Controversies remain about the merits of one or two stages repair. In this study we will present the advantages of the one stage bilateral cleft lip repair.
Materials and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in our institute between 2001 and 2012. 404 patients were operated on for cleft lip and palate. Bilateral cleft lip was found in 56 patients (13%). A one stage lip repair is performed using a modified Mulliken procedure without primary rhinoplasty.
Results: Functional nasolabial muscles reconstruction was obtained in all cases. A good cosmetic results with well defined philtrum, natural appearing Cupid’s bow and adequate collumelar length. Unsatisfactory results were observed in some patients especially a short collumella and a flattened nose.
Discussion: Bilateral cleft lip repair is challenging for the maxillofacial surgeon because of the severe anatomical deformities. The ideal cleft lip repair must allow functional nasolabial muscles reconstruction and natural appearing of the lip and nose. This aim could be reached by a simultaneously lip and nose repair.