Transcaruncular medial canthopexy with wire and miniplate revisited

We read with interest the article of Engelstad et al., describing their technique using a transcaruncular canthal barb and miniplate.

A similar simplified method for medial canthopexia was reported 11 years ago in this very journal, by Wittkampf and Mourits. Their technique uses a 2-0 metal wire, fixated to the canthal ligament by a double armoured stitch, pulling it distally using a Y-shaped miniplate. Of valuable information to the reader is the little trick described in that article of opening the last hole of the plate, through which the wire can be guided more easily to reach the desired position.

The modification described here using a barb, once more shows that transnasal wiring canthopexy techniques are rarely necessary nowadays.



Jan 24, 2018 | Posted by in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Comments Off on Transcaruncular medial canthopexy with wire and miniplate revisited

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