Thank you for the critical evaluation of my article. I am grateful to you for your appreciation of my technique to achieve buccolingual intermaxillary fixation.
Nasal bleeding, vomiting, airway obstruction and aspiration pneumonia are all complications that are seen in the post-operative phase, albeit rarely. Also, with the current advances in the management of maxillofacial trauma, post-operative intermaxillary fixation is a diminishing phenomenon; nevertheless many clinicians still do adopt the same. In my technical note, with due circumspect, I have clearly stated that this technique is recommended ‘only’ for ‘temporary intraoperative fixation’ i.e. to achieve maximum intercuspation (occlusion) with the new technique, thereby fixing the fractures and then releasing the buccolingual IMF.
Your comments and concerns in the case of ‘post-operative intermaxillary fixation’ definitely are significant and considerable. These concerns have been already deliberated by us and included in the long-term study of revalidation of our new technique. This technique is totally safe and completely reliable so far as achieving the ‘perfect’ occlusion is concerned if employed ‘intra-operatively & temporarily’.