Introduction: The evaluation of the accomplishment of the presurgical goals is usually made by using the superimposition of the pre and postsurgical tracings. However, usually, when analyzing results, it is difficult to evaluate the spread between pre and post tracing.
Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the accuracy of the presurgical prediction, as well as the whole orthodontics and surgical procedure.
Patients and methods: A group of 10 patients treated by the same orthodontic and surgical team was chosen. The Eales method (modified) was used, assessing different Ceph point in the horizontal plane as well as the vertical plane. All the predictions were made using Dolphin program.
The Pearson correlation was obtained using the linear regression index (analyzed with the Graph pad Instad 3.01 program).
Results: A small statistically non significant different was found between the cefalométrics points chosen comparing the prediction and the 6-month postoperative tracing.
Conclusion: The analyzed data suggested that the orthognathic surgery is a very predictable treatment.
The accomplishment of the predictions was almost exact.
The Eales method is a simple way of assessing the differences between planned and results.
Conflict of interest: Prediction was done by Dolphin System.