Introduction : Today children are most prone to caries deterioration because of a huge popularity of junk food and scarce caries prevention programs. Heavily mutilated teeth are often extracted thus compromising child‘s jaw development and occlusion. Patient’s young age is a restriction for implantation and a particular challenge for a dentist willing to restore missing tooth. Thus tooth auto-transplantation can be a good choice for treatment. Literature data was reviewed and special focus on treatment limits, indications, technique and prognosis was considered and applied in clinical cases. 24 patients were treated according to a strict protocol using auto-transplantation of their own wisdom teeth germs to replace decayed molar teeth that were considered to be extracted.
Results : According to literature certain factors were considered as crucial for successful auto-transplantation and were applied in clinical practice: roots of the transplanted germ in their ¼ to ½ length development, preservation of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath during germ extraction, adequate bone support for auto-transplant in recipient socket, tight gingival flap adaptation around transplant, proper fixation without occlusal load for the first 2–4 weeks. In clinical practice 4 transplanted teeth failed to integrate (two of them were successfully replaced with other wisdom teeth germ auto-transplants). Remaining 22 transplanted teeth showed succesful healing results during follow-up from 3 to 6 moths after operation: gingival healing in two weeks, acquired physiological tooth mobility in 8–10 weeks, continuing root formation started in 3 months post operation.
Conclusions : Presented cases of auto-transplantation still have to be observed for few years to be confirmed as successful treatment method, but the early results are promising. According to published researches autotransplantation contributes to bone formation stimulation at the transplanted site, helps maintain masticatory function and due to it‘s high success rates can be considered as a promissing treatment method in young patients.