I read the article on the treatment of dentinogenic ghost cell tumours (DCGT) by S un et al. with great interest. In the article, S un et al. reached to the conclusion that “Intraosseous DGCT should be treated by resection with an adequate safety margin, of at least 0.5 cm, as recommended for ameloblastoma. Patients with a DGCT should remain in long-term follow-up .”
I have several concerns about the conclusion that was based on the retrospective review at one institution. First, the reliability of the data is questionable due to the fact that this was a retrospective review. The authors could not have clinically assessed the tumour’s origin based on clinical records. Second, this retrospective study contains only seven patients with a variety of co-morbidities and disease states. Therefore, treating surgeons must carefully consider the conclusion presented by these and others when treating patients with a DCGT.
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None declared.