Background and objectives: Unerupted supernumerary teeth, depending on the morphology, number and distribution can give rise to various alterations in the eruption and development of those permanent teeth to which they are related. We aimed to make an epidemiological and descriptive study of the clinical characteristics of patients in Barcelona.
Methods: A descriptive study including 239 supernumerary teeth from 183 healthy paediatric patients between 5 and 19 year old, that have been surgically treated in our service during a 5 years period.
Results: Male patients (120) were more frequently affected than female (63) patients mainly within the central incisors-mesiodens (55.12%), in which predominates conoid morphology. Surgical treatment was done by palatal/lingual extraction (51.30%), with few surgical complications (only 1 case of post-surgical bleeding).
Conclusions: Incidence in supernumerary teeth is higher among male patients (ratio M:F of 1.82:1). They are most frequently located in the maxilla (82%), specifically, in the premaxilla. Most cases presented only one supernumerary tooth and, in multiple cases the premolar region is predominant. The conoid shape is the commonest morphology. Surgical extraction, was done by palatal/lingual in 51.30% of the cases, as opposed to the vestibular approach in 43.61%.
Key words : supernumerary teeth; mesiodens; hyperodontia