Objective: An experimental study with a control and study group was performed with the objective of determining if the postoperative edema and pain in secondary surgical closure is lower than in primary closure, in desinclusión of mandibular third molars.
Materials and methods: Two groups of 10 patients were designated. All patients were consistently healthy and were between 18 and 23 years old. In the first group (control) a primary closure of the surgical wound was made with three stitches in its entirety. In the second group (study) the mucoperiosteal flap was repositioned with a stitch to the distal second molar. In both groups the same operator performed in the same manner and the surgical procedure. All patients received lysine clonixinate and acetaminophen for three days. All patients were monitored every 24 h, 48 h and 7 days after surgery to evaluate the parameters of the edema and pain.
Results: The results of this study were subjected to statistical analysis, yielding significant differences between groups, showing that the level of pain in this sample was significantly lower in the study group ( p < 0.01), however, the registered edema does not show any significant differences between groups ( p > 0.05).
Summary: In summary, many authors have reported that the postoperative quality of live in this type of surgery is an interesting topic to discuss.
In our study performing a secondary closure of the surgical wound in a mandibular third molar, produces less postoperative pain than primary closure.
Conflict of interest: None declared.