Objectives : Self-adhesive cements represent a new approach in fiber post-cementation. Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of storage in artificial saliva on bond strength of fiber posts luted with three different self-adhesive cements.
Materials and methods : Human incisor roots were prepared as follows: (1) experimental Voco self-adhesive with Rebilda-posts (VO, Voco), (2) RelyX Unicem with RelyX Unicem-posts (RX, 3M ESPE) and (3) MaxCem with Rebilda-posts (MC, Kerr). Bonded specimens were sectioned in 1 mm-thick slabs and either submitted to storage in artificial saliva in incubator at 37 °C for 6 months or retrieved as controls prior to be submitted to push-out bond strength testing.
Results : A significant bond reduction was recorded after storage only for MaxCem. Mean values (MPa) and standard deviations are shown in Table 1 .