Intraoral examination: normal structures as well as landmarks used for placing local anesthetic
SECTION II INTRAORAL EXAMINATION: NORMAL STRUCTURES AS WELL AS LANDMARKS USED FOR PLACING LOCAL ANESTHETIC The oral cavity is bounded anteriorly by the lips, laterally by the cheeks, superiorly by…
Abnormal Tooth Morphology
SECTION III ABNORMAL TOOTH MORPHOLOGY A. ABNORMAL CROWN MORPHOLOGY Crown malformations may be seen clinically upon visual inspection of the oral cavity. 1. Third Molar Malformations Maxillary third molars have…
Type traits that differentiate mandibular first from second premolars
SECTION V TYPE TRAITS THAT DIFFERENTIATE MANDIBULAR FIRST FROM SECOND PREMOLARS OBJECTIVES This section prepares the reader to perform the following: Describe the type traits that can be used to…
Terminology used to describe the morphology of a tooth
SECTION VI TERMINOLOGY USED TO DESCRIBE THE MORPHOLOGY OF A TOOTH A. MORPHOLOGY OF AN ANATOMIC CROWN Teeth are made up of many rounded elevations, ridges, depressions, and grooves. Specific…
Type traits that differentiate maxillary second from first molars
SECTION V TYPE TRAITS THAT DIFFERENTIATE MAXILLARY SECOND FROM FIRST MOLARS OBJECTIVES FOR SECTION V This section prepares the reader to perform the following: Describe the type traits that can…
Internal pulp cavity morphology related to endodontic and restorative therapy
SECTION I INTERNAL PULP CAVITY MORPHOLOGY RELATED TO ENDODONTIC AND RESTORATIVE THERAPY Throughout this chapter, specific statistics are referenced with superscript letters like this (dataA). The statistics are then listed…
Type traits that differentiate mandibular second from first molars
SECTION IV TYPE TRAITS THAT DIFFERENTIATE MANDIBULAR SECOND FROM FIRST MOLARS OBJECTIVES This section prepares the reader to perform the following: Describe the type traits that can be used to…
Bones of the Human Skull (with Emphasis on the Sphenoid, Temporal, Maxilla, and Mandible Bones)
Advanced topics in occlusion
SECTION VII ADVANCED TOPICS IN OCCLUSION A. ENVELOPE OF MOTION A helpful method for analyzing a patient’s mandibular movement is to obtain an outline of their jaw movement called an…
Nerves of the Oral Cavity
SECTION IV NERVES OF THE ORAL CAVITY OBJECTIVES The objectives for this section are to prepare the reader to perform the following: List the 12 CNs and briefly describe their…
Muscles of the Mouth
SECTION III MUSCLES OF THE MOUTH OBJECTIVES The objectives for this section are to prepare the reader to perform the following: Identify the four pairs of major muscles of mastication….
Terminology related to the ideal tooth alignment of teeth in dental arches
SECTION VII TERMINOLOGY RELATED TO THE IDEAL TOOTH ALIGNMENT OF TEETH IN DENTAL ARCHES When viewed from the occlusal aspect, the alignment of teeth within each dental arch is somewhat…
Interesting variations in animal teeth compared to human teeth using dental formulae
SECTION X INTERESTING VARIATIONS IN ANIMAL TEETH COMPARED TO HUMAN TEETH USING DENTAL FORMULAE A dental formula for the human primary dentition can be represented by placing the abbreviation for…
Periodontal measurements: indicators of disease and conditions
SECTION IV PERIODONTAL MEASUREMENTS: INDICATORS OF DISEASE AND CONDITIONS Several clinical measurements are critical when evaluating overall periodontal status. These measurements can be used to describe a tooth’s stability and…
Terms used to describe jaw relationships between the mandible and the maxillae
SECTION III TERMS USED TO DESCRIBE JAW RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE MANDIBLE AND THE MAXILLAE Jaw relation (or the maxillomandibular relationship) refers to the position of the mandible (lower jaw) relative…
Type traits that differentiate mandibular central from lateral incisors (from all views)
SECTION V TYPE TRAITS THAT DISTINGUISH MANDIBULAR CENTRAL FROM LATERAL INCISORS (FROM ALL VIEWS) OBJECTIVES This section is designed to prepare the learner to perform the following: Describe the type…