In 2011, the AJO-DO received nearly 850 new manuscript submissions. Our editors issued 1712 review requests, and we received 1308 completed reviews from 477 different reviewers. We are indebted to all reviewers who participated in this peer-review process. In the January and July issues of the Journal, we list the reviewers who completed 2 or more reviews in the preceding 12 months. However, a few reviewers were asked to act as referee many more times during 2011. We are especially grateful to these individuals who unselfishly give of their time to enhance the quality of this journal.
We are proud to recognize the Top 15 AJO-DO Reviewers for 2011 for their extra efforts on behalf of orthodontists around the world.
Vincent G. Kokich, Editor-in-Chief
∗ number of reviews in parentheses