Aim: The detection of growth factors, tissue degradation enzymes and proinflammatory cytokines in jaw bone of different time after HAp implantation.
Material and methods: Tissue with biomaterial was obtained from 4 rabbits jaw 8 months and from 2 rabbits 6 months after the HAp implantation. Control side was sham jaw of other side in the same animal without HAp implantation. Tissues were proceeded for the detection of cytokines: OPG, IL1, IL6, IL8, IL10, growth factors: BMP2/4, TGFβ, matrix metalloproteinases MMP8, MMP9 and antimicrobial protein defensin 2 immunohistochemically.
Results: There was a decrease demonstrated of BMP2/4-, but not of TGFβ-containing structures in bone only in control side of jaw in all investigated times. From rich MMPs expression in 6 months, the expression of MMP9 notably decreased in bone with 8 implantation months of HAp. OPG appearance demonstrated increased expression along the increased Hap implantation time in bone. Osteocytes showed mainly IL10 and OPG expression, moderate IL6 and IL 8 expression in experimental side of both implantation times. Simultaneously, a scarce number of IL1 positive cells was seen in the bone of both implantation times. Defensin was mainly expressed by few cells in bone proliferation zone of control side.
Conclusions: Scarce appearance of IL1 and time-dependent MMPs (especially MMP9) decrease in osteocytes avoids the bone reabsorbtion after implantation. Rich IL10, moderate IL8 and IL6-containing cells distribution proves the local anti-inflammatory response in bone around implants without participation of native defensins. Growth factors distribution seems to show individual variations in bone after implantation.
Conflict of interest: None declared.