Face and Neck Regions
Learning Objectives
New Key Terms
Ala (ah-lah) (plural, alae [ah-lay])
Angle of the mandible (man-di-bl)
Articulating surface of the condyle (ar-tik-you-late-ing kon-dyl)
Coronoid (kor-ah-noid) notch, process
Golden Proportions (hi-oid)
Hyoid bone (hi-oid)
Labial commissure (lay-be-al kom-i-shoor)
Larynx (lare-inks)
Lymph nodes (limf)
Mandible (man-di-bl)
Mandibular condyle (man-dib-you-lar kon-dyl), notch, symphysis (sim-fi-sis)
Muscle: masseter (mass-et-er), sternocleidomastoid (stir-no-klii-do-mass-toid)
Naris (nay-ris) (plural, nares [nay-rees])
Nasal (nay-zil) region, septum (sep-tum)
Nose: apex of the, external, root of the Orbit (or-bit)
Parathyroid glands (par-ah-thy-roid)
Philtrum (fil-trum)
Ramus (ray-mus) (plural, rami [rame-eye])
Regions of the face, neck (buk-al), frontal (frun-tal), infraorbital (in-frah-or-bit-al), mental (men-tal), oral, orbital (or-bit-al)
Region: buccal (buk-al), frontal (frun-tal), infraorbital (in-frah-or-bit-al), mental (men-tal), oral, orbital (or-bit-al)
Salivary gland (sal-i-ver-ee): parotid (pah-rot-id), sublingual (sub-ling-gwal), submandibular (sub-man-dib-you-lar)
Temporomandibular joint (tem-poh-ro-man-dib-you-lar)
Thyroid cartilage (thy-roid kar-ti-lij), gland
Tubercle of the upper lip (too-ber-kl)
Vermilion border, zone (ver-mil-yon)
Vertical dimension of the face (zy-go-mat-ik), region
Zygomatic arch (zy-go-mat-ik), region
Study of the Face and Neck
Dental professionals must be comfortably familiar with the surface anatomy of the face and neck as discussed in this introduction to Unit I. The superficial features of the face and neck provide essential landmarks for many of the deeper anatomical structures. Dental professionals need to review these underlying structures before continuing further in the study of dental embryology and histology as well as dental anatomy.
Examination of these accessible features, both by visualization and palpation, can give information about the health of deeper tissue. Some degree of variation in surface features can be considered within a normal range. However, a change in a surface feature in a given person may signal a condition of clinical significance and must be noted in the patient record, as well as correctly followed up by the examining dental professional. Thus, it is not the variations among individuals that should be noted but the changes in a particular individual.
Some of these surface changes in the features of the face and neck may be due to underlying developmental disturbances. Knowledge of the surface features of the face and neck additionally helps dental professionals to understand the associated develo/>