Fig 10-1b The shortened right ramus is confirmed on this 3-D color panoramic reconstruction.A shortened condylar neck is also visualized.
Fig 10-1c A maximum intensity projection (MIP) image of the panoramic reconstruction from Fig 10-1b. The distorted image of the cranium is due to the large-volume machine data.
Fig 10-1d A typical panoramic reconstruction displays the calcified, elongated stylohyoid ligament on the patient’s right side.This can also be seen in the 3-D color panoramic reconstruction in Fig 10-1b. This image shows the shorter right ramus as part of the facial asymmetry, but it is much less graphic than in Fig 10-1b.
Fig 10-1e During radiologic evaluation, a subchondral cyst and subchondral sclerosis were discovered on the left condylar head (arrow). This finding could impact the outcome of the proposed orthognathic surgery.
Fig 10-1f A coronal section from the data volume confirms the condylar changes.
Fig 10-1g The thin slice pseudopanoramic image also confirms the condylar cyst (arrow). This was not visualized on the panoramic reconstruction.
Fig 10-1h This 3-D color reconstruction (20 mm) best reveals the hypoplastic right condyle and neck, yet another component contributing to the facial asymmetry.