Expression of unconventional type-1 myosins (1H/1C) in masseter muscle influence the development of skeletal malocclusion in orthognathic surgery subjects

Jan 21, 2018 by in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Comments Off on Expression of unconventional type-1 myosins (1H/1C) in masseter muscle influence the development of skeletal malocclusion in orthognathic surgery subjects

Introduction: Human masseter muscle fiber type properties associate with variations in vertical growth of the face, highlighting clinically significant relationships between musculoskeletal function and malocclusion. MYO1H is an unconventional myosin…

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Stability of Obwegeser II osteotomy (transoral angle ostetomy) for severe mandibular proganthism or openbite

Jan 21, 2018 by in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Comments Off on Stability of Obwegeser II osteotomy (transoral angle ostetomy) for severe mandibular proganthism or openbite

This study evaluated the postoperative stability after Obwegeser II osteotomy (transoral angle osteotomy, first reported by Obwegeser 1973) for severe prognathism or open bite. The 43 patients who underwent Obwegeser…

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The study of the correlation between lower face proportions and facial aesthetics in patients with II class of malocclusion

Jan 21, 2018 by in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Comments Off on The study of the correlation between lower face proportions and facial aesthetics in patients with II class of malocclusion

Summary: The two-stage study analyzed the correlation between lower face proportions and facial aesthetics in patients with II class of malocclusion evaluated by lay people. Background and objectives: One hundred…

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Backward-planning for orthognatic surgery—a new inverse modelling algorithm to define the hard-tissue position from a desired soft-tissue surface

Jan 21, 2018 by in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Comments Off on Backward-planning for orthognatic surgery—a new inverse modelling algorithm to define the hard-tissue position from a desired soft-tissue surface

Besides functional improvement the aesthetic outcome is a major concerns of patients undergoing orthognatic surgeries. As a consequence the simulation of the soft-tissue development became a standard procedure in planning…

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