Eruption Problems
The development, eruption, and emergence of permanent teeth into the oral cavity is pivotal to facial growth and development. Problems that accompany ectopic permanent tooth eruption or permanent tooth absence must be dealt with thoughtfully and effectively. These problems are often diagnosed in the early and middle periods of the mixed dentition, but sometimes it is not practical to treat them early. This chapter addresses early diagnosis and treatment of tooth absence and eruption problems, as well as early diagnosis and later treatment of these problems. It provides you the foundation for addressing these problems.
- Q: What is ectopic tooth eruption? Can you describe adverse sequelae that can result from ectopic tooth eruption?
A: Ectopic tooth eruption occurs when a tooth does not follow its normal eruption path (Figures 3.1a and 3.1b). Adverse sequelae of ectopic tooth eruption include loss of arch perimeter, tooth impaction, and root resorption.
- Q: Discuss ectopic tooth eruption in the context of three principles applied to every early treatment patient.
- The goal of early treatment is to correct developing problems – to get the patient back to normal for their stage of development, thereby reducing unknowns, later treatment complexity, and preventing complications. Correcting ectopic tooth eruption is often essential to return the patient to a normal eruption pattern, prevent arch perimeter loss, prevent impaction of adjacent teeth, and prevent root resorption.
- Early treatment should address very specific problems with a clearly defined end point, usually within six to nine months. Ectopic tooth eruption is a perfect example of a specific problem with a treatment of short duration and a clearly defined end point.
- Always ask: Is it necessary that I treat the patient now? What harm will come if I choose to do nothing now? Without correction, ectopic eruption can result in arch perimeter loss, tooth impaction, and root resorption.
- Q: Can you suggest general treatment principles to follow when correcting ectopically erupting permanent teeth?
A: Principles include:
- Create space for the ectopic tooth to erupt – clear an eruption path. This may include extracting teeth or creating space using headgear, RME, fixed orthodontic appliances, or a removable appliance.
- Space regaining to move an ectopically erupting/erupted permanent tooth back to its correct position, especially if arch perimeter has been lost. For example, if the patient in Figure 3.1a will be treated non‐extraction, then you could attempt using either fixed appliances or a removable appliance to move the maxillary right permanent first molar distally (freeing it from under the primary second molar). Or, you could extract the maxillary right primary second molar, allow the maxillary right permanent first molar to erupt into a Class II molar relationship, then move the maxillary right permanent first molar distally using fixed appliances or a removable appliance. In some cases, surgical exposure may be required to place an orthodontic bracket on an ectopically erupting tooth so that space regaining forces can be applied.
- Consider all possible anterior and posterior extraction patterns. If the patient is clearly a case that will require extraction of permanent teeth, or in instances of severe root resorption of permanent teeth, exhaustively consider all possible extraction options. For example, if the patient in Figure 3.1a is an extraction patient, then you might extract the maxillary right primary second molar (allowing the maxillary right permanent first molar to erupt into a Class II molar relationship), then extract the impacted maxillary right second premolar, or first premolar, at a later date.
Figure 3.1 Examples of ectopic tooth eruption and associated adverse sequelae: (a) ectopic eruption of the maxillary right permanent first molar has resulted in its impaction under the primary second molar, arch perimeter loss, and maxillary right second premolar impaction; (b) maxillary right permanent canine ectopic eruption has resulted in severe root resorption of the maxillary right permanent lateral incisor root.
As another example, in Figure 3.1b you may consider extracting the maxillary right primary canine and primary first molar to provide room to move the maxillary right permanent canine distally following its surgical exposure. Or, you could consider extracting the maxillary right lateral incisor if it is deemed hopeless to permit the maxillary right permanent canine to erupt into the lateral incisor position. Then, you could leave the permanent canine in the lateral incisor position (canine substitution case) and retain the primary canine, or you could extract the primary canine and retract the permanent canine into its correct anteroposterior position (with prosthetic replacement of the missing lateral incisor). Our point is that there are many options you should exhaustively consider, in consultation with the restorative doctor, the parent, and perhaps an endodontist.
- Q: What is the most common ectopic permanent tooth you will manage during the early and middle periods of the mixed dentition stage?
A: After third molars, the permanent maxillary canines are the most common tooth to display ectopic eruption during development [1–3]. Palatal displacement is more common than buccal displacement by approximately threefold [3, 4].
- Q: How do you diagnose an ectopically erupting maxillary permanent canine in the mixed dentition?
A: Initial diagnosis of an early treatment patient may not provide a simple “yes or no” answer to the question of ectopic maxillary permanent canine eruption. Rather, diagnosis of ectopic eruption may be a developing scenario that is determined by establishing a baseline followed by careful periodic observation. This is for two reasons: (i) maxillary permanent canine development and eruption is occurring over the entire time period of the mixed dentition stage, and (ii) an ectopic path of eruption can occur at any stage during root development of the tooth [2].
- Q: Can you name three important principles in making a diagnosis for maxillary permanent canine position in a patient considered for early treatment?
A: Principles include the following:
- Because the timing of dentition development and chronologic age vary across individuals being considered for early treatment, you must establish the stage of dentition development for your patient. This is best done by panoramic radiography. The goal here is to determine if the patient is advanced or delayed in dentition development compared to chronologic averages, allowing you to gauge the timeline of anticipated maxillary permanent canine eruption, and aiding your plan for clinical supervision.
- Establish the spatial position of the maxillary canines relative to the permanent maxillary lateral incisors. This is determined by palpation for the developing maxillary permanent canine crowns in the buccal alveolar plate and estimating maxillary permanent canine position radiographically (using periapical radiography and Clark’s rule, or panoramic and cephalometric images, or 3‐D cephalometry) [5–7]. This allows an assessment of potential impaction or damage to adjacent teeth due to malposition of the maxillary canines and supports the decision to apply treatment early or opt for continued clinical supervision.
- Determine if other factors may have a negative impact on continuing eruption of the maxillary permanent canines (e.g. crowding of developing permanent teeth, ectopic eruption of adjacent permanent teeth, abnormal sequence of permanent tooth development, maxillary anteroposterior or transverse deficiency, or hypodontia).
- Because the timing of dentition development and chronologic age vary across individuals being considered for early treatment, you must establish the stage of dentition development for your patient. This is best done by panoramic radiography. The goal here is to determine if the patient is advanced or delayed in dentition development compared to chronologic averages, allowing you to gauge the timeline of anticipated maxillary permanent canine eruption, and aiding your plan for clinical supervision.
- Q: Why is palpation of the developing maxillary permanent canine crowns in a patient being evaluated for early treatment important?
A: Using a large sample of children in the mixed dentition, and following them longitudinally, Ericson and Kurol [2, 8] observed that a palpable bulge of the buccal alveolar plate in the area apical to the primary canine and permanent lateral incisor roots was generally predictive of normal maxillary permanent canine eruption. In cases of delayed dental age, a palpable bulge was not always present, and early radiography in these cases did not always reveal abnormal position or predict ectopic eruption. However, during continued clinical supervision, if the developing canines became palpable to the buccal, they erupted without impaction. Furthermore, children who did not display palpable maxillary permanent canines after age eleven had a higher incidence of later canine impaction, prompting the recommendation for further radiographic investigation if this finding occurs during clinical supervision.
This supports our three important principles noted earlier: During early treatment diagnosis, considering the maxillary permanent canines, you must establish:
- The stage of dentition development
- The spatial position of the maxillary permanent canines
- If other factors may have a negative impact on continued eruption
- Q: You are viewing a panoramic radiograph for a patient in the mixed dentition. Does the amount of overlap (i.e. superimposition of structures on the image) seen between the maxillary permanent canine crown and root of the adjacent maxillary permanent lateral incisor predict palatal displacement of the canine (Figures 3.2a–3.2c)?
A: Yes, as seen on a panoramic image, the more the maxillary permanent canine crown overlaps the lateral incisor root, the greater the chance that the canine will become palatally displaced [9]. For example, look at the panoramic image of a patient in the late mixed dentition shown in Figure 3.3. The erupting maxillary left permanent canine crown is not overlapping the left lateral incisor root, and we can predict that it will most likely erupt normally if adequate space is present. However, the maxillary right canine crown is overlapping the right lateral incisor root, so we can predict that it may become palatally displaced and impacted. The greater the overlap, the greater the likelihood of impaction.
- Q: Based upon the principles of ectopic eruption treatment we just presented, what early treatment options would you consider that will increase the likelihood of the maxillary right permanent canine shown in Figure 3.3 erupting?
A: The principle we should apply is to create a path for the ectopically erupting tooth to follow. One way to create a path [10, 11] is to extract the maxillary right primary canine, but the success of primary canine extraction alone has proven equivocal [12, 13]. Instead, the benefit of primary canine extraction appears to be enhanced when it is performed in conjunction with space opening procedures [12–26], including:
- Using fixed orthodontic appliances to trap a compressed open coil spring between the posterior teeth and the lateral incisor. The spring force should be kept light during space opening, and the lateral incisor bracket should be positioned to tip the lateral incisor root away from the erupting permanent canine crown (and not drive the lateral incisor root into the canine crown).
Important note: this approach will create space between the crowns of the teeth and between coronal portions of the roots but less space at the root apices where the space is needed if the canine crown is located there. For this approach to create space at the root apices, you must assure that appropriate root tip results at the root apices to diverge the roots away from the erupting tooth.
- RME (to create space both between maxillary central incisor crowns and between root apices) [27] followed by a TPA
Figure 3.2 Erupting maxillary permanent canines: (a) normal eruption with the canine crowns erupting along the distal of the maxillary lateral incisor roots, (b) ectopic eruption with the canine crowns partially overlapping the maxillary lateral incisor roots, (c) schematic illustration showing the degree of canine crown overlap relative to the lateral incisor midline.
Figure 3.3 Panoramic image of a patient in the late mixed dentition who presents with the maxillary right permanent canine crown overlapping the right lateral incisor root at its apex.
- Distal movement of the posterior teeth using headgear
- Extraction of the maxillary primary first molar in addition to extraction of the primary canine
- Permanent tooth extractions
- Distal movement of the posterior teeth using headgear
If the maxillary primary first molar is extracted in addition to the primary canine (Figures 3.4a and 3.4b), then the first premolar can erupt down and out of the way of the canine crown (assuming that the premolar root is at least at least 1/2 developed) [28]. This accelerated eruption provides space for the permanent canine and encourages its eruption. Or, if the maxillary arch can afford to be expanded (Figure 3.4c), then RME can create additional space for the maxillary permanent canine to erupt.
Figure 3.4 Early treatments to increase the likelihood that ectopically erupting maxillary permanent canines will erupt normally are based upon the principle of creating a path for the ectopically erupting tooth to follow: (a and b) extraction of the primary canine may be of benefit, especially if other space creation is performed such as extracting the primary first molar. Doing so can result in accelerated eruption of the first premolar if the first premolar root is at least half developed, which creates space for the canine to erupt; (c) RME can create additional anterior space for the permanent canine to erupt; (d) as an example, the ectopically erupting maxillary right canine of the patient in Figure 3.3 erupted uneventfully following extraction of the maxillary right primary canine and primary first molar.
For the patient in Figure 3.3, we chose to extract the maxillary right primary canine and right primary first molar. The maxillary right permanent canine (and left permanent canine) then erupted uneventfully (Figure 3.4d).
- Q: Regarding treatment of ectopically erupting maxillary permanent canines, can you compare concomitant extraction of maxillary primary canines plus primary first molars to extraction of primary canines alone?
A: Study results are mixed. Bonetti et al. [24] reported concomitant primary canine and first molar extractions more effective at promoting eruption of ectopically erupting permanent canines positioned palatally or centrally. Although the study found equivalent clinical success over an 18‐month postextraction observation period, the authors’ conclusions are based on significant differences in spatial positioning of maxillary permanent canines in response to simultaneous primary canine and primary first molar extractions compared to primary canine extractions alone. Hadler‐Olsen et al. [29] reported the two methods are equivalent in promoting normal eruption of palatally displaced maxillary canines, but did not see a significant improvement of maxillary canine spatial position using different measurement criteria.
Figure 3.5 Position factors affecting spontaneous eruption of ectopic maxillary canines: (a) a vertical position of <12 mm appears to be important; (b) an inclination of <20° is important for labially displaced permanent canines.
In our clinical experience, concomitant primary canine and first molar extractions are more effective at promoting eruption of ectopically erupting maxillary canines when the maxillary first premolar roots are ≥1/2 developed. Why? Eruption of the first premolar is accelerated. The first premolar erupts down and away from the permanent canine crown, providing a path and additional space for the canine to erupt.
- Q: Let’s assume that you extract a maxillary primary canine and make space for the ectopically erupting permanent canine. What positional factors influence whether the permanent canine will erupt spontaneously?
A: The further apically the vertical position of the canine cusp tip (relative to the occlusal plane) and the more horizontally tipped the canine crown, the more likely the canine will be impacted [30] (and in our clinical opinion, the more difficult it will be to erupt it orthodontically).
One study found that a vertical position <12 mm is important for spontaneous canine eruption (Figure 3.5a). An inclination of <20° (Figure 3.5b) is important for spontaneous eruption of labially displaced canines but appears to have no impact on palatally displaced canines [31]. Finally, the more mesial the permanent canine crown position relative to the incisor roots, the worse the prognosis for spontaneous eruption [11, 32].
- Q: So, what is the “take home” message regarding early treatment of ectopically erupting maxillary permanent canines?
A: Use our three principles to establish your timeline for canine eruption, the spatial position of the canine, and other factors that may impede normal eruption (e.g. crowding). If you decide treatment to improve canine eruption is warranted, you cannot guarantee spontaneous eruption of the canine. However, extraction of the primary canine in conjunction with space creation can be a reasonable early treatment.
- Q: You make a panoramic image (Figure 3.6) of a nine‐year‐old. What do you observe?
A: The maxillary right first premolar is erupting ectopically and is blocking eruption of the maxillary right permanent canine. The maxillary left permanent canine is erupting normally.
- Q: Would you recommend early treatment for the patient shown in Figure 3.6? If yes, what treatment would you recommend?
A: Yes, we would recommend early treatment for this patient. Otherwise, the maxillary right permanent canine and first premolar could remain impacted with potential future root resorption of the maxillary right lateral incisor.
This condition is challenging. We reasoned that because of its near horizontal angulation, the maxillary right first premolar would never erupt even if we cleared a path for it. However, we decided that the least invasive early treatment would be to extract the maxillary right primary canine and both maxillary right primary molars – and recall the patient in six months (note that the premolar roots have developed to at least 1/2 of their final length). If, at the six‐month recall appointment, the position of the maxillary right first premolar and canine improved on a panoramic image, then we would continue monitoring. However, if the position of the maxillary right premolar and canine did not improve, then we would refer for surgical exposure of the maxillary right first premolar and use fixed orthodontic appliances to erupt it into the arch.
Figure 3.6 Initial panoramic image of a nine‐year‐old.
Figure 3.7 Progress panoramic image of the patient shown in Figure 3.6, six months after primary tooth extraction and headgear wear. Note spontaneous eruption of the maxillary right first premolar and canine.
We extracted the maxillary right primary canine and both primary molars. We also placed the patient, who exhibited a Class II molar relationship, on a high‐pull headgear (preventing maxillary right first permanent molar mesial drift). We made another panoramic radiograph six months later (Figure 3.7). Remarkably, the maxillary right premolar had erupted normally along with all other permanent teeth.
How/why did this ectopic eruption pattern self‐correct? We can’t be certain, but the ectopic eruption of the maxillary right first premolar was a significant “other factor” influencing eruption of the right canine. Normalizing the ectopic eruption of the right first premolar created space for continued eruption of the right canine.
- Q: Look at the ectopically erupting mandibular permanent canines in Figure 3.8. Would you recommend early treatment? If yes, what treatment would you recommend?
A: We would recommend early treatment for the ectopically erupting mandibular permanent canines. Otherwise, they may remain impacted and/or resorb the mandibular permanent lateral incisor roots. Treatment consisted of mandibular primary canine extractions. The mandibular permanent canines then erupted spontaneously (Figure 3.9a and b).
In addition to extraction of the mandibular primary canines, extraction of the mandibular primary first molars (Figure 3.8) may have been beneficial to encourage eruption of the mandibular first premolars and thereby make room for the mandibular permanent canines (mandibular first premolar root development was >1/2).
- Q: An ectopically erupting permanent canine fails to erupt, and you decide to surgically expose it. Do you have any suggestions for this surgery and subsequent tooth movement?
A: Suggestions include the following:
Figure 3.8 Radiograph illustrating ectopically erupting mandibular canines
(Source: Courtesy of Drs. Herb and Justin Hughes).
Figure 3.9 Progress records of the patient shown in Figure 3.8 following extraction of mandibular primary canines. (a) Early mixed dentition. (b) Late mixed dentition. The ectopically erupting mandibular permanent canines erupted spontaneously during the transition to the late mixed dentition.
- Direct your surgeon to remove all bone covering the impacted canine crown in the direction you intend to move it (Figure 3.10). Why? Once the dental follicle is disrupted during surgery, there are no cells to remove bone [33]. Bone is then be removed only, and slowly, by pressure necrosis.
- Direct the surgeon to check mobility of the unerupted canine using an elevator (Figure 3.11). If the canine is non‐mobile (ankylosed), then a decision must be made either to attempt breaking the ankyloses (immediately applying an eruptive force before ankylosis recurs) or to extract the canine.
Figure 3.10 Surgical exposure of an ectopically erupting maxillary left permanent canine that did not erupt following early treatment. Note that the surgeon has removed all bone off the canine crown in the direction of the intended crown movement (distally).
- Initially move the canine crown away from adjacent tooth roots. Do not drag the canine crown across adjacent tooth roots. Dragging the canine crown across adjacent tooth roots can result in resorption of adjacent roots [34]. Once the canine crown is clear of neighboring roots, then move it toward its future position in the arch.
Look at Figure 3.12a. Here, the elastomeric chain from the premolars is pulling the surgically exposed maxillary left canine crown across the root of the lateral incisor, possibly resorbing the lateral incisor root. To make matters worse, we bonded the left lateral incisor. Bonding the lateral incisor makes it hard for the canine to push the lateral incisor out of the way. A better approach is to first move the surgically exposed canine crown away from the incisor roots (Figure 3.12b, TPA helping to direct the elastic force) before moving the canine laterally into the arch (Figure 3.12c).
These same suggestions apply to labially impacted maxillary canines (Figure 3.13a–d) and impacted mandibular canines (Figure 3.14a–d). That is, first move the surgically exposed canine crowns away from adjacent roots before moving the canines into the arch.
- Q: Another technique has been suggested for treating palatally impacted maxillary canines in the mixed dentition, as follows:
- Ask your surgeon to elevate a full‐thickness mucoperiosteal palatal flap over the impacted canine crown
Figure 3.11 Using an elevator to check mobility of the impacted maxillary canine.
- Remove all palatal bone covering the canine crown to the level of the cementoenamel junction
- Place a hole in the palatal flap over the canine crown
- Suture the flap back in place [33, 35].
The canine should erupt without orthodontic force. What are your thoughts of this technique?
A: If the impacted canine is not ankylosed, then this technique should be successful in providing a path for the canine to spontaneously erupt. However, once the patient has this surgical procedure, an argument can be made for proceeding with forced (orthodontic) eruption of the exposed canine – instead of hoping for spontaneous eruption.
- Ask your surgeon to elevate a full‐thickness mucoperiosteal palatal flap over the impacted canine crown
- Q: We discussed ectopically erupting maxillary molars, and regaining space lost by such ectopic eruption, in our chapter on Crowding. Referring again to Figure 3.1a (intraoral photos of the same patient are shown in Figure 3.15), what treatment options would you consider for the ectopically erupting maxillary right first permanent molar?
A: Options include:
- Monitoring (self‐correction), which is possible between 6 and 7 years of age. However, early treatment to bring the ectopically erupting permanent first molar into occlusion should begin as soon as it is realized that self‐correction will not occur [36].
Figure 3.12 Orthodontic movement of surgically exposed canines: (a) do not drag the canine crown across the lateral incisor root (as shown here) because the canine crown can resorb the lateral incisor root; instead (b), initially move the canine crown palatally away from the incisor root; (c) later, move the canine crown into the arch.
- Insertion of an elastomeric separator (or twisted brass wire) between the maxillary right primary second molar and maxillary right permanent first molar to release the trapped permanent molar. In this patient, we were unable to gain access to place a separator.
- Extraction of the maxillary right primary second molar to free the maxillary right permanent first molar and allow it to erupt. We chose this option because the maxillary right primary second molar was very mobile and would exfoliate soon. After we extracted the primary second molar, the maxillary right permanent first molar erupted in a mesial position (Figure 3.16a). We next considered three options: (i) placing fixed appliances and inserting a compressed spring between the maxillary right primary first molar and permanent first molar – to move the maxillary right permanent first molar distally and regain space for the maxillary right second premolar, (ii) fabricating a removable maxillary spring appliance to move the maxillary first permanent molar distally, and (iii) banding the maxillary permanent first molars and using a headgear to move the maxillary right permanent molar distally.
We chose to band the maxillary first permanent molars (Figure 3.16b) and use a headgear to move the maxillary right permanent first molar distally. We also placed an LLHA. Once all permanent teeth had erupted, we bonded both arches with fixed orthodontic appliances, leveled and aligned the arches, and finished treatment (Figure 3.16c).
- If the maxillary right primary second molar had been nonmobile (an anchor) instead of mobile, then you could have bonded brackets and placed a segmental archwire to free the permanent first molar and move it distally (Figure 3.17). A compressed open coil spring could be trapped between the permanent first molar and the primary second molar to help push the permanent first molar distally.
Figure 3.13 Orthodontic movement of surgically exposed, labially impacted, maxillary canines: (a and b) first move the canine crown labially, away from the incisor root; (c and d) before moving the canine into the arch. Note that the maxillary left primary canine was not extracted until we were reasonably confident that the maxillary left permanent canine could be brought into the arch. Why? If the maxillary permanent canine was ankylosed, then we may have chosen to extract the permanent canine and retain the primary canine.
Figure 3.14 Orthodontic movement of surgically exposed, labially impacted, mandibular canines: (a and b) we first moved the canine crowns labially, toward a lip bumper and away from the incisor roots; (c and d) before we moved the canines into the arch, distally.
Figure 3.15 (a and b) Intraoral photos of a patient presenting with ectopic eruption of the maxillary right permanent first molar (panoramic image shown in Figure 3.1a).
- Use of a Halterman appliance which consists of a metal hook soldered to a maxillary right primary second molar band. The hook extends to the tuberosity area. A button is bonded to the maxillary right permanent first molar, and an elastomeric power chain stretched to apply tension between the hook and the button to move the permanent first molar distally. Since the maxillary right primary second molar was mobile, this approach was not employed.
- Monitoring (self‐correction), which is possible between 6 and 7 years of age. However, early treatment to bring the ectopically erupting permanent first molar into occlusion should begin as soon as it is realized that self‐correction will not occur [36].
- Q: Can you offer treatment options to correct ectopically erupting mandibular permanent molars?
A: Similar to early treatment of ectopically erupting maxillary molars, options include (Figure 3.18):
- Insertion of an elastomeric separator (or twisted brass wire) between the ectopically erupting mandibular permanent molar and primary second molar.
- Extraction of the mandibular primary second molar to free the mandibular permanent first molar and allow it to erupt. Figure 3.18a illustrates an ectopically erupting mandibular left permanent first molar. The problem is that if we extract the primary second molar and allow the permanent first molar to erupt, then the erupting molar will drift mesially and arch perimeter will be lost. To avoid this problem, place a distal shoe (Figures 3.18b and 3.18c), which allows the permanent first molar to erupt but prevents it from drifting mesially.
Once the mandibular first permanent molar erupts, you can either place an LLHA (the distal shoe will fall out when the primary first molar exfoliates) or regain space by moving the permanent first molar distally using fixed orthodontic appliances or a removable appliance. Neither was done in this patient, and the mandibular left second premolar erupted uneventfully (Figure 3.18d).
- If the mandibular primary second molar is nonmobile (useful as anchorage), and if you have access to the crown of the ectopically erupting mandibular permanent first molar Figure 3.18e, mandibular right permanent first molar), then you can bond brackets and place a segmental archwire to free the permanent first molar and move it distally (Figures 3.18f–3.18g). A compressed open‐coil spring can be trapped between the permanent first molar and the primary second molar to help move the permanent first molar distally.
- Use of a Halterman appliance (Figure 3.19, shown here erupting second molars).
- Surgical luxation, elevation, and immobilization of second molars (Figure 3.20) [37, 38].
- Q: Look at the panoramic radiograph of the late mixed dentition patient in Figure 3.21a. Specifically, compare the alveolar crest bone levels of the mandibular primary second molars to the alveolar crest bone levels of their respective permanent first molars. What do you observe? Next, look at the panoramic radiograph of the early mixed dentition patient in Figure 3.21b. Specifically, compare the alveolar crest bone levels of the mandibular primary second molars to that of their respective permanent first molars. What do you observe?
A: In Figure 3.21a, the alveolar bone crest levels of both mandibular primary second molars are at the same level as the alveolar bone crest levels of their respective permanent first molars. This relationship is seen during normal tooth eruption (Figure 3.22a, red lines represent normal alveolar bone crest levels).
In Figure 3.22b, a large step is seen between the alveolar bone crest level of the right mandibular primary second molar and the alveolar bone crest level of the right mandibular permanent first molar. This relationship (Figure 3.22b) is indicative of primary second molar ankylosis.
Figure 3.16 Treatment of the patient shown in Figure 3.15: (a) following extraction of the mobile maxillary right primary second molar, the maxillary right permanent first molar erupted – blocking eruption/impacting the maxillary right second premolar; (b) the maxillary first permanent molars were banded, high‐pull headgear treatment was initiated to move the maxillary right permanent first molar distally, and the maxillary right second premolar erupted. Early treatment was completed at this point; (c) deband radiograph following comprehensive treatment.
Figure 3.17 If the maxillary right primary second molar had been nonmobile, then the maxillary right quadrant could have been bonded and a segmental archwire placed to correct the permanent first molar’s ectopic eruption.
- Q: Why do we judge primary tooth ankylosis based upon (radiographic) alveolar bone crest heights? Why can’t we simply look (clinically) for an occlusal step between the suspect primary tooth and the adjacent teeth?
A: Primary second molars often have naturally shorter clinical crowns than permanent first molars. Therefore, a patient without ankylosis could exhibit a clinical occlusal step between the shorter primary second molar crown and the taller permanent first molar crown. A clinical occlusal step is not a reliable indicator of primary tooth ankylosis.
On the other hand, a (radiographic) discrepancy in alveolar bone crest heights indicates that eruption of the normal tooth has continued while eruption of the ankylosed tooth has halted. The earlier the onset of ankylosis, the greater will be the alveolar bone crest height discrepancy.
The best way to confirm ankylosis of a tooth is to look for an alveolar bone crest height discrepancy between it and adjacent teeth. Of course, you can always check its mobility. If a primary tooth is mobile, then it is not ankylosed.
Some clinicians advocate identifying ankylosis by listening for a difference in sound between the suspect tooth and adjacent teeth when the teeth are tapped with the end of an intraoral mirror handle. We do not feel comfortable using this method. Perhaps others have better hearing than we do.
- Q: In Figure 3.21b, notice that the mandibular right permanent first molar and primary first molar have both tipped into the depressed mandibular right primary second molar space. Why does this happen?
A: Transeptal fibers from the depressed, ankylosed primary second molar pull vertically on both teeth, causing them to tip [39, 40].
- Q: How would you deal with the ankylosed mandibular right primary second molar shown in Figure 3.21b?
A: We elected to have the mandibular right primary second molar and primary first molar extracted. We also placed an LLHA. Let us explain:
If the mandibular right second premolar was in a normal position, and if the mandibular right permanent first molar was upright, then we would recommend monitoring only (recalling the patient in nine to twelve months). If this were the case, then exfoliation of the ankylosed primary second molar would be delayed by about six months, but the alveolar bone crest level at that site would eventually be normal after the second premolar erupted [41, 42].
However, the progressive infraocclusion of the mandibular right primary second molar in Figure 3.21b has resulted in severe mesial tipping of the mandibular right permanent first molar. This mesial tipping could worsen if we do nothing. Therefore, we elected to place an LLHA now. Also, we were concerned that the very low position of the mandibular right primary second molar could hinder root development of the mandibular right second premolar. Therefore, we asked a surgeon to extract the mandibular right primary second molar and right primary first molar.
- Q: When else would you consider extracting a mandibular primary second molar having a permanent second premolar successor?
A: If over a period of a year we do not see radiographic evidence of continuing primary second molar root resorption by an erupting second premolar (with > 1/2 second premolar root development), then we will extract the primary second molar.
- Q: The roots of the mandibular right first and second premolars in Figure 3.22b are barely developed. Isn’t it true that extracting primary molars when their successor (premolar) roots are minimally developed can actually delay premolar eruption?
A: Yes, it is true that early primary tooth extraction can cause delayed eruption and emergence of its successor, probably as a result of scar tissue forming a mechanical barrier [28]. As a general rule, a primary tooth should not be removed until its permanent successor has an appropriate amount of root formation – at least 1/2 of its root length.
Figure 3.18 Treatment of ectopically erupting mandibular permanent first molars. (a) If you do not have access to the permanent first molar crown (mandibular left permanent first molar), then consider extracting the primary second molar and placing a (b and c) distal shoe, which maintains space for the erupting mandibular left second premolar but allows the molar to erupt (d). (e) If the mandibular primary second molar is nonmobile, and if you have access to the crown of the ectopically erupting mandibular permanent first molar mandibular right permanent first molar), then (f) the mandibular right quadrant can be bonded and a segmental archwire placed to correct the permanent molar’s ectopic eruption. (g) An open‐coil spring can be trapped to aid freeing of the permanent molar (shown here freeing a second molar).
Figure 3.19 Halterman appliances used to (a) free ectopically erupting mandibular permanent second molars by moving them distally, (b) uprighting a lingually tipped molar.
Figure 3.20 Surgical luxation and elevation of ectopically erupting mandibular permanent second molars: (a) impacted mandibular second molars prior to surgery, (b) following mandibular second molar surgical luxation/elevation and third molar extraction, (c) deband panoramic radiograph. Note improvement in mandibular second molar alveolar bone crest level.
Figure 3.21 Panoramic images of two mixed dentition patients. Take note of the alveolar bone crest levels of the mandibular primary second molars.
Figure 3.22 (a) Alveolar bone crest levels (red lines) in normally erupting teeth. Note that the alveolar bone crest levels follow a relatively straight line; (b) ankylosis of mandibular and maxillary primary second molars. Note the discrepancy in alveolar bone crest levels between the ankylosed primary second molars and their adjacent teeth. This discrepancy is seen because the ankylosed teeth stop erupting while the adjacent teeth continue erupting.
However, in this patient (Figure 3.21b), we were concerned that if the ankylosed mandibular primary second molar remained, then the mandibular right second premolar root could not develop. Therefore, we extracted the ankylosed mandibular right primary second molar. The mandibular right primary first molar had to be extracted in order for the surgeon to gain access to the primary second molar.
- Q: The patient in Figure 3.21b returned 1 1/2 years later (Figure 3.23a). What do you observe in the mandibular right quadrant? How would you proceed?
A: The mandibular right second premolar is showing signs of root development and eruption away from the lower border of the mandible. We planned to remove the LLHA and upright the mandibular right permanent first molar (space regaining) using fixed orthodontic appliances or a removable appliance. We would then fabricate a new LLHA to maintain the permanent first molar in its upright position while the remaining permanent teeth erupted.
The patient did not return to our clinic for five years (Figure 3.23b). Our LLHA had been removed, but no other treatment had been performed. Note the full root development of both mandibular right premolars and significant uprighting of the mandibular right permanent first molar. Did eruptive force from the impacted mandibular right second premolar cause the permanent first molar to upright? We do not know. The patient is now in adult dentition and entering comprehensive treatment.
Figure 3.23 Progress panoramic images of the patient shown in Figure 3.21b. (a) 1½ years later; (b) 6½ years later.
- Q: Why did we not upright the mandibular right permanent first molar (Figure 3.21b) when we extracted the mandibular right primary second molar?
A: Our reasoning was as follows: if the mandibular right second premolar did not form a root and begin to erupt, then we would have extracted it and attempted to move the mandibular right permanent first molar mesially (closing the space). Because the mandibular right permanent first molar crown was already tipped forward, we would have left it tipped forward and rotated the roots forward with fixed appliances.
Therefore, we decided to leave the first permanent molar tipped forward until we could determine whether the second premolar root was developing and the tooth erupting.
- Q: A seven‐year‐old girl is referred to you specifically for evaluation of her maxillary permanent molars (Figure 3.24). What do you observe?
A: Her maxillary right permanent first molar exhibits normal root development and has erupted to the occlusal plane. Her maxillary left permanent molar lacks root development and has failed to erupt.
- Q: Can you suggest at least three possible reasons why her maxillary left permanent molar (Figure 3.24) has not erupted?
A: Possible reasons include:
- Ankylosis
- Eruption blocked by the maxillary left primary second molar root
- Systemic factors found in patients with certain syndromes, such as cleidocranial dysplasia, ectodermal dysplasia, Gardner syndrome, and Apert syndrome.
- Delayed eruption
- Primary failure of eruption (PFE).
- Q: Is there another, simple explanation for the maxillary left condition?
A: Yes, a simple explanation is that the maxillary left permanent first molar was extracted and that the molar we see is the maxillary permanent second molar (whose development matches that of the maxillary right permanent second molar). However, the parent stated that the maxillary left permanent first molar had never been extracted. Did the left first permanent molar never develop? We cannot be sure whether it is the first or second permanent molar.
- Q: What is PFE? Are there specific signs that the patient in Figure 3.24 could be exhibiting PFE? If this is an example of PFE, what treatments can be considered in dealing with it?
A: Primary failure of eruption (PFE) refers to failure of a non‐ankylosed tooth to erupt due to a disturbance of the eruption mechanism [43]. A wide range of clinical variability exists, thought to be the result of variation in the timing and intensity of the dysregulation [44]. The following characteristic signs of PFE could apply to the patient in Figure 3.24 [45–48]:
- Permanent first molars are always involved and present with no apparent barrier to eruption (100% for genetically confirmed PFE).
- Posterior teeth are more frequently affected.
Other signs of PFE that do not specifically apply to the patient in Figure 3.24 include:
- If a tooth in a more anterior position is affected, then teeth more distal to that tooth are usually affected as well (i.e. when premolars are affected then molars are also likely to be affected).
- Both primary and permanent teeth can be affected.
- The condition is often bilateral (50/50 for PFE patients, versus 80/20 unilateral/bilateral for molar ankylosis).
- Teeth in both arches are often affected (91% for patients with genetically confirmed PFE).
Figure 3.24 Initial panoramic image of a seven‐year‐old girl.
- Affected teeth resorb the alveolar bone above the crown, may erupt into initial occlusion and then cease to erupt further, or may fail to erupt entirely.
- Affected teeth may be displaced back and forth with manual pressure (indicating that they are not initially ankylosed). However, affected teeth tend to become ankylosed as soon as orthodontic eruptive forces are applied.
- If a small area of ankylosis is broken by luxating the ankylosed tooth, it might be possible to move the tooth for a short time, but re‐ankylosis is inevitable.
- Other concurrent skeletal problems (Class III malocclusion for 63% of genetically confirmed PFE patients) and dental anomalies (tooth agenesis, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, anomalous root morphology) may be present.
Possible treatment options for posterior open bites resulting from PFE include:
- Restoring the involved erupted teeth with buildups or crowns after vertical growth is complete.
- Extraction of the involved teeth and replacement with bone grafts/implants.
- With first and second molar involvement, leaving the affected teeth in place and accepting a premolar occlusion.
- A segmental osteotomy or distraction osteogenesis to close the posterior open bite.
- A removable prosthetic (overlay) partial denture to provide posterior occlusion.
- Q: How do you recommend dealing with the unerupted maxillary left first (or second) permanent molar shown in Figure 3.24?
A: Since we were uncertain as to whether this condition resulted from PFE, ankylosis, delayed eruption of the first pemanent molar, or normal development of the second permanent molar, we decided to monitor the maxillary left permanent molar. Also, we placed an LLHA and corrected an anterior crossbite with fixed appliances (Figure 3.25).
- Q: Figure 3.26a shows the same patient one year later. Regarding the maxillary left permanent molar, what do you observe?
A: The maxillary left molar was erupting. Clinically, it had pierced the gingiva. Why did this happen? We suspect that this represents normal development of the maxillary left second molar (with first molar agenesis). Or, perhaps bonding the maxillary left primary second molar freed the permanent first molar, allowing it to erupt. We decided to monitor its eruption longer. Eventually, the molar erupted (Figure 3.26b).
- Q: An early mixed dentition patient presents to you (Figure 3.27). Regarding permanent tooth eruption, what do you observe?
A: Permanent tooth eruption appears normal.
- Q: Three years later (Figure 3.28), you make another panoramic image. What do you notice regarding second premolar eruption?
A: The maxillary second premolars are erupting symmetrically. The mandibular right second premolar has erupted. The mandibular left second premolar eruption is relatively delayed. The roots of the mandibular left primary second molar do not appear to be resorbing appreciably.
Figure 3.25 Progress panoramic radiograph of the patient in Figure 3.24.
Figure 3.26 Progress radiograph of the patient in Figure 3.24 (a) 1 year later, and (b) 2½ years later. The maxillary left molar erupted spontaneously.
Figure 3.27 Initial panoramic image of an early mixed dentition patient.
Figure 3.28 Progress record of the patient in Figure 3.27 three years later.
- Q: What could be the causes for the relatively delayed mandibular left second premolar eruption (Figure 3.28)? How might you proceed?
A: Possible causes include:
- Normal variation in eruption timing
- Recent ankylosis of the mandibular left primary second molar
- Mandibular left primary second molar roots failing to resorb
Treatment options include continuing to monitor eruption of the mandiblar left second premolar or extracting the mandibular left primary second molar (since root development of the mandibular left second premolar > 1/2 complete).
- Q: A decision was made to extract the mandibular left primary second molar in order to accelerate eruption of the mandibular left second premolar. Six months later, the mandibular left second premolar still had not erupted. How would you proceed?
A: We decided to take a periapical radiographic of the mandibular left second premolar.
- Q: A periapical radiograph was made (Figure 3.29a). What do you see? How would you proceed?
A: A supernumerary tooth is present, which may be blocking eruption of the mandibular left second premolar. We requested surgical extraction of the supernumerary tooth. We will continue to monitor eruption of the mandibular left second premolar.
Occasionally (Figure 3.29b), ectopically erupting premolars will resorb mainly one primary molar root, leaving the other primary root essentially intact. The primary molar will remain nonmobile. How should you proceed in a case such as this? We waited six more months, noted that the condition was unchanged, and extracted the primary second molar.
- Q: Excluding wisdom teeth, what are the most common missing permanent teeth?
- Q: A patient presents to you with the parent’s chief complaint, “We do not like the spaces between our daughter’s front teeth.” You make a panoramic image and complete mouth survey of the girl (Figure 3.30). What do you observe?
A: Oligodontia is noted (congenitally missing more than five permanent teeth), including her missing maxillary right second premolar, mandibular right second premolar, and mandibular left second premolar. In place of the three missing second premolars are the retained primary second molars. A developing maxillary left second premolar, with minimal root development, is also present. Other permanent teeth are missing.
- Q: Can you state general recommendations for dealing with a retained primary tooth lacking a permanent successor?
A: Our recommendations are as follows:
- For non‐extraction cases – if the retained primary tooth has a good crown, good root, and good bone (not ankylosed), then consider maintaining it for the long term. However, always have a contingency plan prepared in case the retained primary tooth is eventually lost. Such a contingency or “fallback” plan could include implant replacement.
Figure 3.29 Two possible reasons for a delayed eruption of a permanent second premolar: (a) supernumerary tooth. This is a periapical radiograph of the mandibular left second premolar of the patient shown in Figure 3.28. (b) Ectopically erupting mandibular second premolar mainly resorbing the primary second molar distal root.
- Whenever possible, avoid bonding (placing brackets on) retained primary teeth in order to reduce the risk that their roots will resorb. If you must bond (place brackets on) retained primary teeth, then try to avoid moving them.
- For non‐extraction cases – if the retained primary tooth does not have a good crown, root, or bone, then seriously consider extracting it.
- For extraction cases (e.g. cases involving severe anterior crowding) – consider extracting the retained primary tooth as one of your extraction treatment options.
- For non‐extraction cases – if the retained primary tooth has a good crown, good root, and good bone (not ankylosed), then consider maintaining it for the long term. However, always have a contingency plan prepared in case the retained primary tooth is eventually lost. Such a contingency or “fallback” plan could include implant replacement.
- Q: Based upon her dental spacing, we concluded that the patient in Figure 3.30 was to be treated non‐extraction. Knowing this, and following our above guidelines, how would you deal with her three retained primary second molars lacking permanent successors?
A: Because all three retained primary second molars have excellent crowns, roots, and alveolar bone heights (not ankylosed), we chose to keep them. However, we informed the patient and parents that they may need to be replaced at some future date with implants.
- Q: How would you deal with the underdeveloped maxillary left second premolar?
A: You have only two choices, either you can extract the underdeveloped premolar or you can give it some time to develop. We chose to monitor it, and we gave it one year to develop. If it developed, then we would maintain space for it and allow it to erupt. If it did not develop, then we would extract it and replace it with an implant or FPD.
- Q: Some months later, we placed fixed orthodontic appliances and began leveling and aligning both arches. The maxillary left second premolar developed and erupted. Looking at the progress image in Figure 3.31, we feel that we did something foolish. Can you guess what that was?
A: It was foolish to place fixed appliances on the retained primary second molars. If we were to retreat this treatment today, we would avoid bonding the retained primary teeth in the hope that their roots would be less likely to resorb. Also, we would avoid moving them.
- Q: After completion of orthodontic and prosthodontic treatment, a radiograph was made (Figure 3.32), followed by a final radiograph 10 years later (Figure 3.33). What do you observe?
A: The retained primary molars are intact. If root resorption of the primary molars has occurred, then it is not noticeable – even though they were bonded. The maxillary left second premolar developed, and erupted, beautifully.
The maxillary right second permanent molar has super‐erupted because it lacks an antagonist. If we could retreat this patient today, then we would place a right distal acrylic extension on the mandibular Hawley retainer to act as an antagonist for the maxillary right second molar (to prevent super‐eruption).
- Q: Can you suggest “take home pearls” regarding this patient’s treatment (Figures 3.20–3.23)?
A: “Pearls” include the following:
Figure 3.30 (a and b) Initial radiographs of a 15‐year‐old girl.
- Retaining this patient’s primary second molars was a reasonable option because she was a non‐extraction case, and because each primary second molar had good crown, good root, and good bone.
- Whenever possible, avoid bonding and moving retained primary teeth.
- The decision to monitor the underdeveloped maxillary left second premolar was prudent. One of the hardest things for orthodontists to do is to wait and give nature time to act.
- When you leave a tooth (e.g. the maxillary right permanent second molar) unopposed, retain the patient so that the unopposed tooth does not super‐erupt. We neglected to do this here because the unopposed maxillary right second molar had not erupted at deband (Figure 3.32).
- Q: There are two options for dealing with a retained primary tooth lacking a successor. You can extract the primary tooth or you can maintain it. In what cases should you extract primary second molars lacking successors?
Figure 3.31 Progress image of the patient shown in Figure 3.30.
Figure 3.32 Radiograph of the same patient in Figure 3.30 following completion of all treatment.
Figure 3.33 Retention radiograph of the patient in Figure 3.30 10 years later.
A: Extraction should be considered in:
- Extraction cases (e.g. patients with severe anterior crowding)
- Instances where caries, crown restoration, periodontal breakdown, or root resorption (Figure 3.34a) compromise the primary tooth’s longevity – that is, where the primary molar exhibits poor crown, poor root, or poor bone.
- Instances where ankylosis/infraocclusion disturb occlusal development or bone level (Figure 3.34b, poor bone).
- Q: If you decide to extract a retained primary second molar lacking a successor, what treatment options do you have for the extraction space?
A: Options include:
- Closing the extraction space entirely (Figure 3.35).
- Not closing the extraction space or closing it partially (e.g. closing it to the size of the missing second premolar for prosthetic replacement). Following primary second molar extraction (Figure 3.36), the edentulous ridge bucco‐lingual width decreases by 25% within three years (30% within six years), while the edentulous ridge height decreases minimally by less than 2% [52].
- Restoring the extraction space using an implant when the patient reaches adulthood (Figure 3.37) or restoring with a fixed partial denture or removable partial denture.
- Autotransplantation using an extracted donor tooth from another site [53].
- Q: Compare the left and right mandibular second premolar regions in Figure 3.38. What do you observe in this 12‐year‐old girl? What treatment, if any, would you recommend regarding these regions?
Figure 3.34 Examples where the retained primary second molar (lacking a successor) should be extracted: (a) significant restoration, caries, and root resorption threaten this primary tooth’s longevity (poor crown, poor root, poor bone); (b) ankylosis/infraocclusion disturb occlusal development and inability to clean (poor bone).
A: Her mandibular right second premolar is underdeveloped, erupting ectopically, and appears to be resorbing only the distal root of the mandibular right primary second molar. Her mandibular left premolar appears to be absent, but the mandibular left primary second molar appears to have a good crown, reasonable roots, and good bone level.
A decision was made to monitor eruption of the mandibular right second premolar and to maintain the retained mandibular left primary second molar. Comprehensive, non‐extraction, orthodontic treatment was begun with space being maintained for both mandibular primary second molars.
- Q: One year later, a progress radiograph was made (Figure 3.39). What do you now observe in the mandibular second premolar regions?
A: The mandibular right second premolar has resorbed the mandibular right primary second molar distal root and threatens to resorb the mandibular right permanent first molar mesial root. A clear step exists between both mandibular primary second molar alveolar bone crests and the alveolar bone crests of their adjacent teeth. That is, both mandibular primary second molars are ankylosed.
- Q: How would you proceed with the patient in Figure 3.39?
A: Both mandibular primary second molars were extracted. Orthodontic treatment commenced and was completed before the mandibular right second premolar had erupted. The patient was placed in retention and followed periodically.
Figure 3.35 (a–c) For extraction cases, one option is to extract the retained primary second molars (lacking successors) and close the extraction space completely. Since nearly a centimeter of extraction space will need to be closed, the possibility of root resorption during tooth translation through bone must be discussed with the patient and parents.
- Q: The patient returned at age of 16 years for a retention check (Figure 3.40). What do you observe in the mandibular second premolar regions?
A: The mandibular right second premolar erupted spontaneously, without surgical exposure, into a normal position with a normal alveolar crestal bone height. Extraction of the ankylosed mandibular right primary second molar followed our principle for ectopic tooth eruption treatment – create a path and space for eruption! The mandibular right permanent first molar mesial root appears to have suffered root resorption. The mandibular left edentulous area alveolar crest bone height appears to be normal.
- Q: The favorable eruption of the mandibular right second premolar (Figures 3.28–3.30), following extraction of the mandibular right primary second molar, was not too surprising. However, the change in alveolar bone crest level of the mandibular left primary second molar region is fascinating. Can you state what happened to the mandibular left crestal bone level during this time? Can you explain why this happened?
A: Look at the magnified images of the mandibular left primary second molar area during these years (Figure 3.41). At age 12 (Figure 3.41a), the alveolar bone crest of the mandibular left primary second molar (red arrow) appears to be at approximately the same level as the alveolar bone crest of the first permanent molar (yellow arrow).
By age 13 (Figure 3.41b), a large alveolar bone crest step exists between the mandibular left primary second molar and permanent first molar. How did this happen? Eruption of the mandibular left primary second molar had halted (ankylosed), while eruption of the mandibular left permanent first molar continued. At this time, a decision was made to extract the mandibular left primary second molar.
By age 16 (Figure 3.41c), the alveolar crest step between these teeth had disappeared (note the ghost image of the mandibular left primary second molar roots). What happened? Following extraction of the mandibular left primary second molar, transeptal fibers from the mandibular left first premolar and mandibular left permanent first molar pulled vertically on the edentulous site crestal bone and elevated it [52].
Figure 3.36 Following extraction of a retained primary second molar lacking a successor, (a and b) the bucco‐lingual width of the edentulous ridge decreases into an hour‐glass shape, but (c and d) the ridge height decreases minimally.
Figure 3.37 (a) Following extraction of a hopeless mandibular primary second molar in an adult, (b) the extraction space was restored with an implant.
Figure 3.38 Initial panoramic image of a 12‐year‐old girl.
Figure 3.39 Progress radiograph of the same patient in Figure 3.38 at age 13 years.
Figure 3.40 Panoramic image of the patient in Figure 3.38 at age 16 years.
Figure 3.41 Magnified images of the mandibular left primary second molar region shown in Figure 3.39. Red arrows indicate alveolar bone crest level of the primary second molar, and yellow arrows indicate alveolar bone crest level of the permanent first molar at (a) age 12 years, (b) 13 years, and (c) 16 years.
- Q: Why was elevation of the mandibular left alveolar bone crest to a normal level (Figures 3.41b and 3.41c) following extraction of the ankylosed mandibular left primary second molar so important?
A: Elevation of this crestal bone to a normal level is important for future bone grafting. In other words, grafting bone vertically can be very challenging while grafting bone bucco‐lingually can be less so. Therefore, the fact that the bone elevated spontaneously can be of significant benefit when we wish to graft for implant placement later.
- Q: What point can be drawn from Figure 3.41 regarding extraction of ankylosed primary second molars (without successors) in growing patients?
A: In patients having significant anticipated future growth, it is prudent to extract ankylosed primary second molars as early as ankylosis is detected – so that normal vertical bone height of the edentulous area can be achieved.
- Q: But what if ankylosis of a primary second molar occurs later during growth. Should you extract the ankylosed primary second molar?
A: If the alveolar bone crest step is small between the ankylosed tooth and adjacent permanent teeth, if the ankylosed tooth exhibits good crown and root, if minimal future growth is anticipated (minimal future eruption of normal adjacent teeth/minimal worsening of the step), and if the patient can cleanse the ankylosed tooth, then you could consider maintaining the ankylosed tooth. Note: you may wish to place an occlusal composite buildup on the ankylosed tooth to prevent the permanent first molar from tipping over it and to prevent teeth in the opposing arch from super‐erupting.
- Q: Can ankylosed mandibular primary second molars be used as anchorage to protract mandibular first permanent molars?
A: Yes, you can hemi‐sect ankylosed primary second molars (Figures 3.42a and 3.42b), extract the distal roots (Figures 3.42c and 3.42d), and use the mesial roots as anchors for permanent molar protraction (Figure 3.42e). Of course, only one‐half of the primary second molar space can be closed this way, and a second surgical procedure is required to remove the primary molars’ mesial roots (unless they resorb). As an alternative option, the primary second molar can be extracted and a temporary anchorage device (TAD) inserted for protraction anchorage.
- Q: Can any ankylosed primary tooth be used as anchorage?
A: Yes. Assuming their roots do not resorb, any ankylosed primary tooth can be used as a TAD. Your biomechanical creativity is the only limit to their usefulness.
- Q: Some authors have suggested early extraction of primary second molars lacking permanent successors – in order to achieve bodily space closure with minimal therapy. However, there exists a danger in performing such early extractions [54, 55]. What is that danger?
A: The danger arises from late tooth germ development. As an example, compare the left and right mandibular second premolar regions in the eight‐year‐old shown below (Figure 3.43a). Compared to development of the mandibular left second premolar, agenesis of the mandibular right second premolar is suspected. However, it would be a mistake to extract the mandibular right primary second molar at this time (to expedite space closure). Why? Look at Figures 3.43b and 3.43c. What do you see? Crown development of the mandibular right second premolar is delayed but beginning to form. The point is this: avoid rushing to extract primary teeth lacking permanent successors. Give teeth time to develop. When in doubt, wait it out.
Figure 3.42 (a–e) Ankylosed mandibular primary second molars without successors can be hemisected for use as anchorage to protract mandibular molars.
- Q: What is “controlled slicing”?
A: Controlled slicing (Figure 3.44) of primary second molars (lacking permanent successors) is a technique used to produce bodily mesial movement of first permanent molars [56]. We are not advocates of this treatment due to the number of operative and surgical procedures required, including surgical hemi‐section of the primary tooth.
- Q: In what cases should you maintain primary second molars lacking successors?
A: Consider maintaining primary second molars in non‐extraction cases (e.g. patients with minimal anterior crowding) where the primary second molars have good crowns, good roots, and good bone.
- Q: If you decide to maintain a retained primary second molar, what treatment options are available for it?
A: Options include:
- Reducing the primary second molar mesiodistal width (~9.9 mm) to the width of a mandibular second premolar (~7 mm). This is termed “slenderizing” (Figures 3.45a–3.45c). It is done with the intent of eventually replacing the primary second molar with an implant crown the size of a second premolar. The reduced primary second molar maintains both mesiodistal space and alveolar process bone [52].
This mesiodistal width reduction also permits the mandibular permanent first molar to be moved mesially into an ideal Class I molar relationship (Figure 3.45b). However, because the primary second molar roots diverge, its roots will resorb as the permanent teeth are brought into contact with them (Figure 3.45c).
- Maintaining the primary tooth intact, and restoring it with a composite (veneer) buildup to prevent super‐eruption of opposing teeth and tipping of adjacent teeth (Figure 3.46a–c) [57].
- Q: Which of these two maintenance options do you recommend: slenderizing the retained primary second molar lacking a successor or leaving the primary second molar intact?
Figure 3.43 Late premolar crown development. (a) When comparing development of this patient’s mandibular left second premolar to the right, agenesis of the right was suspected (b and c). However, the mandibular right second premolar was not missing, its development was merely delayed. It would have been a mistake to extract the mandibular right second primary molar early in order to expedite space closure.
A: We recommend leaving the retained primary second molar intact, not slenderizing it. Why? Although slenderizing creates space for the mandibular first permanent molar to be brought forward into an ideal Class I relationship, slenderizing can initiate root resorption of the primary second molar’s bell‐shaped roots – condeming the primary second molar and forcing future prosthetic replacement.
Leaving the retained primary second molar intact avoids initiating root resorption and increases the likelihood that the primary second molar can be maintained long‐term. The resulting “end‐on” permanent first molar relationship is a small price to pay for leaving the primary second molar intact.
Figure 3.44 (a–d) Controlled slicing is a technique to achieve bodily first permanent molar mesial movement in the presence of retained primary second molars (lacking permanent successors).
Figure 3.45 (a–c) Reducing the mesiodistal width of a primary second molar to the size of a missing mandiublar second premolar, or “slenderizing.”
Figure 3.46 (a) If you keep a retained mandibular primary second molar lacking a successor, then (b) restoring it with a composite veneer buildup can prevent mesial tipping of the first permanent molar over the primary second molar and can prevent super‐eruption of the opposing maxillary teeth. (c) Because of the large mesiodistal width of the retained primary second molar, the permanent first molar will be finished in an “end‐on” relationship (Class II by 2–3 mm) when canines are Class I.
- Q: But if a primary second molar is maintained intact, will it eventually be lost? What does the literature tell us about the longevity of retained primary second molars lacking permanent successors?
A: The literature reveals that:
- In children followed until their mid‐ to late 20s, ~90% of retained primary second molars lacking permanent successors survive [58, 59].
- In adults followed from a mean age of 36 years to a mean age of 49 years, 86% of retained primary second molars lacking permanent successors survive. Further, we discovered that even the primary second molars that were lost survived an average of more than a decade beyond the initial examination, which approximates the lifespan of some prosthetic appliances [60, 61].
- The above findings support the recommendation that if a retained primary second molar has a good crown, root, and bone in a non‐extraction case, maintaining it intact is worthwhile (with a “fallback” plan in case it is eventually lost).
- Q: Again, when do you recommend maintaining an ankylosed primary second molar lacking a permanent successor (step in alveolar bone crest level between anklylosed primary tooth and adjacent teeth)?
A: If the ankylosed primary second molar has good crown and root, if little or no future growth is anticipated, and if the patient can keep it clean, then consider maintaining it (Figure 3.47).
Figure 3.47 Maintaining an ankylosed mandibular primary second molar lacking a successor. Because minimal future growth of this patient was anticipated, because only a small alveolar bone crest step existed between the primary second molar and adjacent permanent teeth, because the patient could readily floss the ankylosed primary second molar, and because the primary second molar exhibited good crown and root, a decision was made to maintain the primary second molar in spite of it being ankylosed.
- Q: Assume that you have a primary tooth lacking a successor that you hope to maintain. Should you band/bond or move the primary tooth?
A: If you can avoid doing so, do not bond the primary tooth, do not band the primary tooth, and do not move the primary tooth (Figure 3.48). Any of these actions increases the likelihood that the primary tooth roots will resorb and your chances of maintaining it will diminish.
- Q: We have focused on retained primary second molars because second premolars are frequently missing. But can similar treatment planning and treatment options be applied to other retained primary teeth lacking permanent successors?
A: Yes. If a patient presents with any retained primary tooth lacking a permanent successor, then you should consider extracting the primary tooth if it is an extraction case and/or if the primary tooth has poor crown, poor root, or poor bone. If a patient presents with a retained primary tooth lacking a permanent successor, then you should consider maintaining the primary tooth if it is a non‐extraction case and the primary tooth has good crown, good root, and good bone. If you maintain it, always have a contingency plan in place for the patient in case the primary tooth is eventually lost.
- Q: A child presents to you in the late mixed dentition with a retained mandibular left primary lateral incisor (lacking a successor) together with a missing mandibular right permanent lateral incisor (Figure 3.49a, magnified view Figure 3.49b). You plan to treat the patient without extracting permanent teeth and with prosthetic replacement of the missing right permanent lateral incisor. Look closely at the mandibular left primary lateral incisor. Would you recommend extracting the mandibular left primary lateral incisor or maintaining it?
Figure 3.48 (a) If you wish to maintain a primary tooth, avoid bonding it, banding it, or moving it – any of which actions could initiate root resorption. (b) To maintain space for the primary tooth trap a closed coil spring along the archwire. Even with the trapped closed coil spring shown here, the primary second molar roots could resorb as Class II elastic force pulls the permanent first molar and primary second molar forward.
Figure 3.49 (a and b) Child in the late mixed dentition with a retained mandibular left primary lateral incisor lacking a successor and missing a mandibular right permanent lateral incisor Because the bone level of the mandibular left primary lateral incisor was poor (enveloping only one half to two thirds of the root), a decision was made to extract it and open space for two prosthetic central incisors (Figure 3.49c). Before and after intraoral photos of the mandibular arch (Figures 3.49d and 3.49e).
A: Close radiographic examination of the retained mandibular left primary lateral incisor reveals a poor bone level, only one half to two thirds of its root is embedded within bone. For this reason, we recommended extracting it. Following extraction, space was created (Figure 3.49c) for a bonded FPD. Intraoral photos (Figures 3.49d and 3.49e) illustrate before and after treatment.
An argument could have been made for maintaining the mandibular left primary lateral incisor, or at least its root (decoronation), in order to maintain the alveolar process bone for as long as possible. If this were done, then the patient would need to be informed that eventual prosthetic replacement (implant, FPD) would be anticipated.
- Q: Consider a more complicated example. A child presents to you with retained mandibular primary second molars, retained maxillary primary lateral incisors, and retained maxillary primary canines. None of the retained primary teeth have successors (Figure 3.50a). For the purpose of this example, assume that the patient would normally be treated as an extraction case (four first premolar teeth extracted). Examining Figure 3.50a closely, would you recommend extracting or maintaining the six retained primary teeth?
A: Start with the mandible. The retained primary second molars have good crowns, poor (resorbed) roots, and good bone levels. Although in a non‐extraction case we might argue for maintaining the mandibular primary second molars in order to maintain bone, extracting these primary teeth makes sense here in order to avoid extracting first premolars.
If we extract the mandibular primary second molars, then the patient and parent must be informed of potential root resorption during space closure. If significant root resorption occurs (as seen on a progress panoramic image made after six to nine months of space closure), then we may need to terminate space closure and treat the remaining space with prostheses.
Now consider the maxilla. Here, we have four retained primary teeth without successors. Their roots and bone levels appear poor, and their long‐term survival is questionable. So, in this extraction case we chose to keep all maxillary premolars and extract the maxillary primary teeth. We extracted maxillary primary canines, substituted maxillary first premolars as canines, and maintained the maxillary primary lateral incisors for as long as possible in order to keep bone. We planned to eventually extract the maxillary primary lateral incisors and replace them with prostheses.
Figure 3.50b is a progress radiograph following extraction of mandibular primary second molars, extraction of maxillary primary canines, fixed appliance placement, leveling and aligning of both arches, and mandibular space closure. Significant mandibular posterior tooth root resorption is noted. The patient and parents were informed of this, and a decision was made to complete treatment as soon as possible. The maxillary primary lateral incisors were very mobile and extracted at deband (Figure 3.50c). Bonded fixed partial dentures were placed to maintain space for eventual implants (Figure 3.50d), and wisdom teeth were extracted.
- Q: Can you suggest “take home pearls” for retained primary teeth lacking permanent successors?
A: “Take home pearls” include the following:
- There are only two options for dealing with retained primary teeth lacking successors. You can either extract the retained primary teeth or you can attempt to maintain them.
- For non‐extraction cases – if the retained primary tooth has a good crown, good root, and good bone, then consider maintaining it for the long term (Figure 3.51). But, be sure to have a contingency plan prepared in case the retained primary tooth is eventually lost.
- Whenever possible, avoid bonding/banding retained primary teeth in order to reduce the risk that their roots will resorb. If you must bond/band retained primary teeth, try to avoid moving them.
- Consider extracting retained primary teeth lacking successors: (i) in extraction cases (e.g. patients with severe anterior crowding); (ii) in instances where caries, crown restoration, periodontal breakdown, or root resorption compromise the primary tooth’s longevity; and (iii) and in instances where ankylosis/infraocclusion disturb occlusal development/bone level.
- Even in non‐extraction cases – if the retained primary tooth does not have a good crown, root, or bone, seriously consider extracting it.
- If you extract a retained primary tooth lacking a successor, then treatment options for the extraction space include not closing the space at all; closing the space partially; closing the space entirely; restoring the extraction space with an implant, fixed partial denture, or removable partial denture; or autotransplanting a tooth donated from another site into the space.
- In patients having significant anticipated future growth, it is prudent to extract ankylosed primary teeth as soon as ankylosis is detected – so that normal vertical crestal bone height of the edentulous site can be achieved.
- If you decide to maintain a retained mandibular primary second molar lacking a successor, then treatment options include reducing the mesiodistal width of the primary second molar to the size of a missing mandibular second premolar (“slenderizing”) with the intent of eventually replacing the narrower primary second molar with an implant; or maintaining the primary tooth intact, and restoring it with a composite (veneer) buildup to prevent super‐eruption of opposing teeth or tipping of adjacent teeth. We recommend the latter option.
- In all orthodontic treatments, always have a “fallback plan” in case your primary plan (e.g. maintaining a primary tooth) fails.
- Q: Let’s finish this section by introducing the concept of early treatment permanent first molar extractions. Suppose a pediatric dentist forwards a panoramic radiograph of a 10‐year‐old girl to you (Figure 3.52). Due to severe decay/severe hypocalcification, he recommends extraction of all four permanent first molars. He hopes that the permanent second molars will erupt to replace the extracted permanent first molars. He asks your opinion. What factors should you consider that will influence your opinion?
Figure 3.50 Radiographs of a patient with six retained primary teeth lacking successors: (a) initial image, (b) progress image, (c) deband image (note the mucous retention cyst in the left maxillary sinus which will be monitored), (d) after placement of bonded maxillary bridges to maintain lateral incisor space until future implants are provided.
A: Extraction of any tooth is a surgical procedure and should never be taken lightly. A decision to extract compromised permanent first molars in a developing occlusion must be arrived at after an exhaustive review of the patient’s circumstances, malocclusion, and the feasibility of successful orthodontic treatment in the future. Key factors in the decision include [62]:
Figure 3.51 Examples of retained primary second molars lacking permanent successors in non‐extraction cases. Because the mandibular primary second molars presented with good crowns, good roots, and good bone levels, decisions were made to maintain the primary second molars with treatment in (a and b) an adolescent, and (c and d) in an adult (21 years of age and 45 years of age, respectively).
- Underlying malocclusion
- Presence and stage of development of second molars
- Potential cooperation of the child with restorative or orthodontic treatment
- Likely future preventive practice within the family
- Fact that spontaneous space closure is more difficult to achieve in the mandible than in the maxilla following first permanent molar extractions [63].
If the pediatric dentist deems the permanent first molars to be non‐restorable and hopeless, then there is no choice. The permanent first molars should be extracted to prevent infection. However, if any of the permanent first molars are questionable, then you should examine the patient, make records, and perform a complete diagnosis and treatment plan. Communication with the pediatric dentist, parents, and child will be of paramount importance. In the case of the girl shown in Figure 3.52, an examination was conducted, discussions held, and a decision was made to remove all permanent first molars except the mandibular left permanent first molar.
- Q: The panoramic image of a 10‐year‐old boy is sent to you by his family dentist (Figure 3.53). The dentist noted severe caries of all four permanent first molars and says, “The boy’s four permanent first molars are hopeless and I need to extract them. But if I extract them, will the second molars (including the ectopically‐erupting mandibular left second molar) erupt into acceptable positions?” How do you respond?
A: Never guarantee the future eruption of any tooth. However, eruption of the boy’s maxillary second molars and mandibular right second molar is likely. The dentist and parents were informed that eruption of the mandibular left second molar would be monitored, that surgical exposure of it may be necessary, and that future comprehensive orthodontic treatment should be anticipated. The dentist first extracted the maxillary right permanent first molar (Figure 3.54) and then the remaining permanent first molars. Fortunately, all four second molars erupted (Figure 3.55).
Figure 3.52 Panoramic image of a 10‐year‐old girl having severe decay/severe hypocalcification of all four permanent molars.
Case Brody
- Q: Brody is 10 years and 9 months old (Figure 3.56). He has been referred to you by his pediatric dentist because his maxillary left central incisor remains unerupted. All other incisors display normal eruption. His PMH, PDH, periodontal evaluation, and TMJ evaluations are WRN. CR = CO. Compile your diagnostic findings and problem list for Brody. Also, state your diagnosis.
Table 3.1 Diagnostic findings and problems list for Brody.
Full face and profile Frontal view
Face is symmetric
Long soft tissue LAFH (soft tissue Glabella – Subnasale < Subnasale – soft tissue Menton)
Lip competence
Lack of eruption of maxillary left central incisorProfile view
Convex profile
Obtuse NLA
Obtuse lip‐chin‐throat angle
Retrusive chin projectionCeph analysis Skeletal
Deficient maxillary anteroposterior position (A‐Point lies behind Nasion‐perpendicular line)
Deficient mandibular anteroposterior position (ANB angle = 2° but maxilla is deficient anteroposteriorly)
Skeletal LAFH WRN (ANS‐Menton/Nasion‐Menton X 100% = 55%)
Mandibular plane angle WRN (FMA = 26°; SNMP = 33°)
Effective bony Pogonion (Pogonion lies ahead of a line extended from Nasion through B‐point)Dental
Maxillary incisor inclination WRN (U1 to SN = 104°)
Proclined mandibular incisor inclination (FMIA = 56°)Radiographs Late mixed dentition
Delayed eruption of maxillary left central incisor
The facial surface of the maxillary left central incisor is prominent in the labial alveolar cortical plate (Figure 3.56d)Intraoral Photos and
ModelsAngle Class II division 1
Iowa Classification: II (2–3mm) X (canine missing) X (canine missing) II (2–3 mm)
OJ ~1 mm
OB 60% (based upon maxillary right central incisor)
Unerupted maxillary left central incisor (open bite)4.0 mm maxillary anterior crowding currently present (difference between space available for unerupted maxillary permanent canines and left central incisor versus their anticipated widths)
2.5 mm maxillary crowding is anticipated if space maintenance is employed
0.0 mm mandibular incisor crowding is currently present
0.6 mm mandibular spacing is anticipated if proper space maintenance is employed
Maxillary and mandibular dental arches are symmetricOther None Diagnosis Class II malocclusion with unerupted maxillary left central incisor Figure 3.53 Panoramic image of a 10‐year‐old boy with hopelessly decayed permanent first molars and ectopic eruption of a mandibular left second molar.
Figure 3.54 Patient shown in Figure 3.53 six months later following extraction of his maxillary right permanent first molar.
Figure 3.55 Patient shown in Figure 3.53 three years later following extraction of all four permanent first molars. All four permanent second molars erupted.
Figure 3.56 Initial records of Brody: (a–c) facial photographs, (d and e) lateral cephalometric radiograph and tracing, (f) pantomograph, (g–k) intraoral photographs, (l–p) models.
- Q: How can Brody have a convex profile and a deficient mandible when his ANB angle is normal (2 degrees)?
A: The answer lies in the fact that both his mandible and maxilla are retrusive. In other words, draw a line vertically down from Nasion (Figure 3.57a, green line) passing perpendicular to FH (blue line). This line is called the Nasion perpendicular line (see Appendix). An ideal maxillary anteroposterior position is one in which A‐Point lies on the Nasion perpendicular line [64, 65].
Brody’s A‐Point lies significantly behind Nasion perpendicular, indicating that his maxilla is deficient anteroposteriorly. With A‐Point being deficient, we cannot use ANB angle to judge mandibular position.
Figure 3.57 Judging mandibular skeletal position when the maxillary anteroposterior position is not ideal. (a) Brody’s maxilla is deficient, as illustrated by the fact that A‐Point lies behind Nasion‐perpendicular line (green line); (b) because Brody’s maxilla is deficient, we cannot use ANB angle to judge his mandibular anteroposterior skeletal position. Instead, we use the angle formed between Nasion‐perpendicular and Nasion‐B Point lines.
Instead, we relate his mandibular position to Nasion perpendicular, measuring the angle formed between Nasion perpendibular and the N‐B line (Figure 3.57b, red line). In Brody’s case, this angle equals 6 degrees, indicating a deficient mandible, which corroborates our clinical impression of a convex profile and retrusive chin position.
- Q: Provide a detailed space analysis for Brody’s maxillary and mandibular arches. How were the 2.5 mm of maxillary arch crowding and 0.6 mm of mandibular arch spacing calculated (if space maintenance is employed)?
Below are space estimates:
Average mesiodistal widths of permanent teeth (mm) [66]:
Maxillary Central Incisor 8.5 Mandibular Central Incisor 5.0 Maxillary Lateral Incisor 6.5 Mandibular Lateral Incisor 5.5 Maxillary Canine 7.5 Mandibular Canine 7.0 Maxillary First Premolar 7.0 Mandibular First Premolar 7.0 Maxillary Second Premolar 7.0 Mandibular Second Premolar 7.0 Maxillary First Molar 10.0 Mandibular First Molar 11.0 Maxillary Second Molar 9.0 Mandibular Second Molar 10.5 Average mesiodistal widths of primary teeth (mm) [66]:
Maxillary Central Incisor 6.5 Mandibular Central Incisor 4.2 Maxillary Lateral Incisor 5.1 Mandibular Lateral Incisor 4.1 Maxillary Canine 7.0 Mandibular Canine 5.0 Maxillary First Molar 7.3 Mandibular First Molar 7.7 Maxillary Second Molar 8.2 Mandibular Second Molar 9.9 Maxillary Arch
- +8.2 mm space available for maxillary right second premolar
- −7.0 mm anticipated width of maxillary right second premolar
- +6.8 mm space available for maxillary right permanent canine
- −7.5 mm anticipated width of maxillary right permanent canine
- +6.8 mm space available for maxillary left permanent central incisor
- −8.5 mm anticipated width of maxillary left central incisor
- +5.9 mm space available for maxillary left permanent canine
- −7.5 mm anticipated width of maxillary left permanent canine
- +7.3 mm width of maxillary left primary first molar
- −7.0 mm anticipated width of maxillary left first premolar
- +1.0 mm space mesial to maxillary left second premolar
Balance = +8.2 mm –7.0 mm + 6.8 mm −7.5 mm +6.8 mm −8.5 mm +5.9mm –7.5 mm +7.3 mm −7.0 mm +1.0 mm = −2.5 mm
Mandibular Arch (since the mandibular right primary first molar is missing, we cannot use right leeway space)
- 0 mm of mandibular anterior crowding
- +20 mm arch perimeter length from mesial of right permanent first molar to mesial of right primary canine
- −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right permanent canine
- −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right first premolar
- −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right second premolar
- +1.6 mm of anticipated left leeway space (1.6 mm/side)
- Balance = 0 mm +20 mm −7.0 mm −7.0 mm −7.0 mm +1.6 mm = +0.6 mm
That is, 2.5 mm of maxillary arch crowding and 0.6 mm of mandibular arch spacing is anticipated following eruption of all permanent teeth (if proper space maintenance is employed).
- Q: What are Brody’s primary problems in each dimension – plus other problems that you must stay focused on?
Table 3.2 Primary problems list for Brody.
AP Angle Class II
Iowa Classification: II (2–3 mm) X X II (2–3 mm)Vertical OB 60% Transverse — Other Unerupted maxillary left central incisor - Q: Are you concerned with the maxillary left central incisor’s lack of eruption? Is the eruption timing of Brody’s other permanent teeth normal?
A: Average ages of permanent tooth eruption (emergence through gingival tissue) are listed below [67]. At ten years and nine months of age, Brody exhibits delayed eruption of his maxillary left central incisor – by almost three years. We should be concerned that it has not erupted.
Eruption of his mandibular permanent canines appears delayed by about one year, but they will erupt soon. Eruption of all other permanent teeth appears to be on‐track.
Maxillary Mandibular Central Incisor 7–8 6–7 Lateral Incisor 8–9 7–8 Canine 11–12 9–10 First Premolar 10–11 10–12 Second Premolar 10–12 11–12 First Molar 6–7 6–7 Second Molar 12–13 11–13 - Q: Can you list possible etiologies for Brody’s maxillary left central incisor’s delayed eruption (open bite)?
A: Possible eruption etiologies include:
- Delayed tooth development – looking at Figure 3.56f, the root apex of the maxillary left central incisor appears to have a more open apex than the right central incisor (delayed development). Although difficult to tell from this radiographic view, if an open apex is suspected, additional periapical radiographs can confirm (or deny) the diagnosis. This was not done.
- Thick keratinized tissue blocking eruption – looking at Figures 3.56h and 3.56j, we feel that a thick band of gingival tissue is present, which could delay eruption.
- Lack of space (tooth impaction) – is probably not the cause. There appears to be a small amount of space (Figure 3.56f) between the mesial of the unerupted maxillary left central incisor crown and the root of the maxillary right central incisor. Furthermore, even though there appears to be inadequate space for the maxillary left central incisor crown to erupt aligned (Figure 3.56j), it could still erupt into a rotated position.
- Tongue interposition habit or digit‐sucking habit – are not likely causes since the maxillary right central incisor erupted normally and since the maxillary left central incisor has not even pierced the gingiva (where a habit could prevent its eruption).
- Temporary open bite occurring after normal exfoliation of the primary left central incisor – is not a likely cause since the pediatric dentist has been concerned with this problem for many months.
- Ankylosis of the maxillary left central incisor – is a possible cause. However, we could not locate previous dental radiographs, so we are unsure whether the maxillary left central incisor has ceased erupting or is simply erupting slowly.
- Premature loss of maxillary left primary central incisor – is a possible cause since scar tissue could have filled in over the permanent incisor crown following premature loss of the primary tooth. However, Brody’s mother states that the maxillary left primary central incisor was not lost early.
- Q: When should Brody’s Class II relationship be addressed? How would you address it?
A: Now is the appropriate time to address Brody’s Class II problem because he is entering the late mixed dentition stage of development. There is no advantage in treating Class II relationships in the early mixed dentition except possibly a reduction in incisal trauma [68–74] (unless the patient shows good statural growth). However, if we wait until all of Brody’s permanent teeth erupt to begin Class II treatment, then we will miss useful jaw growth.
Of the three options for treating a Class II skeletal discrepancy (orthopedics, camouflage, and surgery), orthopedics is the most reasonable option at Brody’s stage of development. Class II skeletal orthopedics consists of either restricting maxillary forward growth (while permitting the mandible to continue growing forward) and/or accelerating mandibular growth. Class II orthopedic options include headgear and functional appliance treatment.
- High‐pull headgears work in growing individuals by restricting maxillary forward growth, distalizing maxillary molars, possibly reducing maxillary corpus descent and maxillary molar eruption, and allowing the mandible to continue growing forward. Cervical‐pull headgears restrict maxillary forward growth, distalize maxillary first molars, create anterior palatal plane downward rotation, and erupt maxillary first molars by less than 1 mm [75–78].
- Class II functional appliances (e.g. Herbst appliance) work in growing individuals by restricting maxillary forward growth, distalizing maxillary posterior teeth, advancing mandibular posterior teeth, accelerating condylar growth, and displacing the glenoid fossae anteriorly. Functional appliances do not enhance mandibular horizontal growth beyond that found in control subjects [79–84].
- Q: Brody has a retrusive maxilla. Why would you recommend applying a headgear force to a maxilla which is already deficient?
A: This is an excellent question. We investigated profile esthetic changes resulting from headgear use in growing Class II patients with protrusive, normal, and retrusive maxillae [85]. Based upon the results of our study, we concluded that in growing Class II patients, headgear treatment in conjunction with fixed orthodontic appliances is effective in improving facial profile esthetics for everyone, including Class II patients with retrusive maxillae.
- Q: Brody has proclined mandibular incisors. Would you recommend Class II functional appliance treatment in patients with proclined mandibular incisors?
A: The answer to this question is based upon the magnitude of the incisor proclination. Mandibular incisor proclination (or uprightness) depends not only upon the angulation of the incisors relative to the mandible itself (IMPA) but also upon the steepness of the mandible plane (MPA), and is reflected in the FMIA angle. An ideal FMIA is approximately 65–68°.
If a skeletal Class II adolescent presents with mild mandibular incisor proclination (e.g. FMIA = 64–60°), then we would look upon Class II functional appliance treatment more favorably than if the adolescent presents with severe incisor proclination (e.g. FMIA = 50–45°). Why? Class II functional appliance treatment will increase mandibular incisor proclination. Since Brody’s FMIA = 56°, in our clinical opinion he is borderline for Class II functional appliance treatment.
- Q: Discuss Brody in the context of three principles applied to every early treatment patient.
A: Principles include:
- The goal of early treatment is to correct developing problems – get the patient back to normal for their stage of development (including preventing complications such as resorption of adjacent tooth roots, reducing later treatment complexity, or eliminating unknowns). Correcting Brody’s unerupted maxillary left permanent central incisor, Class II relationship, and 60% OB would get Brody back on track.
- Early treatment should address very specific problems with a clearly defined end point, usually within six to nine months. Surgical exposure and forced eruption of his maxillary left central incisor could bring it into the arch in less than nine months (assuming that it is not ankylosed). Since he has entered the late mixed dentition stage of development, and since his Class II relationship is mild (2–3 mm), correction of his Class II relationship could probably be completed in less than one year if he cooperated. OB correction could be achieved in less than nine months using fixed orthodontic appliances to level his arches.
- Always ask: Is it necessary that I treat the patient now? What harm will come if I choose to do nothing now? There would be no harm in waiting a year to surgically expose and erupt Brody’s maxillary left central incisor, unless it is ankylosed and a vertical bony defect worsens as adjacent teeth continue to erupt. We anticipate no harm in waiting one year to address Brody’s mild Class II relationship. Finally, since no pain or tissue damage is resulting from his 60% OB, there is no need to address this problem now.
- Q: What unknowns will you face in treating Brody?
A: Unknowns include jaw growth magnitude and direction, the possibility that his maxillary left central incisor is ankylosed, an undetected CR‐CO shift, cooperation, and hygiene.
- Q: Should space maintenance be employed?
A: An LLHA is recommended in order to use the 1.6 mm left leeway space to eliminate the 1 mm anticipated crowding on the right side (+20 mm arch perimeter length from mesial of right permanent first molar to mesial of right primary canine, −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right permanent canine, −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right first premolar, −7.0 mm anticipated width of mandibular right second premolar = −1 mm). A Nance holding arch would be useful in the maxilla unless a headgear or Herbst appliance was employed to retract the maxillary first permanent molars distally.
- Q: What options can you suggest for dealing with his unerupted maxillary left central incisor?
A: Options include:
- Recall (no treatment, monitor only) – reevaluate in six months. This option is reasonable if Brody does not object to having a large space in his smile. If the maxillary left central incisor has not pierced the gingiva in six months, then a radiograph should be made to determine whether it is slowly erupting. If it is erupting, then a decision to continue monitoring would be reasonable. If it is not erupting, then more aggressive treatment should be considered.
- Space regaining – to open approximately 2 mm additional space for the maxillary left central incisor crown (8.5 mm total space, Figure 3.56j) using fixed orthodontic appliances. This option is reasonable while you monitor the central incisor’s eruption.
- Surgical exposure of the maxillary left central incisor’s incisal edge (gingivectomy) – is reasonable in the hope that creating a pathway through the thick gingival band will aid the central incisor’s eruption.
- Surgical exposure of maxillary left central incisor’s entire crown with apically repositioned flap followed by forced orthodontic eruption – would be a viable option once we are certain that the central incisor is not going to erupt spontaneously. If we request surgical expose of the entire crown, then we should ask the surgeon to determine (using gentle elevator luxation) whether the left central incisor is mobile or ankylosed. If it is ankylosed, then a decision must be made either to break the ankylosis and quickly erupt the tooth orthodontically, or to extract it.
Two points should be mentioned regarding apically repositioned flaps with high (very apical) tooth exposures. First, it may be impossible for the surgeon to place a very high apically repositioned flap successfully. Second, as the tooth is erupted, soft tissue will stretch – leading to potential posttreatment intrusion (relapse). In cases of high exposures, it is often best to first erupt the tooth into the arch without an apically repositioned flap and then to request a soft‐tissue grafting procedure later to provide keratinized attached gingival tissue [86, 87].
- Q: What is your recommended treatment? How would you proceed?
A: We banded Brody’s maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars, placed him on a high‐pull headgear which he wore at night and delivered an LLHA. Brody did not care about having the missing maxillary left central incisor space for another six months, and we decided to monitor its eruption.
If it did not erupt, then we would make a new radiograph to determine whether it was erupting slowly. At that time, we also planned to make a decision whether to expose the maxillary left central incisor incisal edge with a laser (removing the thick band of gingiva which we suspected was preventing it from erupting) or to surgically expose the entire crown, determine whether it was ankylosed, and either orthodontically erupt it or extract it.
- Q: During the next six months, Brody corrected his Class II relationship with headgear wear and the maxillary left central incisor’s incisal edge pierced the gingiva. Intraoral photographs (Figure 3.58) were made at the age of eleven years and six months. What do you note? How would you proceed at this time?
A: Brody’s maxillary left central incisor erupted into labioversion. He is Class I, all permanent teeth are nearly erupted, and early treatment is complete. Comprehensive treatment will commence as soon as the remaining permanent teeth are fully erupted. Teeth will be banded/bonded, arches leveled and aligned, and remaining spaces closed.
Figure 3.58 (a–e) Progress photos of Brody.
- Q: Can you suggest “take‐home pearls” regarding Brody’s treatment?
A: “Take‐home pearls” include the following:
- Brody was 10 years and 9 months old when he presented in the late mixed dentition as Class II (2‐3mm) with delayed eruption of the maxillary left permanent central incisor.
- Possible etiologies of this delayed eruption included delayed dental development, thick keratinized gingival tissue blocking/slowing eruption, lack of space (tooth impaction), tongue interposition or digit interposition habit, temporary open bite occurring after normal exfoliation of the primary left central incisor, ankylosis of the maxillary left permanent central incisor, and premature loss of the maxillary left primary central incisor. In retrospect, the etiology was probably thick gingiva covering the incisor or delayed dental development.
- If Brody’s maxillary left incisor had not erupted spontaneously, then our next step would have been to clear a path for it by performing laser gingivectomy of the thick band of gingival tissue at its incisal edge. We have witnessed instances where such a gingivectomy resulted in rapid spontaneous tooth eruption toward the occlusal plane. It gingivectomy was unsuccessful, then we would have performed a full crown surgical exposure of the incisor and attempted orthodontic eruption.
Case Rebecca
- Q: Rebecca is ten years and two months old (Figure 3.59). She is being followed by her general dentist for “delayed eruption of teeth.” Her PMH, PDH, periodontal evaluation, and TMJ evaluations are WRN. CR=CO. Compile your diagnostic findings and problem list for Rebecca. Also, state your diagnosis.
Table 3.3 Diagnostic findings and problems list for Rebecca.
Full face and profile Frontal view
Face is symmetric
Long soft‐tissue LAFH (soft‐tissue Glabella – Subnasale < Subnasale – soft‐tissue Menton)
Lip competence
Missing central incisors in smileProfile view
Relatively straight profile
Obtuse NLA
Chin projection WRN
Lip‐chin‐throat angle WRNCeph analysis Skeletal
Maxillary anteroposterior position WRN (A‐Point lies on Nasion‐perpendicular line)Mandibular anteroposterior position WRN (ANB angle = 3° with maxilla WRN)
Long skeletal LAFH (ANS‐Menton/Nasion‐Menton X 100% = 58%; however, Rebecca is slightly open on her lateral cephalometric radiograph)
Mandibular plane angle WRN (FMA = 27°; SNMP = 33°)
Effective bony Pogonion (Pogonion lies on or ahead of a line extended from Nasion through B‐point)Dental
Proclined maxillary incisor inclination (unerupted maxillary central incisor to SN = 114°)
Proclined mandibular incisor inclination (FMIA = 57°)Radiographs Permanent dentition
Unerupted maxillary right central incisor
Ectopic eruption (possible impaction) of maxillary left central incisorIntraoral photos and models Angle Class I
Iowa Classification: I I I I
OJ ~0 mm (based upon maxillary lateral incisors)
Anterior open bite
Erupting maxillary right central incisor is beginning to pierce the gingivaMissing maxillary left central incisor
OB 10–20% (based upon maxillary lateral incisors)
2 mm of future maxillary arch crowding anticipated (15 mm space currently present but 8.5 mm required for two erupting central incisors)
2.0 mm mandibular incisor crowding currently present
Maxillary right permanent canine facial composite resin over‐contoured (Figure 3.59j)
Maxillary and mandibular dental arches are symmetricOther None Diagnosis Class I malocclusion with anterior open bite due to partially erupted maxillary right central incisor and possibly impacted ectopically erupting maxillary left central incisor - Q: Were we correct in classifying Rebecca’s profile as relatively straight (Figure 3.59c)? Could her profile be classified as mildly convex?
A: This is a good question, and we had difficulty choosing her classification. On the one hand, her profile does curve down and back from her nose and maxillary lip (convex). On the other hand, soft‐tissue Pogonion sits slightly ahead of her zero‐meridian line (vertical line drawn down from soft tissue Nasion and perpendicular to Frankfort horizontal) indicating adequate chin projection. Considering both aspects of her profile, we chose to classify it as relatively straight, especially since her maxillary and mandibular anteroposterior skeletal positions are both normal.
- Q: Is our “A‐Point” location correct?
A: We were forced to estimate where to place A‐Point (Figure 3.59d). Why? A‐Point is the most concave point of the anterior maxilla and should be located approximately 1–2 mm ahead of the maxillary central incisor roots (1–2 mm being the presumed thickness of the alveolar process bone over the central incisor roots). In Rebecca’s cephalometric radiograph, it was difficult to determine this location because of the unerupted central incisors.
- Q: What are Rebecca’s primary problems in each dimension, plus other problems?
Table 3.4 Primary problems list for Rebecca.
AP — Vertical Anterior open bite Transverse — Other Partially erupted maxillary right central incisor
Ectopically erupting (possibly impacted) maxillary left central incisor - Q: The timing of Rebecca’s permanent tooth eruption is unusual (Figure 3.59f). Why?
A: She exhibits both delayed and early eruption. Average ages of permanent tooth eruption (emergence through gingival tissue) are listed below [67]. At 10 years of age, Rebecca exhibits delayed eruption of her maxillary central incisors by at least two years but early eruption of her maxillary canines, maxillary second molars, mandibular second premolars, and mandibular second molars.
Figure 3.59 Initial records of Rebecca: (a–c) facial photographs, (d and e) lateral cephalometric radiograph and tracing, (f) pantomograph, (g–k) intraoral photographs. Note that Rebecca’s posterior teeth are slightly separated in her lateral cephalometric radiograph.
Maxillary Mandibular

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