Procedures in Oral Medicine
Michael Escudier and Saman Warnakulasuriya
It consists of a list of possible diagnoses. |
Pathognomonic means characteristic for a particular disease. |
Bulla means a large vesicle, similar to a blister, containing serous or seropurulent fluid. |
The selection of the appropriate test is underpinned by the judgement and experience of the clinician. |
Table 14.1 Conditions that may not require biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
Condition | Description |
Geographic tongue | A history of migration of patches and classical appearance of a depapillated patch(es) with a buff‐coloured rim. |
Frictional keratosis and linea alba buccalis | White patch along occlusal line; clear evidence of trauma to the site. |
Leukoderma | Bilateral white/grey appearance of buccal mucosae that disappears on stretching. |
Denture‐induced stomatitis | Red patch covering denture‐bearing zone. |
An amalgam tattoo | Pigmented area in close contact with an amalgam restoration. |
Papillitis; an enlarged lingual tonsil | Posteriorly located on lateral margin of tongue is an anatomical variation. |
Central atrophy of tongue papillae (*median rhomboid glossitis) |
A patch of depapillation of dorsal tongue. |
Reticular lichen planus | Clinical appearance with striae is often sufficient to enable this diagnosis. |
* This term is now obsolete.
Biopsy is the removal of a tissue sample for pathological examination. |
Oral soft tissue lesions often require a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. | Biopsy is also advisable for bone disorders which cannot be diagnosed by radiographic imaging alone. |
Biopsy Techniques | |
A standard biopsy ‘kit’ for the incisional or excisional technique using a knife is shown in Figure 14.1.
The technique should be appropriate for obtaining a tissue diagnosis with minimum discomfort and complications to the patient. | |
Excisional Biopsy | |
Examples include: fibroepithelial polyps, benign squamous papillomas, mucoceles and denture‐induced granulomas. |
Why? At times, unexpected tissue diagnosis may occur requiring revision of the original clinical diagnosis. |
Why? It may result in poor margin clearance, and obliterating the site of the primary lesion may make it difficult for a surgeon to operate at a later time. |
Incisional Biopsy | |
What shape is best? A wedge or an ellipse of tissue from the most representative area taking into consideration the optimal wound closure by suturing the defect. |
When? Bleeding diathesis secondary to anticoagulation, lesions located near vital structures that could be injured (e.g. near the submandibular duct orifice, near the mental nerve exiting at the foramen). |
Why? To avoid any seeding of tumour cells which could adversely affect the future prognosis of the case (Kusukawa et al., 2000). |
Site Selection | |
Why? In a mixed white/red patch consistent with the clinical diagnosis of erythroleukoplakia the red zone may demonstrate by histology a higher grade of dysplasia compared with white (simple keratoses) or even an early carcinoma. |
Why? A suspected squamous carcinoma where its rolled margin extends to ‘normal’ mucosa may show invading islands of malignancy that may be missed in the centre due to the friable nature of an invading carcinoma. |
In such cases a good choice is to use a punch biopsy to take at least two samples. The technique is described later. |
Those with less experience should consult with a senior colleague before selecting the site from which an incisional biopsy is taken. |
Biopsy Procedure and Technique | See Figure 14.2. |
Some anxious individuals may opt for intravenous sedation (Chapter 10) to comply with the procedure. |
Why? The main advantage is bloodless surgery and favourable wound healing. The CO2 laser has been recommended to treat by excision benign oral lesions, e.g. fibromas, papillomas. However, when used for incisional biopsy of leukoplakia or erythroplakias thermal damage to margins may preclude valuable microscopic information and a pulsed char‐free mode is recommended (Suter et al., 2010). |
Why? The pathologist requires a large enough specimen and small biopsies may shrink by a third when immersed in the fixative. The depth is important as superficial oral biopsy samples, particularly when lacking any connective tissue, cannot be interpreted when reporting, e.g granulomatous conditions: granulomas are found often deep in the lamina propria. |
Labial Gland Biopsy | |
Rarely, IgG4‐related disease may be confirmed on the basis of a labial salivary gland biopsy. |
The most commonly used technique (Greenspan et al., 1974) involves a 1.5–2 cm linear incision in the normal lower lip mucosa parallel to the vermillion border, halfway between the vermillion border and the vestibule, and lateral to the midline. Four to six minor salivary glands are harvested and the wound sutured by primary closure with two or three interrupted resorbable sutures without overlapping the mucosal edges. |
The resulting hypoaesthesia may take over a year to resolve. |
Fine‐Needle Aspiration Biopsy | |
The benefit of the technique is that FNAB may avoid the complications incurred during open biopsy at these sites. |
Although FNAB is valuable in these circumstances, it is not as accurate as a tissue sample as architectural context is lost in a cytology preparation and it is not preferred for assessment of lesions accessible or considered safe to perform by a scalpel. |
Punch Biopsy | |
The technique is particularly useful for a palatal biopsy. |
Biopsy of a fresh intact vesicle or bulla is difficult as it ruptures rapidly during a biopsy procedure. Therefore, the site of biopsy for a vesicular–bullous disease should be adjacent to a bulla/ulcer (perilesional) where epithelium is intact. |
Brush Biopsy | |
It allows cytopathological examination to decide on the indication for a knife biopsy and is not an alternative to earlier referred sampling technique by incision biopsy. |
In the USA, the specimens are transferred to Oral CDx laboratories to obtain a computerised report on cellular atypia. A multicentre study in the USA reported good sensitivity of the technique (Sciubba, 1999). |
Sentinel Node Biopsy | |
The first lymph node in a regional draining area that receives lymphatic flow from the tumour is designated the sentinel node. |
This procedure aims to avoid unnecessary treatment to the clinically negative neck by identifying the patients with occult neck disease. |
Showed that SLN biopsy is a valid diagnostic technique to correctly stage regional metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. |
Table 14.2 Selection of biopsy techniques appropriate for the condition and underlying rationale.
Condition | Biopsy type | Rationale | Special considerations |
Leukoplakia Erythroplakia |
Incisional |
Representative sample. Ulcerated red areas – a separate biopsy. |
Persistent new growth or ulcer | Incisional | To exclude/confirm SCC | Include normal marginal tissue Sufficiently deep up to muscle. |
Polyps, warts, mucoceles | Excisional | Treat by excision | Any adjacent vital structures |
Granulomas | Incisional | Diagnosis | Sufficiently deep as granulomatous areas are mostly deep seated. |
Lumps on lip and palate | FNA preferred | Biopsy should be avoided to prevent spillage of tumour | Refer to specialist Head and Neck Unit. |
Pigmented macules | Incisional or excisional | Exclude melanoma | If small may be excised. Avoid vital structures. |
Vesicular‐bullous | Punch | To determine intra‐or subepithelial |
SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

Figure 14.1 Standard biopsy kit.

Figure 14.2 (a) Suture passes through proposed biopsy site. (b) Outline of biopsy. (c) Biopsy freed from underlying tissue. (d) Suture placed close to biopsy site. (e) Biopsy site closed.
Chairside Diagnostic Tests for Mucosal Disease
Toluidine Blue Test | |
The World Dental Federation (FDI) Commission supports the use of toluidine blue in appropriately experienced hands while urging further research on its clinical utility in primary care settings. Although 100% of squamous cell carcinomas are dye positive, close to 75% of oral potentially malignant disorders may stain and in addition many benign conditions also show vital staining. |

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