Procedures in the Assessment and Examination of Patients
Stephen Dunne and Warren Birnbaum
Oral diagnosis, like diagnosis of disease in other parts of the body, is complicated by many factors:
A symptom is defined as any bodily change perceptible to the patient. |
A sign is defined as any bodily change which is perceptible to a trained observer. |
For example, an excruciating pain described by one may be perceived as discomfort by another. Signs and symptoms may be hidden. |
In this way the patient may fail to reveal appropriate details to the dentist and non‐dental causes of oral problems may be missed, despite repeated and adequate questions. |
However, the rarity will occasionally present, and hence the dentist must learn to expect the unexpected. |
For example, patients may underestimate their alcohol, tobacco and sugar consumption, whereas time spent on tooth cleaning may be overestimated. In addition, a history of misuse of drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders or child abuse may not readily be admitted to a dentist. |
For example, the medical history. |
A smart suit, for example, does not confer immunity to high alcohol and tobacco use, or dental neglect. |
The system of diagnosis of disease involves three main elements:
General considerations:
While the experienced clinician will appear to diagnose a problem with minimal attention to peripheral details, this technique may lead the inexperienced clinician to guesswork. Experience is gained by practice in the consideration of all details. Only with experience is it possible to reject those enquiries and investigations irrelevant to the particular patient under consideration. | |
This chaperone should not be a lay person since emergency procedures may need to be followed and equipment operated. |
See Chapter 5. |
Record keeping | |
Neither hide such facts amongst irrelevant details nor omit them. |
Contemporary – written at the time of the appointment. |
The error must remain readable. |
e.g. ‘Medical history’. |
Do not enter any disparaging remarks. |
Establishing rapport | |
The initial patient interview consists of an exchange of both verbal and non‐verbal information. The dentist’s posture and demeanour can do much to enhance or ruin rapport: | |
Not lying flat. |
This may be intimidating. |
Proximity denotes intimacy, whereas excess distance suggests inattentiveness. |
Reference to these, subsequently, establishes personal rapport. |
Otherwise, facial expressions are concealed and speech is muffled. Protective eyewear should be placed on the patient only when the physical examination begins. |
A patient surprised by any action may become frightened, leading to a possible loss of trust. |
A relaxed patient and an attentive, thorough and methodical dentist, in a friendly but professional environment, are the foundations of oral diagnosis.
The History
‘Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis!’ (dia‐gnosis: Greek, ‘through knowledge’).
The history:
In extreme circumstances, questions may be addressed to a parent/guardian/carer. However, it is usually better to persevere with the patient, even if this means asking leading questions, since it is they who are suffering the problem. A third party may apply yet another interpretation of the problem. Here again, it is better to persist with the patient wherever possible, although this is clearly often difficult. |
The history includes three main stages:
Stage 1. The introductory phase.
By greeting with an introductory comment about the weather, the patient’s journey or occupation, or a compliment (but avoid excessive flattery). |
Use plain speech but do not ‘talk down’. A useful ‘rule of thumb’ is to employ only vocabulary that might be found in a popular newspaper. |
This may, or may not, relate to their reason for attendance but may often provide important information. The statement, ‘I’m terrified of dentists but the pain forced me here’ has obvious implications for the patient’s management. |
cf. age‐related diseases: most patients with oral cancer are over 40 years old. |
Difficulty in attendance, fluoridation of local water supply. |
Mobile, daytime and residential. |
Education; socio‐economic status; exposure to sunlight – skin and lip cancer; chef – caries. |
Stage 2. Listening to the patient’s account | Notes: |
The present complaint (CO, Complains Of). This is the reason the patient is seeking care.
Encourage the patient to describe their problem. In general, do not interrupt the patient. Encourage the inarticulate by simple questioning. Direct the ‘talkative’ to more relevant matters. |
Record the complaint in the patient’s own words. | Particularly in medicolegal cases, the patient’s words may be set in inverted commas. |
Stage 3. Structured questioning This is subdivided into five headings:
Open‐ended questions, which do not have simple yes or no answers, allow patients more latitude to express themselves. | |
History of the present complaint (HPC) | |
Is it getting worse, better, or staying the same? |
e.g. heat, cold or eating may aggravate toothache. |
e.g. non‐prescription analgesics might relieve mild to moderately severe dental pain. |
Pain is a subjective symptom and unlike an ulcer, there may be nothing to assess visually. The history is, therefore, of paramount importance. |
Suggestible patients may agree to symptoms they did not know they had! Thus, do not ask ‘Do you experience pain with hot and cold foods?’ Instead, ask ‘What causes the pain to start?’ |
Medical history (abbreviated MH) | |
Hospitalisation often indicates a serious problem. |
May indicate a serious problem or detail information of the patient’s tolerance of an anaesthetic. |
Excessive bleeding, drug reactions etc. |
May indicate a serious problem. |
May suggest the underlying problem. Also, drugs prescribed for dental problems may interact with existing medication. Broad‐spectrum antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, for example, and a barrier method of contraception should be advised. |
May indicate bleeding tendency. |
Blood‐borne viruses, etc. |
Risk of delayed drug metabolism, bleeding problem. |
Risk of angina/heart attack, general anaesthetic risk. |
Risk of stroke or cardiac arrest. |
General anaesthetic risk. |
Risk of cross‐infection. |
More susceptible to infection, periodontal disease, risk of collapse if blood sugar falls, general anaesthetic risk. |
Risk of seizure |
Females only! |
Adverse reaction to drugs, general anaesthetic risk. |
Risk of allergic reaction including anaphylactic shock. |
Adverse drug reaction. |
Adverse drug reaction. |
General ‘catch all’. |
e.g. anticoagulants, heart attack, etc. |
A medical examination may be required for patients undergoing general anaesthesia or sedation and patients with a positive history about to undergo extensive treatment under local anaesthesia. | |
Previous dental history (DH) | |
Ask the following questions: | |
Motivation, likely future attendance. |
May hint at the present problem. |
May indicate good motivation. |
Anxiety, health problem. |
Motivation, knowledge of prevention. |
Family history (FH) | |
Social history (SH) | |
The object is to obtain a profile of the patient’s lifestyle, which may exert a major influence on the patient’s dental and general health. Include details of: | |
Vegetarian, high acid content, cariogenicity, etc. |
Anaesthetic risk if sedentary. |
Periodontal disease, acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG), oral cancer, liver cirrhosis, bleeding risk. |
Eating disorders. |
Periodontal disease, anaesthetic risk, ANUG, oral cancer. Alcohol and tobacco use together greatly increase the risk of oral cancer. |
Oral cancer. |
Neglect, stress. |
Tropical diseases. |
Physical/psychological stress. |
Psychosomatic disorders. |
Cross‐infection risk, dental neglect, cardiac risks with cocaine, caries risk with methadone. |
Conclusions | |
The history will often suggest a provisional diagnosis or at the least, the history will allow a different diagnosis. The provisional or differential diagnosis will be confirmed or rejected by clinical examination and diagnostic tests. | Note: As a ‘rule of thumb’, a patient’s report of alcohol, tobacco, sugar or non‐prescriptive drug use should be doubled for accuracy, while a patient’s estimate of time spent on oral care should be halved! |
The Examination
Clinical examination consists of three main stages:
- Observation of the patient’s general health and appearance.
- Extraoral examination of the head and neck.
- Examination of the intraoral tissues.
- Observation begins as soon as the patient enters the surgery.
- During the examination the clinician elicits signs.
- Like the history, the examination must be thorough and methodical.
Stage 1. General Observation
Note problems such as: | |
Recent weight loss may indicate serious underlying pathology, e.g. cancer. |
Particularly with a general anaesthetic. |
May indicate heart or lung disorder. |
Pallor with anaemia, yellow with jaundice. |
Any obvious lesion which may be visible, e.g. finger clubbing. |
Previous surgery or trauma. |
Stage 2. Extraoral Examination (EO)
1. Head, face and neck | |
Visually examine the face and neck from the front. Look for obvious lumps, defects, skin blemishes, moles, gross facial asymmetry or facial palsy. | Most faces are slightly asymmetric. |
To visually examine the neck, ask the patient to tilt the head back slightly to extend the neck. | Any swelling or other abnormality is clearly seen in this position. Watch the patient swallow; thyroid swellings move on swallowing. |
The patient should then turn the head, still with the neck extended, first to the left and then to the right, to allow visual examination of the submandibular region on each side. | Except in the most obese, swellings of the sublingual glands, the lymph nodes and the submandibular glands will be seen. |
The neck should then be relaxed to allow bilateral examination of the region of the parotid glands. | Note: Unilateral swelling of the parotid salivary glands suggests:
Bilateral swelling of the parotid salivary gland suggests:
2. Eyes (if history suggests) | |
Look for:
Low frequency staring might indicate a psychological problem, or possibly Parkinson’s disease. High frequency may indicate anxiety or dryness of the eyes, e.g. Sjögren’s syndrome. |
Fractured zygoma. |
Tumour of orbit or cavernous sinus thrombosis. |
Hyperthyroidism – Graves’ disease. |
Fractured zygoma or nasal arch. |
Behçet’s disease, mucous membrane pemphigoid. |
Anaemia. |
Rarely osteogenesis imperfecta. |
Jaundice. |
Mucous membrane pemphigoid. |
Sjögren’s syndrome. |
3. Lips | |
Visual examination: note muscle tone. | e.g. drooping of the commissure and inability to purse the lips with Bell’s palsy. |
Any changes in colour or texture, ulceration, patches, herpetic lesions, angular cheilitis. Note also lip competency/incompetency. Bimanual palpation: Palpate for lumps, using thumb and forefinger, one intraoral and the other extraoral. |
4. Lymph nodes | |
Important: a normal lymph node cannot be felt. If a node is palpable it must be abnormal. | |
Lymph node anatomy (Figure 6.1) The lymph nodes of the head and neck are divided into two main groups:

Figure 6.1 Lymphatic drainage of the head.
Circular groups (arranged around base of skull) These are subdivided into outer and inner circular groups: |
Behind the chin, lying on the mylohyoid muscle. |
Between the mandible and the submandibular salivary gland. |
On the buccinator muscle, anterior to the insertion of the masseter muscle. |
On the mastoid process. |
In front of the tragus of the ear. |
Around the occipital artery. |
The circular groups drain into the deep cervical chain. |
Cervical groups | |
Superficial cervical nodes. | Distributed around the external and anterior jugular veins. These drain into the deep cervical chain. |
Deep cervical chain. | Distributed along the internal jugular vein. |
Important named nodes include: | |
Between the angle of the mandible and the anterior border of the sternomastoid muscle. |
Just behind the internal jugular vein, above the inferior belly of omohyoid, under cover of the posterior border of sternomastoid). |
Drainage (see Figure 6.1) | |
Submandibular nodes (unilateral drainage). | These drain the centre of the forehead, frontal and maxillary sinuses, upper lip, external nose, related cheek, upper and lower teeth and gums, anterior two thirds of the tongue (except the tip) and floor of the mouth. The submandibular node, in turn, drains into the jugulo‐omohyoid and jugulodigastric nodes. |
Facial (buccal) nodes. | Drain part of the cheek and lower eyelid. The facial node drains into the deep cervical chain. |
Parotid (pre‐auricular) nodes. | Drain the forehead, temple, vertex, eyelids and orbit. The parotid nodes drain into the superficial cervical and deep cervical chain |
Occipital and mastoid (post‐auricular). | Drain the scalp. |
Retropharyngeal nodes. | Drain the soft palate and drain into the deep cervical chain. |
Submental nodes (drain bilaterally). | Drain the tip of the tongue, lower lip, chin and incisor teeth and gum area. The submental nodes drain to the submandibular nodes or directly into the jugulo‐omohyoid node. |
Jugulo‐omohyoid nodes. | Drain the posterior third of the tongue. |
Clinical examination of the lymph nodes | |
Most lymph nodes should be examined by extraoral, bimanual palpation from behind the patient. | Expose the neck by asking the patient to loosen relevant clothing. Do not extend the neck because sternomastoid must be relaxed. Use the pulp of the finger tips and try to roll the gland against adjacent harder structures. |
Submental. | Tip the head forward and try to roll the node against the inner aspect of the mandible. |
Submandibular. | Same as above but with the patient’s head tipped to the side being examined (Figure 6.2). |
Jugulodigastric. | Move the anterior border of sternomastoid back. |

Figure 6.2 Palpation of submandibular lymph nodes.
Jugulo‐omohyoid. | Move the posterior border of sternomastoid forward. |
If a node is palpable, record the:
Measure using vernier callipers. |
Soft (infective), rubbery hard (possible Hodgkin’s), stony hard (secondary carcinoma). |
Infection. |
May suggest metastatic cancer. |
e.g. tuberculosis. |
Multiple – glandular fever, leukaemia, etc. |
If more than one node is found, refer for examination of the rest of the body for generalised lymphadenopathy and blood tests. | |
Palpable node characteristics | |
Acute infection. | Large, soft, painful, mobile, discrete, rapid onset. |
Chronic infection. | Large, firm, less tender, mobile. |
Lymphoma. | Rubbery hard, matted, painless, multiple. |
Metastatic cancer. | Stony hard, fixed to underlying tissues, painless. |
If a non‐dental cause is suspected, refer urgently for medical assessment. | Suspect metastatic cancer or lymphoma until proven otherwise. |
5. Salivary glands | |
Parotid salivary gland View from the front. The lower part of the ear lobe may be turned outwards if the gland is swollen. Palpate the glands for enlargement or tenderness. |
The gland is located mainly distal to the ascending ramus of the mandible. Occasionally a better view of the parotid gland may be obtained from the back of the patient. |
Submandibular salivary gland Bimanual palpation (Figure 6.3). Use index and middle finger of one hand intraorally and the same fingers of the other hand extraorally. |
Palpate the gland above and below mylohyoid and do not neglect to examine the ducts of the glands for calculi. |

Figure 6.3 Bimanual palpation of the submandibular gland.
6. Examination of articulatory system (if history indicates) | |
Temporomandibular joints (TMJ) Investigate the following:
Range of movement | |
Measure the maximum pain‐free jaw opening, then measure the maximum opening possible, at the central incisor tips. | Identify whether limitation is caused by pain or physical obstruction. Observe any lateral deviation. |
Next, measure the extent of lateral excursion, both pain‐free and forced. Measure from the centre lines. | |
Mandibular movement may be limited by:
TMJ tenderness Use bimanual palpation by pressing over the lateral aspect of the joint. Follow this by intra‐auricular palpation by placing the little fingers into the external auditory meatus and gently pressing forwards (Figure 6.4). |
TMJ sounds Clicks are caused by sudden movement of the disc relative to the condyle. |
Clicks may be early (i.e. in the early part of jaw opening), late (may indicate greater disc displacement and are often louder), reciprocal (on opening and closing), single (usual), multiple (unstable or perforated disc), loud, quiet, painful or not, and may occur with crepitus. |

Figure 6.4 Intra‐auricular palpation of the temporomandibular joint.
Fifty per cent of the population experience clicking during their life. It is usually of limited duration and if not causing problems should remain untreated. | |
Crepitus is a prolonged, continuous, grating or crackling noise. | Crepitus occurs with degenerative diseases and acute inflammation (e.g. after trauma). |
TMJ locking | |
Locking is due to malposition, distortion or perforation of the disc, which allows the condyle to rotate but not translate. | The jaw may open up to 20 mm and then ‘stick’. Rarely, the jaw may open but fail to close easily. |
Dislocation | |
The condyle is displaced over the articular eminence. | This may be caused by trauma (e.g. following a difficult tooth extraction) or, very rarely, on yawning. Bilateral dislocation will cause anterior open bite where none existed previously. Unilateral dislocation will lead to cross bite where none existed previously. |
Muscles of mastication Examine for tenderness: |
Use bimanual palpation, with the finger of one hand intraoral, index and mid finger of the other hand on the cheek. Palpate the origin and insertion. |
Palpate the origin extraorally and insertion intraorally. |
Attempts to palpate behind the maxillary tuberosity are unreliable. Resistance provided by the operator’s hand to attempted lateral excursion by the patient may elicit lateral pterygoid pain, and is a more reliable guide. |

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