Basic neuroanatomy and cranial nerves
Nervous tissue General information • Nervous tissue is divided into 2 major cell types: • Neurons • Neuroglial cells (the neuroglia) Neurons • The structural and functional cells in the…
Scalp and muscles of facial expression
Overview and topographic anatomy General information Scalp • The area bordered by the forehead, superior part of the cranium, and occipital area immediately superior to the superior nuchal line •…
Cervical fascia
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • Fascia— a band of connective tissue that surrounds structures (such as enveloping muscles), giving rise to potential tissue spaces and pathways that allow…
Temporal and infratemporal fossae
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • The entire temporal area consists of 2 fossae divided by the zygomatic arch Temporal fossa • Related to the temple of the head…
Questions and answers
Chapter 1 Development of the head and neck 1. Your adult patient has a cleft palate that has been surgically corrected. This was caused by a failure of fusion of…
Lymphatics General overview • The lymphatic system is a major part of the body’s immune system that functions to: • Collect, filter, and return excess interstitial fluid to the venous…
Temporomandibular joint
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articulation between the squamous portion of the temporal bone and the condyle of the mandible • It…
Pterygopalatine fossa
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • The pterygopalatine fossa is a pyramid-shaped fossa on the lateral aspect of the skull between the maxilla’s infratemporal surface and the pterygoid process…
Development of the head and neck
Overview General information • 3 major germ layers form the initial developing embryo: • Ectoderm • Mesoderm • Endoderm • Mesoderm differentiates into: • Paraxial mesoderm • Intermediate mesoderm •…
Muscles of mastication
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • Mastication is the process of chewing food in preparation for deglutition (swallowing) and digestion • All muscles of mastication originate on the skull…
Parotid fossa and gland
Overview and topographic anatomy General information • The largest of all the major salivary glands, which weighs approximately 25 g • Responsible for 20% to 25% of saliva formed by…
Genioplasty in Contemporary Orthognathic Surgery
In contemporary orthognathic surgery planning, the genium/chin constitutes an important part that contributes to the maxillofacial profile. The aesthetics of the lower face is affected by the position of the…
Rhinoplasty as an Adjunct to Orthognathic Surgery:
Orthognathic surgery is a well-recognized method to correct dentofacial deformities. The main goal of orthognathic surgery is to improve soft tissue change. Soft tissue changes to the nose have been…
Surgery First and Surgery Early Treatment Approach in Orthognathic Surgery
We have observed a revival of the original Surgery First approach in orthognathic surgery. Fully digital planning and simulation of the surgery has improved the predictability of Surgery First procedures….
Zygoma and Mandibular Angle Reduction
Changing the facial appearance with facial contouring surgery is popular, especially in East Asian countries where a square face is a common chief complaint. Mandibular angle reduction, malar reduction, genioplasty,…