Dentofacial deformities are commonly associated with the chin area when it is inappropriate in size, shape and position. When three-dimensional facial analysis is made, the chin becomes an important part within the same since it can significantly alter the symmetry, balance, and facial shape. The genioplasty was first described by Hofer in 1942 and has had multiple changes through the years by multiple authors such as Converse, Trauner, Obwegeser, Reichebach, Neuner, Epker among others. It is a surgical procedure that through different techniques can descend, reduce, advance or retract the projection of the chin. This technique is helpful in the treatment of dentofacial deformities due to its versatility and different techniques. In experienced hands the risks are almost non-existent and can improve the normal symmetry and harmony of the face. Therefore in this research the different techniques will be presented as well as its aesthetic and functional considerations in the treatment of dentofacial deformities and the submission of multiple clinical cases where we have used different techniques described as well as modifications of these techniques.
Conflict of interest: None declared.