Background and objective : Octyl-2-cyanoacrylare is a synthetic adhesive recently applied for skin closure. Cleft lip repair is one of the most demanding of surgeries of head and neck. In cleft lip surgery stitch marks should be avoided as stated by Millard 1980. Several studies comparing octyl-2-cyanoacrylate with conventional suture have shown that skin closure with tissue adhesive have cosmetic results that are comparable to closure with sutures. To compare the long-term cosmesis between octyl-2-cyanoacrylate and traditional skin sutures in congenital cleft lip repair.
Method : The study conducted was a prospective, non-randomized in vivo study on patients attending the department of craniofacial surgery, for congenital cleft lip and palate repair from 2008 to 2010. A total of 24 patients with congenital cleft lip and palate deformity were included in the study. Unilateral cleft lips, aged between 6 months and 15 years, both complete and incomplete cleft lips were included in the study. Patients were distributed into two groups, Group I – lip closure was done using 6–0 prolene, Group II – lip closure was done using octyl-2-cyanoacrylate wound evaluation was done at fixed intervals post-operatively. Photographs taken were standardized and evaluated using a previously validated visual analogue scale, following which patients were also graded.
Results : The mean VAS score for the OCA group was 79.16 and 83.33 for the prolene group. There was difference in duration of stay between two groups, with p -value of <.05 it was considered to be significant, the OCA group having less hospitalization time.
Conclusions : In our experience, the use of tissue adhesive seems to decrease the operative time without affecting aesthetic outcomes. The complete abolition of the need for dressing, lack of suture removal under sedation was the additional benefits.
Key words: tissue adhesive; octyl-2-cyanoacrylare; suture