Fig. 4.1 Large MODB pin-retained amalgam restoration. The loss of original occlusal anatomy landmarks and pulp canal space calcification will make this a more challenging tooth to access for root…
Fig. 4.1 Large MODB pin-retained amalgam restoration. The loss of original occlusal anatomy landmarks and pulp canal space calcification will make this a more challenging tooth to access for root…
Fig. 10.1 Anatomic relationship between pulp and periodontium In case of endodontic lesions, the pathway of inflammation is through the apical foramen, furcation canals, and lateral accessory canals to the…
Fig. 6.1 (a) Micro-computed tomography axial section of a tooth with the root canals filled. The material appears in black color and shows a good filling of the root canals….
Fig. 7.1 NaOCl extrusion (Courtesy of Dr. Daniel OTT) 7.2.2 Probable Aetiological Factors 1. Wide apical foramina 2. If the apical constriction is destroyed probably during root canal instrumentation…
Medical/Dental history Past/recent treatment, drugs Chief complaint (if any) How long, symptoms, duration of pain, location, onset, stimuli, relief, referred, medications Clinical exam Facial symmetry, sinus tract, soft tissue, periodontal…
Fig. 2.1 Periapical radiographic images obtained by intraoral solid-state sensors, used for diagnosis, odontometry, and follow-up 2.2 Digital Radiography Digital intraoral receptors have several advantages compared to conventional film-based imaging,…
Fig. 3.1 Indirect view of palate where 4% articaine with 1:80,000 adrenaline was administered. Sloughing following vasoconstrictor induced ischemia is a more likely reason than the anesthetic per se When…
Fig. 11.1 (a, b) Male patient, 70 years old, no systemic problem, strong attrition, secondary dentine formation and calcifications in pulp chamber, and vertical dimensional loss. This sort of clinical…
Poorer prognosis Better prognosis Secondary infection Primary infection Long-standing infection Presence of fistulae No historical or current oral/endodontic communication Lack of coronal seal/insufficient residual tooth structure Sufficient tooth structure…
Fractured instrument (can it be bypassed?) Yes No (consider the location) Continue biomechanical preparation. Do not attempt to remove the fractured part of the instrument Apical third Middle/coronal third …
Fig. 9.1 Gingival recession following intrasulcular incision in the area of maxillary central incisor (PFM crown) Separation of the wound margins may occur within the first week after surgery. This…
Classification SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) Normal <120 and <80 Prehypertension 120–139 or 80–89 Stage 1 hypertension 140–159 or 90–99 Stage 2 hypertension ≥160 ≥100 SBP systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic…