Patient presented with removable appliance, relatively pleased with the aesthetics

Implant- and mucosa-supported removable appliance

Poorly distributed implants, exposure of implant threads

Radiograph showing failing implants in both maxilla and mandible

Cephalometric radiograph used to measure vertical restorative space between platform of implants in maxilla and mandible. 42 mm of restorative space was determined

Panoramic radiograph showing very large maxillary sinuses and severe atrophy of the maxilla, available bone support is highlighted. Mandible shows sufficient vertical bone height for dental implant placement
17.1.1 Surgical Treatment Plan (Patient 1)
- 1.
Patient is a healthy 73-year-old with no absolute contraindications for oral surgery procedures. Mild sedation with profound local anaesthesia was utilized to perform the procedure in a safe and comfortable manner.
- 2.
Space: The patient has undergone moderate alveolar atrophy with perhaps alveoloplasty at the time of the existing implant placement. 41 mm of inter-arch space was measured clinically. The patient was treatment planned for an acrylic resin titanium prosthesis. There was sufficient space for the proposed restoration. No further space creation via bone reduction was necessary. It was determined that due to severe atrophy of the maxilla and superior position of the implants an appropriate contour to the prosthesis can be achieved to provide lip support without a horizontal shelf formation; therefore no further bone reduction is necessary to place implants.
- 3.
Spread: The challenge in this case is the lack of bone in all three zones of maxilla. The removal of the existing implants will complicate the reconstruction. The implant removal defects will limit the options in positions available for placement. Pre-planning of implant placement showed that an angled implant configuration such as All-on-4™ would not be possible due to the extensive anterior extension of the maxillary sinuses. Both posterior implants would not be in maxillary bone if the platform was kept in the bicuspid regions or zone 2 and the implants were angled no more than 45°. Furthermore, the lack of anterior bone volume under the floor of the nose did not allow axial implant placement (Fig. 17.7). An alternative placement scheme was devised with posterior support provided by bilateral zygomatic implants and the anterior support by bilateral angled implants in the pyriform rim or lateral nasal wall. The mandible would be treated with removal of the existing implants and alveoloplasty to create a flat platform for implant placement. Two implants would be placed just anterior of the mental foramen and two axial implants in the anterior midline of the mandible (Fig. 17.8).Fig. 17.7
Planning of zygomatic implant treatment concept with angled anterior dental implant placement
Fig. 17.8All-on-4™ treatment concept planning tracing showing lack of bone in posterior maxilla for angled implant placement. Also showing lack of vertical bone height in anterior maxilla
- 4.
Stability: The zygoma is an extremely dense bone structure that will provide excellent stability to the zygomatic implants. There is sufficient ridge to allow for anchorage of the crestal portion of the zygomatic implants. The anterior implants would be placed with the apical portion in the very dense lateral nasal wall—pyriform rim of the maxilla.
17.1.2 Prosthetic Evaluation
This patient presented having recently undergone dental implant therapy but was unhappy with the removable implant and tissue-supported over-dentures that were provided. The patient requested a fixed prosthesis and was unwilling to go through grafting procedures.

Inflamed palatal tissue indicating poor fit. Poor distribution of implants

Inflamed mandibular tissue and poor distribution of implants
From a diagnostic perspective the following factors were evaluated:
- 1.
Incisal edge position—The patient was relatively pleased with the aesthetics of the existing dentures. The incisal edge position appeared to be satisfactory. A diagnostic denture set-up was to be done to evaluate any modifications in aesthetics (Fig. 17.11).Fig. 17.11
Smiling view of patient’s existing denture indicate approximate incisal edge position she is happy with
- 2.
Restorative space—Due to the severe bone resorption, restorative space would be available for any material combination. Due to financial constraints, acrylic resin titanium prosthesis was selected.
- 3.
Lip support—The patient had a severe lack of lip support and a concave facial profile when the dentures were removed. This is one of the factors that would pose a challenge in providing the patient with a fixed restoration. Due to the fact that the patient was unwilling to go through additional grafting procedures alternative clinical strategies would need to be evaluated such as alveolectomy and tilting of the anterior implants so the contour of the restoration could be developed so that it was maintainable (Figs. 17.12 and 17.13).
- 4.
Smile line—With the dentures removed, the alveolar ridge was not visible so hiding the transition zone would not pose a problem.
- 5.
Contours and emergence—The horizontal discrepancy between the implant position and where the patient desired the teeth aesthetically posed a significant challenge. Using shorter implants, tilting the anterior implants and starting the emergence profile higher up would help create some space for contour development.
- 6.
Tissue contact—The existing tissues must be made healthy prior to any surgical procedures. Soft relining of the patient’s existing denture is to be carried out to achieve this. Due to the extensive resorption and available space shaping the restorative contours for a convex undersurface is attainable. This will allow the patient to maintain the prosthesis.
- 7.
Occlusion—Occlusion must be addressed in the immediate load provisional to protect the implants in the weakest quality bone from excessive loads. In the definitive restoration occlusion must be organized to distribute the loads over a wide an area as possible.

Severe facial collapse on removing dentures

If there is a discrepancy between lip support and implant position a horizontal shelf results
17.1.3 Surgical Procedure

Removed implant defects visible in the maxilla. Zygomatic implant positioned within bilateral zygomatic bone with crestal anchorage in the residual posterior maxilla. Angled implants in the anterior maxilla with appropriate multi-unit abutments placed

Coronal radiographic sections through anterior maxilla showing angled anterior implants anchored in very dense lateral nasal wall. Note proximity of the anterior implants to nasal cavity and inferior turbinates

Mandibular implants placed according to the All-on-4™ treatment concept. Defects from removed implants are visible

Panoramic radiograph showing completed surgical phase with zygomatic implants and angled anterior implants in the maxilla and mandible treated according to the All-on-4 treatment concept principles

Note relationship of the zygomatic implants to the orbital cavity and zygomatic bone

Smile view of immediate-load transitional prosthesis

Patient happy with transitional aesthetics, lip support was critical to establish

Post-integrations, health of tissue should be evident

Wax trial prosthesis to verify aesthetics and phonetics

Final aesthetic try-in

Definitive acrylic resin titanium prosthesis

Definitive smile

Initial patient presentation , patient unhappy with her smile

Failing dentition of 73-year-old patient desiring fixed implant restoration

In planning phase it is decided to reposition the maxillary incisal edge. This will have an impact on position of implant placement

Lateral view showing adequate lip support

Patient presented with excessive gingival display due to overeruption of maxillary anterior sextant

Panoramic radiograph of terminal dentition

Cephalometric radiograph of patient presented showing approximately 26 mm of restorative space available

Planned alveolar reduction is marked on the radiograph and implant positions are simulated showing lack of adequate bone in the left posterior maxilla for angled implant placement. Anterior extension of the left maxillary sinus is highlighted with arrow

Simulated planning of implant placement with use of zygomatic implant in the left posterior region

Use of a bone reduction stent seated on the palate to determine the dimensions of reduction. Marks on the bone highlighted with arrows showing amount of bone reduction to be performed

Reduction of maxillary alveolus is completed and flat plane is developed for implant placement. Arrow showing the dimensions of reduction

Position of the zygomatic implant in the left maxilla posterior region. Note position of the platform in close proximity to the palatal root socket of the first molar

Radiographic evidence of position of implants in the maxilla from left to right: (1) Angled implant with close proximity to the anterior wall of sinus. (2) Right anterior implant engaging the nasal floor. (3) Left anterior angled implant engaging the anterior wall of maxillary sinus. (4) Left zygomatic implant engaging full thickness of the maxillary bone

Completed surgical treatment of the maxilla and mandible

Direct technique for immediate loading of maxilla

Mandibular immediate load, occlusion placed from canine to canine

Maxillary acrylic prototype for zirconia prosthesis against mandibular trial set-up

Prototype displaying minimal cutback to combine aesthetics of ceramics and strength of zirconia

Laboratory view of completed maxillary zirconia restoration against mandibular acrylic resin titanium

Definitive restorations intra-orally

Before and after of patient

Intra-oral photograph of patient showing rampant decay, class III malocclusion with a deep overbite

Patient hesitant to smile because of appearance of teeth

Panoramic radiograph with evidence of severe decay of all teeth

Cephalometric radiograph showing minimal restorative space in the anterior maxilla due to class III malocclusion

Bone reduction stent indexed on the posterior maxillary teeth used to measure the desired reduction of bone. The use of stent allows the surgeon to determine the appropriate amount of reduction based on final position of teeth and the desired space and appliance contours

The use of bone reduction stent in the mandible

Adequate reduction of bone is noted in the mandible to allow for proper thickness and contours of the final appliance

The mandibular implants are placed along the lingual plate of the mandible and angled lingually as well to correct the class III skeletal malocclusion

The position and angulation of the implants in the mandible and maxilla were modified to correct the class III malocclusion. Photograph shows the long axis of the mandibular implants in proper relationship to the maxillary prosthetic teeth

Final radiograph at the conclusion of surgical treatment. Maxilla and mandible treated according to the All-on-4™ treatment concept protocol

Transitional dentures set up with teeth in class I relationship

Immediate-load transitional restoration

Patient smiling at immediate load

Facial smiling view with immediate-load provisional in situ

Provisional restoration used to sculpt soft tissue to form a concave tissue surface

Healthy soft tissue

Laboratory fabrication of fibre-reinforced restorations

Undersurface designed to compress tissue

Smiling view of long-term provisional

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