Aims: Identify the variables that may have an implication in the prognosis and complications of panfacial trauma.
Methods: A retrospective revision was done in cases of extended facial fractures that attended the unit of maxillofacial surgery of the Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad, Santiago de Chile in a period of three years. Information was obtained throughout digital clinical histories revision. The following data of the patients was included: gender, age, diagnosis, associated lesions, types of intermaxillar fixation, surgical protocol, delay and complications. The analysis of the data was done through an excel table and statistic software. The bioethical committee of the current hospital accepted this study.
Results: During the period 2007–2010, there were a total of 50 patients that attended the hospital, only 41 were included in this study. The statistic results, correlation and their significance are shown in tables and graphics.
Conclusions: The maxillofacial surgeon must identify the variables that influence the prognosis of the panfacial trauma with the aim of reducing the complications in this kind of patients.
Conflict of interest: None declared.