The amount of postoperative bone resorption after genioplasty was studied in 16 patients. The subjects of this study were 5 patients who underwent genioplasty alone, and 11 who underwent genioplasty combined with other techniques for correcting skeletal Class II and Class III deformity.
Large advancement genioplasties were performed on 16 patients by horizontal osteotomy of the inferior border of the mandible, with preservation of a musculoperiosteal pedicle to the advanced genial segment. Preoperative, immediate postoperative, and long-term follow-up lateral cephalometric radiographs were retrospectively analyzed to evaluate the osseous changes of the chin. We examined the correlation between bone resorption and the degree of advancement, the height of the genial segment, and the distance from the existing bone to the genial segment. The results showed a correlation between bone resorption and the distance from existing bone to the genial segment. We can therefore expect the supply of blood between existing bone and the genial segment to have an influence on bone resorption.
Conflict of interest: None declared.