Prescriptions in standard procedure
In ordinary conditions,1 dental implant placement is at low risk of postoperative infection and is not painful. A standard pharmacological protocol is hard to define after dental implant placement, not only because the guidelines are different from country to country, but also because many general and local variables need to be considered. Basically, all the preoperative and postoperative prescriptions aim to reduce surgical discomfort and the risk of infection.
The following medications must be considered after dental implant placement in ordinary conditions (Fig. 45.1):
- anxiolytic premedications
- local antiseptics
- systemic antibiotics
- analgesics
- steroids.
The prescription of these drugs should always take into account the possibility of an allergy to prescribed medicines.
Anxiolytic Premedications
Anxiolytic premedication may prevent an increase of preoperative anxiety levels and may reduce pain levels during dental implant placement but it is often associated with moderate/severe drowsiness in the postoperative period. Many types of anxiolytics, including certain herbs, are available. There is no specific indication for this type of premedication in ordinary conditions, unles/>