Autogenous transplantation: A Therapeutic Aternative for unerupted tooth in an Ortodontic Patient. A Case Report Nining D.S. Ismawati Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Stomatology Instalation, Dr. Soetomo General and Teaching Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia Abstract Autogenous tooth transplantation or autotransplantation is a viable option for tooth replacement. Recent studies clearly demonstrate that autotransplantation of teeth is as successful as endosseous dental implant placement. This study presents a clinical case of autotransplantation in respect of a 17-year-old male patient. He was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department by the Orthodontic Department for evaluation of an unerupted right maxillary incisor during the procedure the concept of atraumatic extraction was applied, thereby avoiding disruption of the root sheath, and ensuring good fixation. This report reveals the successful transplantation of the right maxillary incisor. Following surgery the tooth demonstrated normal function and shows normal root development in a post operation radiograph, even being undergone to the orthodontic treatment.
Key words: autotransplantation; tooth