In the past, creating composite veneers required artistic craftsmanship from the dentist, and the final treatment result depended mostly on their manual skills. Can such veneers be performed repeatedly, and how can their risk of failure be reduced?
Composite veneers
There are many alternative methods of solving esthetic problems rather than porcelain veneers. However, composite restorations have become the most popular and developing trend in recent years. When and in what kind of clinical cases are they a good treatment indication for the patient?
Minimally invasive: Minimal or no preparation
Repairable: Can be easily repaired in the event of chipped veneer/restoration Corrections: It is possible to make corrections after performing the restorations (unlike with cemented porcelain veneers)
Time: Reduction in the number of appointments necessary to implement the esthetic treatment plan: in most cases – up to only one visit required
Restorations are performed in the dental office: No need for complex collaboration with the dental laboratory1–17
Economics: The restorations are definitely cheaper for the patient
Unlike in the case of porcelain veneers, asymmetrical restorations (the possibility of performing one veneer) are an indication for composite veneers. While working with the porcelain, it is recommended to carry out at least two symmetrical veneers simultaneously to achieve a predictable result.
Limitations in performing composite veneers are as follows:
Discolorations: Difficulty in masking the dark color in the event of discoloration
Comprehensive treatment: Difficult when performing complex esthetic treatment (controlling the shape and the color of multiple anterior teeth)
Composite veneers require much attention when it comes to gingival profile and reducing the risk of composite resin excess in the cervical zone, as well as the patient’s awareness about the daily oral hygiene, the use of appropriate toothpaste (with reduced abrasion), and professional repolishing.
Discolored teeth after root canal treatment can be properly bleached internally, thanks to which the reconstruction will be much easier and will not require external masking. It is obvious that discoloration can have a negative impact on the final esthetic result of the restoration.18–21 Internal whitening can be performed using the walking bleach technique, successfully implemented for several decades all over the world, in accordance with the following procedures:
Endo assessment: Condition assessment of the root canal treatment and the periapical tissues; retreatment should be considered in case of an underfilled root canal or periapical lesions
Assessment of tooth structure: Condition assessment of the hard dental tissues, especially the quantity and quality at the cervical level. Lack of appropriate thickness in this part of the tooth and possible cracks with subgingival direction will be a contraindication for internal bleaching
Cleaning the tooth surface from inside the chamber: The labial surface has to be perfectly clean to allow the whitening agent to diffuse effectively toward the labial surface of the tooth (it is recommended to use microabrasion with 27 μm aluminum oxide particles for this purpose, working with appropriate magnification under a microscope)
Creating the barrier: Measure the height of the tooth crown from the labial surface and transfer this length (taking the incisal edge as a reference point) to the tooth chamber; create a barrier within the root canal opening 1 mm below the gingival margin (Fig 10-1a). The barrier should protect the alveolar bone and the gingival attachment from the proximal surfaces, which is why the material should be arch-shaped with more material creating the barrier approximately (Figs 10-1b and 10-1c). What is the best material for the barrier? Unfortunately, it cannot be a composite resin due to the bonding system that would block the dentinal tubules and the diffusion of the whitening agent. Glass-ionomer or traditional phosphate cement remains the best material as they are easy to shape and set rapidly. If it is necessary to use a bur or ultrasonic tip to make adjustments, these two materials are easy to correct.
Make sure that the barrier does not block the dentinal tubules on the labial surface of the tooth crown. If blocking occurs, bleaching will not be effective!
Application of the bleaching agent: The material of choice (when it comes to bleaching after root canal treatment) is 10% sodium perborate mixed with distilled water or 3% hydrogen peroxide. This material can be used only outside the European Union as it is prohibited within the bloc (Annex III of the cosmetics directive 76/768/EEC).22 In the European Union, the material of choice is 10% carbamide peroxide, which is routinely used for vital teeth whitening. The problem in this case is the proper application of the carbamide peroxide in the consistency of the gel, so it remains in contact with the labial surface and allows diffusion of the whitening agent along the dentinal tubules.
Closing the whitening agent in the tooth chamber: After cleaning the whitening agent from the edges of the cavity, a small cotton ball is inserted into the chamber, leaving space for 0.5–1 mm of restorative material, such as RelyX Unicem (3M), which is a self-adhesive cement and shows good retention in such cases. The whitening agent should be left in the tooth chamber for a period of 3–7 days.
Always make sure that the root canal-treated tooth during the bleaching process is eased from the occlusion as a measure to prevent tooth fracture!
Replacing the bleaching agent: Depending on the need, the bleaching agent can be replaced once or twice (in total, the bleaching agent can be maximally inserted into the tooth chamber up to three times). The faster the whitening is performed and the fewer consecutive visits to replace the whitening agent, the lower the risk of any possible fracture or cracking. Apart from the effect of the whitening agent itself, a possible weakening of the hard dental tissues may occur during functions such as biting or chewing since the tooth during bleaching is a kind of empty tube susceptible to fractures. Decreasing this risk by reducing the bleaching time and providing the patient with accurate information about the precautions to be taken in connection with the bleaching process are indicated
Application of calcium hydroxide paste for the next 14 days: This raises the pH level that was disturbed during internal bleaching. In addition, the hard dental tissues need at least 2 weeks after whitening to be able to bond adhesively
Tooth reconstruction with a composite resin: 14–21 days after teeth whitening18–26
Case 1: Discolored non-vital teeth
A female patient presented to the dental office in order to improve the esthetics of discolored teeth 11 and 12 (Figs 10-2a and 10-2b). The placement of four porcelain veneers improved the symmetry of the entire smile, along with diastema closure between the central incisors and resolution of the discoloration problem. However, the patient expected a less invasive solution and an attempt was performed to whiten discolored teeth 11 and 12 internally and obtain composite veneers without preparation.
Step 1: Root canal retreatment
The quality of root canal fillings in teeth 11 and 12 was assessed (Fig 10-2c), and a decision was taken to perform endodontic retreatment. During the treatment, attention was paid to the remnants of the pulp horns of the tooth chamber (a common cause of discoloration) (Fig 10-2d). Retreatment was performed by filling the root canals with thermoplastic condensable gutta-percha (System B, Obtura) (Figs 10-2e and 10-2f).
Step 2: Bleaching the discolored teeth
A glass-ionomer cement barrier was created (Fig 10-2g), and a bleaching agent (Fig 10-2h) – sodium perborate mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide (other bleaching agents must currently be used in the European Union) – was applied into the tooth chamber.
The clinical situation after the first whitening session is shown in Fig 10-2i, and after the second one in Fig 10-2j. Next, impressions were taken for the whitening splint (Fig 10-2k). At the following appointment, while keeping the barrier (Fig 10-2l) and with an open pulp chamber from the palatal surface, “inside-outside” bleaching was performed involving the simultaneous use of the bleaching agent (10% carbamide peroxide) inside and outside for 3 days (Fig 10-2m). The modified whitening splint had special openings on the adjacent teeth (Fig 10-2n) to facilitate the removal of excess bleaching agent (Fig 10-2p), so they would not be whitened accidentally. The final result after whitening is shown in Fig 10-2o.
Step 3: Removal of the old composite restorations and obtaining new restorations
Two weeks after the whitening procedure was completed (for this period, calcium hydroxide was placed into the tooth chamber), the restorative phase could be completed. The teeth were isolated with a rubber dam, and the old composite resin restorations were removed (the rubber dam certainly made this easier) with diamond burs, microabrasion, and a scalpel (Figs 10-2q to 10-2t). The clinical situation immediately before the final restorative phase is presented in Figs 10-2u and 10-2v. After thorough air abrasion and etching with orthophosphoric acid (Fig 10-2w), the bonding system was applied. The inside of the tooth chamber was filled with a very bright opaque flowable composite (Essentia ML, GC) (Fig 10-2x) and a layer of a bright dentin composite (UD1 Micerium) (Fig 10-2y).
Using an enamel layer of composite resin (BF2, Micerium) and the silicone index, the palatal wall was formed (Fig 10-2z) and then, with the matrix bands for premolars (Quickmat Sectional Matrix, Polydentia) placed perpendicularly, the proximal surfaces were created (Fig 10-2aa). In tooth 11, a Class 4 cavity was restored with dentin composite (UD3, Micerium). After that, a veneer matrix was fixed (Unica Anterior, Polydentia) (Figs 10-2bb and 10-2cc), and the inverted U-shaped “frame” was carried out with a flowable composite (G-aenial Universal Flo, GC), and final enamel layer (BF2, Micerium) was applied inside the “frame” (Fig 10-2dd). The shaping of the veneer was performed with the Profin contra-angle handpiece (Figs 10-2ee and 10-2ff) and a diamond bur no. 832-204-012 (Komet Brasseler) in order to achieve symmetry with the adjacent central incisor (Figs 10-2gg and 10-2hh).
When the shape was similar to the symmetrically located tooth, characterization was performed. Vertical lines were drawn with a pencil, corresponding to the vertical grooves of the adjacent tooth, and recreated on the composite veneer using a bur no. 832-204-012 (Figs 10-2ii and 10-2jj). Then, the horizontal lines were drawn and appropriate characterization was performed with the same bur (Figs 10-2kk and 10-2ll). The final result is shown in Fig 10-2mm. Photographs taken on a follow-up visit show the natural integration of composite resin restorations into the patient’s smile and the surrounding hard and soft tissues (Figs 10-2nn to 10-2pp). In the meantime, in order to further improve the esthetics, the diastema was reduced through a composite microrestoration of tooth 21 and internal bleaching of discolored tooth 42.
In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that the bleaching effect can be extremely beneficial, facilitating the composite as a restorative material. This, in turn, allows simpler and faster implementation of an esthetic restoration, which can also be less invasive.
Application of a very bright composite resin in the pulp chamber is important for the future esthetics of the root-filled tooth!
Case 2: Discolored non-vital teeth
A female patient presented to the dental office to improve the shape and the color of tooth 21 (Figs 10-3a to 10-3c). She expected that the tooth’s esthetics would be improved with an all-ceramic crown. A radiograph was taken, revealing that discolored tooth 21 had undergone root canal treatment. A less invasive procedure was planned in the form of internal bleaching and, in the case of a positive result of bleaching, a direct composite restoration was planned.
Step 1: Root canal retreatment
Endodontic retreatment was carried out due to the old root canal endodontic paste (Figs 10-3d and 10-3e), which was not favorable to maintain the bleached color of the tooth in the future (one of the reasons for recurrence of the discoloration are the old endodontic pastes containing dyes).
Step 2: Bleaching the discolored tooth
In the next stage, internal bleaching was performed under the procedures described in Case 1, making a barrier (Fig 10-3f), and applying the sodium perborate in three following appointments into the pulp chamber (Fig10-3g). A direct composite resin veneer could be planned since the bleaching gave a positive result (Fig 10-3h). If the whitening procedure had been unsuccessful, the patient should have been offered two indirect veneers on the maxillary central incisors.
Step 3: Replacing the old fillings and a fiberglass post cementation
Two weeks after the bleaching, restorative treatment was carried out. A provisional restoration was performed to simulate the tooth’s final shape, and a silicone index was taken (Fig 10-3i). The teeth were isolated with a rubber dam, all old restorations were removed (Fig 10-3j), and a white fiberglass post was cemented (Ena Post, Micerium) (Figs 10-3k to 10-3o). The reason to cement a fiberglass post was the unstable occlusion in the posterior segment (risk of future anterior overloading) and to enhance the fluorescence effect of the final composite restoration.23
If you have any structural or functional doubts about the anterior root treated tooth and internal bleaching, then cement a fiberglass post.23