Intraoral injections

Overview and topographic anatomy

General information

  • Intraoral injections provide adequate pain control for various dental procedures

  • Many techniques have been developed

  • All require detailed understanding of head and neck anatomy to maximize likelihood of proper administration and to minimize complications

  • Injections should not be performed in areas of infection or inflammation

  • The application of topical anesthetic to the site of injection will help lessen the pain caused by insertion of the needle


  • Field blocks— Local anesthetic is placed near larger terminal nerve branches (located at the apex of the tooth) instead of by the terminal nerve endings (a field block will typically affect the area around 1 or 2 teeth—dental pulp and associated soft tissue)

  • Nerve blocks— Local anesthetic is placed near the main nerve trunk (such as with the inferior alveolar nerve block)

Common blocks

  • Mandibular

    • Inferior alveolar nerve

    • Long buccal nerve

    • Mental nerve

    • Gow-Gates

    • Akinosi

  • Maxillary

    • Posterior superior alveolar nerve

    • Nasopalatine nerve

    • Greater palatine nerve

    • Infraorbital nerve

    • Maxillary division

Figure 21-1

Mandibular injections

Innervation and osteology landmarks

Mandible—general considerations and landmarks

  • The strongest and largest facial bone

  • Composed of 2 pieces of thick cortical bone—a lingual plate and a buccal plate

  • Teeth are contained in the horseshoe-shaped body

  • Ramus extends superiorly from the angle of the mandible

  • The coronoid notch is the concavity on the anterior portion of the ramus used to estimate the height of the mandibular foramen, which is also located at the height of the occlusal plane

Associated nerves

  • Inferior alveolar nerve enters the mandible at the mandibular foramen

  • Lingual nerve enters the oral cavity passing against the lingual tuberosity

  • Buccal nerve lies on the buccal shelf

Figure 21-2

Inferior alveolar nerve block

  • This block is important to master because clinically acceptable mandibular anesthesia is more difficult to achieve than maxillary anesthesia owing to the thickness of the cortical bone

  • Requires anesthetic deposition in the pterygomandibular space at the region of the mandibular foramen lateral to the sphenomandibular ligament

  • Requires proper needle penetration and correct needle angulation in the pterygomandibular space

  • Properly performed, it anesthetizes 2 nerves:

    • Inferior alveolar nerve (and its branches—the incisive and mental nerves)

    • Lingual nerve

  • Areas anesthetized:

    • All mandibular teeth (inferior alveolar nerve)

    • Epithelium of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue (lingual nerve)

    • All lingual gingiva and lingual mucosa (lingual nerve)

    • All buccal gingiva and mucosa from the premolars to the midline (mental nerve)

    • Skin of the lower lip (mental nerve)

  • Insert the needle into the mucosa between the deepest portion of the coronoid notch (which should represent the vertical height of the mandibular foramen) and just lateral to the pterygomandibular raphe

  • Orient the needle from the contralateral premolars and advance it along the occlusal plane of the mandible

  • The needle contacts the mandible after entering 20–25 mm (if bone is contacted immediately on penetration into the mucosa, then the temporal crest has been contacted; the needle should be reoriented to allow insertion to the proper depth)

  • Withdraw the needle slightly and perform aspiration to determine whether the needle is in a blood vessel (inferior alveolar vessels)

  • After obtaining a negative result on aspiration (no blood observed in the syringe), slowly inject the anesthetic into the pterygomandibular space

  • If the result of aspiration is positive, readjust the needle position and perform aspiration again before injecting into the pterygomandibular space

  • In children , the mandibular foramen is located closer to the posterior border of the mandible until more bone is added with age

  • In edentulous patients , the alveolar bone is lost; thus the deepest part of the coronoid notch is lower than normal, which could lead the clinician to aim the needle too low

  • In class II malocclusion , when the mandible is hypoplastic, the mandibular foramen is typically located more inferior than the clinician may think

  • In class III malocclusion , when the mandible is hyperplastic, the mandibular foramen is typically located more superior than the clinician may think

  • A transient, dental procedure–induced Bell’s palsy can result if the needle is placed too far posteriorly in the parotid bed and anesthetic is introduced close to the facial nerve

Figure 21-3

Long buccal nerve block

  • A branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, the long buccal nerve is not anesthetized by an inferior alveolar injection; therefore a long buccal nerve block may be performed in conjunction with an inferior alveolar nerve block

  • This block anesthetizes all buccal gingiva opposite the mandibular molars, including the retromolar trigone

  • Insert the needle into the mucosa posterior to the last molar in the mandibular arch on the buccal side (the needle will be inserted a very short distance—about 2 mm)

  • Perform aspiration; after obtaining a negative result, inject the anesthetic

  • A hematoma is rare with this block

  • This injection seldom fails

Figure 21-4

Mental nerve block

  • A branch of the inferior alveolar nerve within the mandibular canal

  • Areas anesthetized:

    • All buccal gingiva and mucosa from the premolars to the midline (mental nerve)

    • Skin of the lower lip (mental nerve)

    • Skin of the chin anterior to mental foramen

  • Locate the mental foramen by means of palpation

  • Insert the needle into the mucosa at the mucobuccal fold at the location of the mental foramen (normally around the 2nd mandibular premolar) (the needle will be inserted a short distance in the direction of the mental foramen)

  • Perform aspiration; after obtaining a negative result, slowly inject the anesthetic

  • X-ray imaging can help the clinician locate the mental foramen if palpation does not do so

  • This block seldom fails to achieve excellent dental anesthesia

  • Often not effective for surgical procedures

  • Risk of damaging the nerve if the needle drops into the mental foramen

Figure 21-5

Gow-gates block

  • A variation of the inferior alveolar nerve block that can be especially helpful when a patient has a history of inferior alveolar nerve block failure likely caused by anatomic variability or accessory innervation, it anesthetizes:

    • Inferior alveolar nerve (and its branches, the mental and incisive nerves)

    • Mylohyoid nerve

    • Lingual nerve

    • Long buccal nerve

    • Auriculotemporal nerve

  • Low positive aspiration rate (less than 2%) relative to that for the standard inferior alveolar nerve block injection

  • When the injection is properly administered, the needle contacts the neck of the mandibular condyle

  • Areas anesthetized:

    • All mandibular teeth (inferior alveolar nerve)

    • Epithelium of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue (lingual nerve)

    • All lingual gingiva and lingual mucosa (lingual nerve)

    • All buccal gingiva and mucosa (long buccal and mental nerves)

    • Skin of the lower lip (mental nerve)

    • Skin along the temple, anterior to the ear, and posterior part of the cheek (auriculotemporal and buccal nerves)

  • The mouth is opened as wide as possible

  • Insert the needle high into the mucosa at the level of the 2nd maxillary molar just distal to the mesiolingual cusp

  • Use the intertragic notch as an extraoral landmark to help reach the neck of the mandibular condyle

  • Advance the needle in a plane from the corner of the mouth to the intertragic notch from the contralateral premolars (this position varies in accordance with individual flare of the mandible) until it contacts the condylar neck

  • Withdraw the needle slightly and perform aspiration to observe whether the needle is in a blood vessel

  • After obtaining a negative result on aspiration, slowly inject the anesthetic

  • Have the patient keep the mouth open for a few minutes after injection to allow the anesthetic to diffuse around the nerves

  • Useful for multiple procedures on mandibular teeth and buccal soft tissue

  • Few complications

  • Works well for a bifid inferior alveolar nerve

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Feb 15, 2025 | Posted by in General Dentistry | Comments Off on Intraoral injections

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