Introduction : The use of tp3 forms to form an air/blood and fluid tight barrier that can assist in reduction of serous-sanguineous, chylous and blood secretions after surgery. We have collected data from 15 patients undergoing glandular surgery in the head and neck region.
Methods : The authors collected data via proforma at the time of surgery and then on postoperative ward rounds. Data was collected on the ease of use of TP3, the amount of fluid drained, presence of hematoma and time to discharge.
Results : We show that the average amount drained 24 h post surgery was 50 ml, that all patients could be discharged the day the drain was removed. There was no sign of surgical site hematoma, and that TP3DS was easy to use, achieving a 5/5 on ease of use.
Conclusion : The use of TP3DS may be a valuable asset in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. We propose that a random controlled trail be instigated at The Royal London hospital and its satellite hospitals into its use in parotid and thyroid surgery. The exclusion criteria for both would be patients who need an associated neck dissection and that cannot be closed primarily.