Applying the Science of Well‐being
5Applying the Science of Well‐being CHAPTER OVERVIEW Emotional intelligence benefits for dental professionals What are emotions? Measure your level of emotions Science of positive emotions Power of positivity ratio Broaden-and-Build…
Emotional Intelligence – Using Mindfulness
6Emotional Intelligence – Using Mindfulness CHAPTER OVERVIEW Understanding what mindfulness is Benefits of mindfulness for dental professionals Measure your mindfulness levels Neuroscience of mindfulness Mindfulness research Mindfulness and emotions Applying…
Resilient Mindset
8Resilient Mindset CHAPTER OVERVIEW Importance of resilient thinking styles in dentistry Identifying our thinking traps Using cognitive behavioural therapy as a dental professional Developing an optimistic mindset Compassionate mindset Growth…
Work–Life Harmony
11Work–Life Harmony CHAPTER OVERVIEW Psychology of time Measure how you spend your time Nurturing work–life harmony Well‐being, play, and dentistry Social media and digital well‐being. The key is not to…
Mental Health in Dentistry
1Mental Health in Dentistry CHAPTER OVERVIEW Mental health continuum Stressors in dentistry Evolutionary origins of stress Coping styles to stress Burnout and compassion fatigue Preventative interventions Measuring your stress and…