Plasma Cleaning for Implant Surfaces to Improve Implant Success

Plasma Cleaning for Implant Surfaces to Improve Implant Success

Kameron Farhadi and Georgios E. Romanos

Department of Periodontics & Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA


Osseointegration is the foundation of modern oral implantology. As discovered by Brånemark et al. [1], osseointegration is the process by which surrounding bone becomes fused to a load‐bearing implant. The strength of bone‐to‐implant attachment dictates implant success, as dental implants must be able to withstand masticatory forces whilst remaining mechanically stable. Osseointegration is reminiscent of fracture healing – an injury is made to bony tissue during drilling for implant placement, initiating a phase of wound healing marked by bone remodeling [2]. Insufficient osseointegration can result in fibrous tissue development at the site of implant placement, loosening oral prosthesis, and causing failure [3].

The material composition of dental implants is one of the key determinants of implant success. Pure titanium and Titanium–Aluminum–Vanadium alloy‐based implants are the most common implant materials used in dentistry, although zirconium dioxide and novel ceramic alloys are gaining popularity among implant materials due to esthetic appeal [4]. In a study conducted by Simonis et al. [5], the clinical survival rates of titanium‐based implants 10‐ and 16 years after placement were 89.23 and 82.94%, respectively [5]. Several studies report similar findings, with the long‐term success of titanium‐based implants being widely accepted in oral implantology [68]. In order to increase the success of oral implants, their surface properties can be modified to improve osseointegration and promote bone remodeling at the implant site.

Conventional surface modification methods, such as sandblasting, acid‐etching, and anodization, cause microscale changes to implant topography that increase the surface area and roughness of the implant surface [911]. These modifications lead to more bone deposition and integration of the implant; however, studies have shown a potential correlation between roughened implant surfaces and the maintenance or promotion of peri‐implant diseases, thereby prompting investigation into nanoscale and plasma treatment as substituted or additive surface modification methods for implants [12]. Nanoscale modifications can improve the wettability, bioactivity, and bacterial resistance of implant surfaces using 3D‐laser texturing and biomimetic modification; therefore, researchers suggest that nanoscale modifications should be performed in conjunction to microscale techniques to encourage osseointegration and maintain implant vitality [13].

Plasma is a fundamental state of matter that exists as an ionized gas composed of positive ions, free electrons, molecular particles, and free radicals. Due to its ability to generate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, plasma is thought to be a safe surface modification technique that decontaminates implant surfaces whilst increasing surface hydrophilicity to facilitate protein and cell adhesion for osseointegration []. Plasma treatment has also been found to be bactericidal and non‐damaging, decontaminating implants, and disrupting oral biofilm formation without altering surface topography []. Plasma treatment is thus a safe, non‐toxic method for cleaning implant surfaces and favorable for clinical application over other conventional methods of surface modification. The present study will review plasma treatment for implant surfaces, highlighting the types of plasma, benefits of plasma, and systems of plasma cleaning along with commercially available plasma devices.

Plasma Cleaning

Types of Plasma

There are two main types of plasma for implant surface modification – thermal plasma or atmospheric‐pressure plasma. Thermal, or hot, plasmas have conventionally been used for plasma spraying hydroxyapatite coatings onto implant surfaces, whereas, atmospheric‐pressure, or cold, plasmas have been used to modify implant surface chemistry and increase surface area (Figure 29.1) [17, 18]. The ability of atmospheric‐pressure plasmas to generate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species causes implant surface modification, thereby enhancing its osseointegrative properties.

Compared to thermal plasmas, atmospheric‐pressure plasmas have garnered much attention in the fields of dentistry and biomedicine for their practicality, efficiency, and cost‐effectiveness. Atmospheric‐pressure plasma can drive high‐temperature chemistry at low ambient temperatures while also serving as a suitable benchtop method of implant surface treatment that improves osseointegration immediately prior to insertion [19]. Additionally, atmospheric‐pressure plasma devices do not require the use of vacuum equipment, thus making them more portable and affordable [17]. In contrast, thermal plasmas have limited applications and researchers have argued against its use for treating implant surfaces [20]. It is for these reasons that atmospheric‐pressure plasma has dominated research related to implant surface modification. As a result, the following discussion primarily references studies involving the use of atmospheric‐pressure plasma.

A schematic illustration shows the dental implant with non-thermal plasma, surface treatment of implant with N T P, and placement of the dental implant post implant modification. The N T P increases surface roughness and wettability.

Figure 29.1 Application of non‐thermal (atmospheric pressure) plasma for implant surface modification.

Source: Adapted from Lata et al. [16].


Plasma cleaning is a key method of improving the osseointegrative properties of dental implants. Plasma treatment can refine the implant surface for osseointegration by removing organic matter, increasing hydrophilicity, and eliminating microbial challenges. Plasma treatment is an efficient method of cleansing implant surfaces of organic contamination to promote osseointegration. Bone‐to‐implant contact percentages, representative of osseointegration, are commonly less than ideal, ranging between 52 and 78% ​[21]. These values may be attributed to the biological aging of implant surfaces; that is, organic matter and carbon compounds can accumulate on the surface of implants from atmospheric exposure during the manufacture‐to‐insertion period [22]. Studies have shown that plasma cleaning reduces the amount of carbon compound pollutants on the surface of titanium‐based implants, improving osseointegration and bone response. Using atmospheric‐pressure plasma treatment, Danna et al. [23] noted reduced carbon compounds on the surface and increased titanium and oxygen on pure titanium [23]. Tsujita et al. [24] also observed a decrease in the number of carbon pollutants on the surface of titanium screws that were subject to atmospheric‐pressure plasma treatment [24].

The wettability (or hydrophilicity) of implant surfaces improves the absorption of proteins and cell adherence as well as connective tissue network interaction. The role of surface energy and osteoblast cell adhesion is well defined in the literature – higher surface energy correlates with enhanced osteoblast adhesion and proliferation which modulates bone remodeling and osseointegration – and it is favorable to improve the hydrophilicity of implant surfaces to achieve higher surface energy [2527]. Plasma is capable of conferring hydrophilicity to implant surfaces by modifying the oxide layer, which lies at the interface with the cells of the surrounding tissue, generating reactive species, and thus improving tissue adhesion [15, 28]. Studies from Coelho et al. [19] revealed higher surface hydrophilicity, enhanced cell recruitment, and increased surrounding tissue contact during healing for plasma‐treated titanium implants compared with those that were left untreated [19]. The researchers were also able to observe a higher quantity of bone surrounding roughened plasma‐treated implant surfaces, indicating improved osteoblast adhesion [19]. Duske et al. [15] similarly reported increased hydrophilicity and osteoblast cell attachment to plasma‐treated titanium implant surfaces [15]. The findings from these studies corresponded with current understandings of hydrophilic implant surfaces and cell adhesion reported in the literature [14, 29, 30].

Plasma cleaning of implant surfaces is also an effective method to improve osseointegration whilst disrupting bacterial attachment and aggregation. Titanium and titanium alloy implants that are roughened from sandblasting, grit blasting, and acid‐etching techniques promote bacterial adhesion due to the microscopic pits and grooves that form. These changes to implant surface topography create a crevice for the bacteria to latch onto, ultimately triggering the host‐inflammatory response and increasing the risk for peri‐implant diseases [2, 31]. Plasma treatment can inhibit the attachment of adherent hydrophobic bacteria, like Streptococcus sanguinis, by carbon‐cleaning implant surfaces and producing reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to increase hydrophilicity [32]. The surface energy and chemical properties of implants play a role in facilitating bacterial attachment, that is, materials that have high surface energy generally bind bacteria; however, the hydrophilic or hydrophobic properties of the surface and bacteria dictate attachment to materials with high surface energy [33, 34]. Hydrophobic surfaces bind hydrophobic bacteria rather than hydrophilic bacteria [35]. Interactions between reactive oxygen and nitrogen species from plasma and the implant surface change surface chemistry and topography by improving hydrophilicity and surface energy without altering surface roughness, thus decontaminating the implant, and discouraging further hydrophobic bacterial colonization. In addition to improving the hydrophilicity of the implant surface, the reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated during plasma cleaning can directly modify bacterial membranes and invoke enzyme inhibition, leading to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species accumulation and bacterial cell death [36, 37]. Through decontamination experiments of titanium‐based implant nanonetwork structures, Zeng et al. further demonstrated that plasma treatment could effectively eradicate the biofilm of biofilm‐contaminated implant surfaces while preserving the nanostructure. Taken together, plasma cleaning is one of the best clinically available surface modification methods to sterilize dental implants and improve osseointegration.

Regarding clinical delivery, plasma cleaning is a cost‐effective, non‐toxic, and efficient means of implant surface modification. At atmospheric pressure, plasma can be obtained from plasma torch, transferred arc, corona discharge, dielectric barrier discharge, or plasma jet devices. From an efficiency standpoint, plasma cleaning is a superior method of surface modification for its ability to disrupt oral biofilm formation and simultaneously generate a hydrophilic surface favorable for osseointegration. Commercially, plasma is advantageous due to its portability, low cost, ease of operation, and versatile applications for implant treatment. For instance, atmospheric‐pressure plasma can be used to treat implants prior to insertion or as a therapeutic approach for peri‐implantitis. Zeng et al. report the benefits of a handheld, nonthermal atmospheric‐pressure plasma device that utilizes piezoelectric technology to eliminate oral biofilm and decontaminate implant surfaces in a more environmentally friendly manner than conventional UV and laser surface modification treatments.

Atmospheric‐pressure plasmas have also been found to be more convenient compared to earlier plasma technology, taking advantage of ambient pressure and temperature to drive plasma cleaning instead of low‐pressure, high‐temperature conditions that were previously required [19, 38]. This improves the functionality and usability of atmospheric‐pressure plasma devices, making them capable of use in the operating room prior to implant insertion. Moreover, a study by Berger et al. [39] investigated the benefits of an on‐site benchtop technique of plasma treatment for implants at the time of placement using a dielectric barrier discharge plasma device, reporting improved hydrophilicity, osteoblast adherence, and implant vitality with increased accessibility from using the dielectric barrier discharge device [39]. Atmospheric‐pressure microplasma devices may also prove to be clinically favorable for their portability and potential to generate plasma that increases implant surface energy under safe atmospheric conditions [19].

Atmospheric‐pressure Plasma Systems and Devices for Cleaning Implant Surfaces

Plasma can be generated at atmospheric pressure using electric transferred arcs, corona, discharge, dielectric barrier discharge, and plasma jet systems. In essence, the input of energy from these systems activates a fraction of gas molecules from the atmosphere, turning them into charged particles (electrons and ions) and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species while the remainder remains inert. It is these charged ions that make plasma active and confer its ability to modify implant surfaces. Traditionally, high temperatures (exceeding 3000 °C) are required to drive atmospheric‐pressure plasma generation (e.g. electric transferred arc plasma); however, modern systems (e.g. dielectric barrier discharge and plasma jet) have been able to generate plasma at lower temperatures (50–400 °C). These systems of atmospheric‐pressure plasma generation will be reviewed in this section.

Transferred Arcs

Transferred arc devices have a rather simple apparatus – gas is pumped into a chamber, surrounded by a water‐cooled shield, housing a cylinder‐shaped cathode that generates a transferred arc discharge to an anode workpiece sitting external to the chamber (Figure 29.2). A DC power voltage of up to 200 kW is supplied to the system, energizing the gaseous mixture of air and argon that passes between the cathode and shield and producing an arc that can be sustained between the two electrodes [40]

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