Orthodontics for Children with Disabilities
Stella Chaushu1, Yossi Shapira2, and Adrian Becker1
1 Department of Orthodontics, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
2 Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
“Disabilities” is an umbrella term under which a staggering array of diagnoses may be included, from mild learning disabilities to profound intellectual disability; from food allergies to terminal illness; from developmental delays that are transitory to those that are intractable; and from occasional panic attacks to serious psychiatric problems. The designation is useful for garnering needed professional help and services, setting appropriate goals, and gaining understanding for a child and his or her distressed family. This chapter will focus on children with developmental disability involving behavioral problems.
Therapeutic access
Children with behavioral issues do not respond to traditional discipline, nor do they necessarily wish to be subjected to the various procedures they may need to undergo. Their intellectual level may also be inadequate for them to understand the need for compliance in the intricacies of a standard biomechanical apparatus. They require specialized and, often, simplified strategies that are tailored to their specific abilities and disabilities. If these important steps are not considered by the operator, therapeutic access may be impossible to obtain. The clinician needs to be understanding, flexible, and creative.
There are several specific areas in which the child with disabilities will unintentionally obstruct the delivery of treatment (Becker and Shapira, 1996) and this is because he or she typically has shortcomings not usually seen in children without disabilities, such as (Shapira et al., 1999):
- Increased apprehension, reduced understanding, limited tolerance, and short attention span.
- Exaggerated gag reflex (which seems to be a consequence of fear).
- Inability to remain still for any appreciable time, uncontrolled body movements.
- Reduced level of cooperation.
- Drooling.
Under these conditions, simple tasks such as taking radiographs, making dental impressions, and bonding orthodontic brackets become tasks of major proportions. To address these normally modest and routine procedures, behavior modification techniques may need to be employed, with or without specific pharmacological aids, including conscious and deep sedation or general anesthesia.
Over the past 20 years or so, both the absolute number and proportion of persons with disabilities in society have increased (Waldman et al., 2000), despite prenatal diagnostic techniques and the improvement in prenatal identification of congenital anomalies. The main reasons are first that sophisticated medical care, both perinatal and adult, has increased the newborn’s survival rate and overall life expectancy. Second, given the more enlightened attitude of society today, as well as changing social policies and legislation, many more children with disabilities are seen as an integral part of their family, within adoptive families, or in sheltered housing, and are thus far more visible in general, while 40–50 years ago they were largely housed in institutions. This gradual but palpable process of “mainstreaming” has brought about greater awareness and appreciation on the part of the general public.
With these children’s higher public profile, the present‐day affluent society of the Western world has created a general improvement in their quality of life, which expresses itself in an increased demand for esthetics and normal function. The aim is acceptance into society, including the opportunity for employment toward self‐sufficiency. As the direct result, the concern for facial appearance has become an item for discussion among their parents and this has generated a demand for orthodontic treatment (Becker and Shapira, 1996).
In general, the main goals of orthodontics are to improve the alignment and occlusion of the teeth and thus to contribute to one of the more important factors involved in improvement of the facial appearance (Shaw et al., 1980). However, its efficacy is limited and it cannot provide a satisfactory answer for every situation. Individual benefits that are principally associated with patients’ own concept of themselves might have been gained by those patients and these are often strongly influenced by the people around them (Sticker, 1970).
Studies of the effects that dental appearance has on individuals and their surroundings have found it to be extremely important in overall facial esthetics (Lew, 1993). In adverse conditions, dental appearance is a principal focus for teasing and bullying among school children (Shaw et al., 1980), has a significant emotional impact on the individual, and is a factor used in social acceptability and personality judgment by others (Shaw, 1981).
In their everyday life, children with disabilities comprise a group of individuals who depend heavily on their families and others for their welfare. From earlier observations (Oreland et al., 1987), we learn that they have malocclusion that is more frequent, more severe, and more skeletally based than in the general population. Several conditions, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and intellectual disability, exhibit increased prevalence of specific dental features (Cohen and Winer, 1965; Franklin et al., 1996), which can adversely affect function (Proffit et al., 2007). Yet these patients are those least likely to receive orthodontic treatment.
Beneficial but not essential
The pediatric dentist is a medical professional who is ethically bound to treat a patient, in order to eliminate dental disease and to relieve pain, regardless of whether the child is cooperative in the dental chair and/or diligent in his or her routine homecare. At the same time, the medical professional has the responsibility to encourage behavior modification in both these areas. By contrast, orthodontics performed under these adverse conditions is contraindicated, since a successful outcome is doubtful and iatrogenic damage, in the form of caries and gingival inflammation, is likely. Thus, while treatment need is often high and its object beneficial, the relative gain that orthodontics may offer must be set against the damage that it may be complicit in producing. Accordingly, orthodontics must still be considered to be an elective item, to be decided in relation to the prevailing level of oral health and homecare. This is the point where parental involvement will usually be essential.
Motivation and expectation
The motivation for treatment in most of these cases comes from the parents of the child with disabilities, rather than from other medical or dental professionals (Becker et al., 2000). A majority of these children live at home, receiving daily one‐on‐one or two‐on‐one attention from highly motivated parents and siblings, who are often prepared to sacrifice much to improve the child’s well‐being (Becker et al., 2000). Certainly, many of the affected children will be sufficiently aware to believe that treatment is desirable, but there is a deep abyss between their “in principle” agreement and the compliance that will be required when the first clinical steps need to be taken.
The wearing of a simple removable orthodontic appliance, together with maintaining adequate oral hygiene either alone or permitting the parents to do it, may represent the first challenge of accepting responsibility on the part of the child. Children with disabilities are usually positively influenced by praise and compliments from the practitioner, the parent, and those around them when certain functions and stages are completed successfully, and this combines to form an environment that encourages compliance. A marred facial appearance is the principal factor motivating the request for orthodontic treatment among children in general, but for the child with disabilities the request for treatment of the marred appearance will come from the parent. The affected individual is usually completely unaware. Nevertheless, the recognition of poor oral health and function and their improvement must remain parallel aims (Becker et al., 2000).
Pretreatment visits, patient assessment, and future management
For every orthodontic case in routine orthodontic practice, assessment of the patient’s future compliance potential is an essential part of the pretreatment examination, which may usually be completed within a short half‐hour initial visit. In the context of the child with disabilities, this assessment has particular relevance and it may take as many as three, four, or five additional visits to learn what may be expected of the child and the parent. Due to medical conditions that feature hypotony and myopathy, morbidity is high among this group, which means that food debris is not efficiently cleared from the mouth and is commonplace. Manual dexterity is much reduced and inadequate for adeptly wielding a toothbrush, with most subjects practicing no oral hygiene whatsoever. Pretreatment visits are therefore essential and are used for four specific purposes:
- To allay the patient’s anxiety and raise the confidence level in the dental chair.
- To evaluate the existing level of homecare oral hygiene, to point out to both child and parent where it may be lacking.
- To demonstrate how improvement can and must be achieved always with parental supervision, often with active parental participation, as a precondition to acceptance for treatment.
- To assess the level of actual compliance and whether this can be maintained through treatment.
At the first visit, the child and parent are shown the debris surrounding the teeth, the collections of partially masticated food in a high palatal vault, in the cheek area, and elsewhere, together with the accompanying gingival inflammation, and are taught to recognize this situation. In order for the child to reach a level of oral hygiene consistent with the pursuit of orthodontic treatment, it is inevitable that the parent must be the dominant tooth brusher, with the child “finishing off” the exercise to include them in accepting responsibility that will take them through later life. The act of tooth brushing carried out by a parent on a daily basis is itself a potentially helpful exercise, since it familiarizes the child with the insertion of foreign items into the oral cavity, by another individual and in a nonthreatening environment, which helps to overcome apprehension and gagging (Becker and Shapira, 1996). Perhaps the most reliable sign of a good and potentially compliant patient is seen at the visit after oral hygiene instruction has been given and its importance stressed. The patient and parent arrive with an optimistic disposition, having put into practice what they have learned. However, the acid test is not merely to show the dentist clean teeth, which may have been brushed solely on the day of the visit. Rather, it should be to check for resolution of the gingival inflammation, which can only occur with efficient elimination of food debris and biofilm with at least twice‐daily regularity over a sustained period.
Maintenance of adequate oral hygiene among patients receiving orthodontic treatment with removable appliances is obviously easier than for those with fixed appliances. The patient’s teeth and the removable orthodontic appliance may be brushed separately, under more favorable conditions. Those with fixed orthodontic appliances face the additional challenge of plaque removal due to the retentive properties of brackets and other components and, without a parent’s help, they are surely doomed to fail. Orthodontic treatment is often performed on teenagers who might lack motivation and, without long‐term compliance, will inevitably result in caries and gingival inflammation (Petrauskiene et al., 2019).
Despite extensive preventive measures utilized over the years, white spot lesion development in association with orthodontic treatment remains a serious clinical problem. It is difficult to stem the long‐term deterioration of these lesions, even after appliance removal. It was therefore suggested by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD, 2018) and the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD, 2009) that topical fluorides should be used in children considered to be at increased risk for caries development, such as children undergoing orthodontic treatment. Needless to say, the effect of the topical applied fluorides would be much greater when combined with good oral hygiene and the use of fluoride toothpastes. Fluoride varnishes are very effective, easily applied products that enhance remineralization. The varnishes are used as a preventive measure to reduce demineralization of the enamel around the brackets and promote the remineralization of existing carious lesions. Application in the dental office minimizes the need for individual patient compliance with the home use product (Weintraub, 2006). According to the reference manual of the AAPD (2018), the most commonly used agents for professionally applied fluoride treatment are 5% fluoride varnish (22,600 ppm) and acidulated phosphate fluoride (AFP; 1.23% F, 12,300 ppm). A meta‐analysis of 23 clinical trials favors the use of the fluoride varnish (Weyant et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2019). Advantages of fluoride varnishes, especially over other topical fluoride regimens, include protection of enamel in the absence of patient compliance and continuous fluoride release over a long period of time. The application of a fluoride varnish was shown to result in a 44.3% decrease in enamel demineralization in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment (Zabokova‐Bilbilova et al., 2014). Some studies have recommended an application even every 90 days to promote adequate protection (Vivaldi‐Rodrigues et al., 2006).
It should be recognized that most visits for the duration of orthodontic treatment will require the use of behavior management techniques. Sedation and general anesthesia should only be used for essential, lengthy, and involved procedures – perhaps one or two such occurrences during the treatment. For this reason, time invested in pretreatment preparation and critical scrutiny is usually time well spent (Chaushu and Becker, 2000). If the parent–patient “team” is unable to achieve a healthy mouth at home, following a series of visits for prophylaxis, oral hygiene instruction, and caries prevention education, then the orthodontist should refuse to treat at that time and suggest follow‐up to review the status at a much later date. The parent should be encouraged with reassuring departing words, such as “the office door is open to you in the future, but you must be prepared and able to attend to the homecare, with demonstrable and consistently satisfactory results.” The orthodontist cannot afford to rely on the promise of future compliance from a parent anxious to begin treatment. Orthodontic therapy is almost never an emergency situation and the results of adequate oral hygiene are usually clinically apparent within a few weeks.
Children with disabilities require much more time and understanding for progress to be made in treatment and this requirement may exceed the endurance of many otherwise highly productive providers, since it is difficult to rise to the challenge and yet blend it with the smoothly run efficiency of a regular orthodontic office (Waldman et al., 2000; Becker et al., 2001). Sedation or general anesthesia sessions are sometimes needed and it makes sense to take advantage of the clinical access that these modalities provide to address other dental treatment needs, including endodontic, oral surgical, and restorative procedures (Chaushu and Becker, 2000). An orthodontic facility that can accommodate all these specialists and provide a trained anesthetist close at hand is not often to be found outside a hospital‐type setting. Accordingly, the capability of the purely orthodontic practice to successfully manage more than the simplest of cases of this type, in the integrative context, may be limited.
Orthodontic records
Treatment plans are usually the product of the gathering and collation of information contributed from a clinical examination, photographic and radiographic records, cephalometric analysis, digital models or plaster casts, and other aids to diagnosis. Under normal conditions, these records are simply and routinely acquired, in order to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan, before any treatment is commenced. Patient anxiety is commonly translated into an exaggerated gag reflex, making intraoral radiography and impression taking impossible to achieve and causing many orthodontists to raise their hands in despair. In the present (often anxiety‐loaded) environment, these same diagnostic aids may become a major undertaking as alginate‐heaped impression trays, the orthodontist’s gloved fingers, and instruments are introduced into the mouth. When the orthodontist nevertheless persists forcefully to achieve the all‐important goal of collecting these essential records, an objectively successful but badly managed outcome may result in a frightened child for months or years to come. Each of these problems may be overcome very satisfactorily today. Thus, extraoral (panoramic) radiography may usually be employed as a satisfactory alternative to periapical radiographs and the use of an intraoral digital scanner for digital models is an excellent and preferred alternative to alginate impression taking, particularly in the treatment of highly anxious children with disabilities (Christopoulou et al, 2022). The use of such scanners has proven to be as accurate as conventional alginate impressions (Tomita et al., 2018). Furthermore, alginate materials may sometimes have an unpleasant smell/taste, a poor impression must be repeated, and inaccuracy is sometimes seen only after cast pouring.
A standardized lateral or P‐A skull radiograph for cephalometric evaluation requires accurate positioning of the head in the cephalostat and may often be impossible to acquire, because this is dependent on the typically painful head posture‐restraining influence of the ear rods in the external auditory meatus, for the duration of the exposure.
Overall treatment plan
At the conclusion of this important first visit, the new records are studied and a reasoned working treatment plan established. This should start with the simpler and more easily achieved tasks before moving on to those that are more ambitious, on a stage‐by‐stage itemized list of individual aims of the patient’s treatment. In this manner, the treatment may become a confidence‐building series of visits, which should be looked on as an investment for the future dental and wider medical experience of the patient.
Control of adverse behavior during treatment
Orthodontics involves many visits for a variety of different treatment activities and functions, and it must be clear from the outset that, while negative behavior may be overcome with general anesthesia for a one‐time emergency procedure, that cannot be justified at every visit for the implementation of routine procedures. Certainly, for the more anxious child with disabilities, for difficult, exacting, and protracted visits, and for those sessions in which more meticulous intraoral fixed appliance biomechanics is needed, pharmacological assistance will be needed, but this needs to be properly planned and kept to a minimum. This means that the use of “tell–show–do” behavior modification techniques, with positive and negative reinforcement, has to become the modus operandi for the major part of any treatment program, leaving a decision to be made regarding the supplementary modalities required for those procedures that are poorly tolerated (Becker and Shapira, 1996).
A conscious and highly anxious patient can be brought to a relaxed state by pharmacological agents through several routes, including inhalation (nitrous oxide and oxygen), transmucosally (midazolam via nasal drops), orally (chloral hydrate, valium, midazolam), or intravenously (propofol). Through the use of these agents, the patient’s compliance may be assured for the duration of the treatment, increasing the range of procedures that may be performed on the unwilling and apprehensive patient, and even permitting the orthodontist to provide treatment formerly considered impossible. Combinations of these drugs, such as midazolam (anxiolytic, sedative, and amnestic) with nitrous oxide (analgesic and relaxing effects), can produce conscious sedation with virtually no side effects and may be used relatively inexpensively for short procedures (Malamed, 1995). General anesthetic carries with it the accompanying need for short‐term hospitalization, a specialized operating theatre, and preoperative and postoperative care. Nevertheless, until recently it was considered the only answer for the more routine orthodontic procedures in this challenging subsection of the population (Jackson, 1967; Chadwick and Asher‐McDade, 1997).
Several years ago we introduced intravenous deep sedation for the more difficult orthodontic patients as an alternative to general anesthesia, and this has permitted us to increase the uptake of such patients (Chaushu et al., 2002b) without the need for an operating room. The orthodontic clinic is the ideal environment to carry out orthodontic procedures, but it must be properly equipped for sedation, with availability of the services of an anesthetist if sedation is to be performed. The sedation agent used is intravenous propofol, which induces a safe level of sedation very rapidly and is relatively free of side effects. Risk of aspiration and other emergencies is very low and the patient’s vital reflexes are maintained for the duration of the sedation. Intubation is not usually necessary and recovery is very fast. This modality permits short‐ to medium‐duration orthodontic procedures to be undertaken, including collaboration with oral surgeons, pediatric dentists, and endodontists, in the comprehensive treatment of the patient. Intravenous sedation has greatly improved our ability to achieve therapeutic access in these patients and has facilitated the smooth pursuit of treatment on an outpatient basis (Chaushu et al., 2002b).
Special considerations in orthodontics under sedation
Certain precautions are necessary when treating the sedated patient and the most important concern relates to aspiration because of partial or total loss of the patient’s protective reflexes. It is essential to prevent the leakage of water, saliva, blood, debris, or loose orthodontic brackets into the airway, to avoid laryngospasm or tracheal or bronchial infection. Children with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy may have an impaired cough reflex due to their condition and thus are at greater risk. The best way to significantly reduce this palpable danger is to use a rubber dam under these circumstances (Chaushu et al., 2000). When this is impossible, as with impression taking, band fitting, and the cementation of soldered lingual/palatal arches, an oropharyngeal pack is mandatory. Indirect bonding has also been used in these situations and has much to recommend it (Thomas, 1979).
Molar band placement is more difficult when the patient cannot bite on a band‐seating instrument or bite stick, and it is difficult to apply manual pressure, particularly in the mandible, when the anesthetist is trying to hold the jaw forward to increase the size of the airway. However, band cementation requires less critical and less stringent conditions of saliva control than bracket bonding and, wherever possible, should be performed in a separate visit, before the sedation session. If the child with disabilities has been taken patiently through the stages outlined, this is usually possible to achieve and, if so, is of considerable advantage.
Bracket bonding must be as accurate and as perfect as possible to reduce the chances of bond failure later on, as a rebond will be much more difficult. Orthodontists should use the method and materials that they are most comfortable with and have proved to be the most reliable. Aluminum oxide sandblasting is recommended, provided that suitable precautions regarding aspiration are in place. Anti‐sialagogue drugs should be used if needed.
Adapting orthodontics to the child with disabilities
Modifications to orthodontic treatment and the manner in which it is delivered are needed if success is to be achieved with these patients:
- Pragmatic treatment aims. Ideal results are not always achievable because various adverse factors may be present in the particular individual. These include large skeletal discrepancies, high caries incidence, and behavioral limitations, which dictate aiming for more limited goals.
- Record taking. We have already mentioned the problems involved in taking impressions and how these may be circumvented. Intraoral radiographs are often just as difficult to take in these cases when the child is fully conscious, and these too may need to be taken under sedation. On the other hand, extraoral films, such as panoramic radiographs and cephalograms, are usually better tolerated. However, holding the head of a frightened child in a cephalostat, or having him/her sit still in a particular posture for several seconds while the x‐ray tube circles the head, may not be possible and sedation may not be an asset in this situation. Accordingly, diagnosis may have to be made with fewer diagnostic aids, placing greater emphasis on the clinical examination.
- Modular treatment. A problem list should be drawn up and its various components prioritized into modules, beginning with the simpler tasks and progressing to the next, while being prepared to make adaptive alterations that may be needed at each stage.
- Simplified treatment methods include the following:
- Placement of removable appliances is very simple, easily learned, and well tolerated (Becker et al., 2001). Adjustment and activation are made extraorally, which means that the patient’s mouth is not disturbed by the operator’s hands and by the insertion and manipulation of dental instruments. Oral hygiene is considerably easier than with fixed appliances, as discussed earlier, for both parent and child. It is recommended to continue the use of removable appliances to achieve as much as possible before moving on to the fixed appliance stage or, possibly, even to be in the position to occasionally eliminate that (usually important) stage. Care should be taken in the design and construction of the removable appliance to include several retention clasps, so that even the more rebellious child with limited dexterity will have difficulty in removing it, until he or she quickly becomes accustomed to its presence.
- Appliances with a long range of action should be preferred, to increase the time between visits. The use of a removable plate with a headgear cured into the acrylic (Figure 14.1) and worn full time has been found to be very acceptable to these patients (Becker and Shapira, 1996; Becker et al., 2001) and the corrective influence of this en bloc appliance on a severe Class II relationship is often dramatic (Thurow, 1975). It is simple to use, requires few visits for adjustments, and, above all, is extremely safe since, with no detachable parts, it contrasts very favorably with a headgear whose inner arms slot into molar tubes. With its use, fewer premolar extractions are needed and, therefore, there are fewer space‐closing root movements to deal with later.
- When extractions are nevertheless necessary, the Class II relation is more efficiently corrected with this removable integral headgear appliance than with Class II elastics, with which both child and parent are often highly “dexterity challenged.” This means that space closure will need to be effected with intraarch mechanics, which are more appropriately performed by the orthodontist, for more reliable control.
- With the Class II corrected to a Class I relationship, the remainder of the treatment is best carried out with a fixed appliance that offers minimum frictional resistance to sliding mechanics, such as self‐ligating bracket systems. Breakages may occasionally occur, although experience has shown that this is less of a problem than in most other patients, possibly due to the hypotonic facial and masticatory musculature.
- Mechanics may often be simplified by nonroutine extractions and this should certainly be considered in this subgroup of the population, if not among all individuals.
- Placement of removable appliances is very simple, easily learned, and well tolerated (Becker et al., 2001). Adjustment and activation are made extraorally, which means that the patient’s mouth is not disturbed by the operator’s hands and by the insertion and manipulation of dental instruments. Oral hygiene is considerably easier than with fixed appliances, as discussed earlier, for both parent and child. It is recommended to continue the use of removable appliances to achieve as much as possible before moving on to the fixed appliance stage or, possibly, even to be in the position to occasionally eliminate that (usually important) stage. Care should be taken in the design and construction of the removable appliance to include several retention clasps, so that even the more rebellious child with limited dexterity will have difficulty in removing it, until he or she quickly becomes accustomed to its presence.

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